from textwrap import dedent from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from django.db import transaction from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from rest_framework import status from openslides.utils.auth import in_some_groups from openslides.utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data from openslides.utils.rest_api import ( DecimalField, GenericViewSet, ListModelMixin, ModelViewSet, Response, RetrieveModelMixin, ValidationError, detail_route, ) from .models import BasePoll class BasePollViewSet(ModelViewSet): valid_update_keys = [ "majority_method", "onehundred_percent_base", "title", "description", ] def check_view_permissions(self): """ the vote view is checked seperately. For all other views manage permissions are required. """ if self.action == "vote": return True else: return self.has_manage_permissions() @transaction.atomic def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) # for analog polls, votes can be given directly when the poll is created # for assignment polls, the options do not exist yet, so the AssignmentRelatedUser ids are needed if "votes" in poll = poll.create_options() self.handle_request_with_votes(request, poll) else: self.perform_create(serializer) headers = self.get_success_headers( return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers ) def perform_create(self, serializer): poll = poll.create_options() @transaction.atomic def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update a poll. """ poll = self.get_object() partial = kwargs.get("partial", False) serializer = self.get_serializer(poll,, partial=partial) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=False) if poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_CREATED: invalid_keys = set(serializer.validated_data.keys()) - set( self.valid_update_keys ) if len(invalid_keys): raise ValidationError( { "detail": dedent( f""" The poll is not in the created state. You can only edit: {', '.join(self.valid_update_keys)}. You provided the invalid keys: {', '.join(invalid_keys)}. """ ) } ) if "votes" in self.handle_request_with_votes(request, poll) return super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) def handle_request_with_votes(self, request, poll): if poll.type != BasePoll.TYPE_ANALOG: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You cannot enter votes for a non-analog poll."} ) vote_data =["votes"] # convert user ids to option ids self.convert_option_data(poll, vote_data) self.validate_vote_data(vote_data, poll, request.user) self.handle_analog_vote(vote_data, poll, request.user) if"publish_immediately"): poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED elif ( poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED ): # only set to finished if not already published poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_FINISHED @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def start(self, request, pk): poll = self.get_object() if poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_CREATED: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Wrong poll state"}) poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_STARTED inform_changed_data(poll.get_votes()) return Response() @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def stop(self, request, pk): poll = self.get_object() # Analog polls could not be stopped; they are stopped when # the results are entered. if poll.type == BasePoll.TYPE_ANALOG: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Analog polls can not be stopped. Please enter votes."} ) if poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_STARTED: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Wrong poll state"}) poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_FINISHED inform_changed_data(poll.get_votes()) inform_changed_data(poll.get_options()) return Response() @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def publish(self, request, pk): poll = self.get_object() if poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_FINISHED: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Wrong poll state"}) poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED inform_changed_data( (vote.user for vote in poll.get_votes().all() if vote.user), final_data=True ) inform_changed_data(poll.get_votes(), final_data=True) inform_changed_data(poll.get_options(), final_data=True) return Response() @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def pseudoanonymize(self, request, pk): poll = self.get_object() if poll.state not in (BasePoll.STATE_FINISHED, BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Pseudoanonymizing can only be done after finishing a poll"} ) if poll.type != BasePoll.TYPE_NAMED: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You can just pseudoanonymize named polls"} ) poll.pseudoanonymize() return Response() @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def reset(self, request, pk): poll = self.get_object() poll.reset() return Response() @detail_route(methods=["POST"]) @transaction.atomic def vote(self, request, pk): """ For motion polls: Just "Y", "N" or "A" (if pollmethod is "YNA") """ poll = self.get_object() if isinstance(request.user, AnonymousUser): self.permission_denied(request) # check permissions based on poll type and handle requests self.assert_can_vote(poll, request) data = self.validate_vote_data(data, poll, request.user) if poll.type == BasePoll.TYPE_ANALOG: self.handle_analog_vote(data, poll, request.user) if"publish_immediately") == "1": poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED else: poll.state = BasePoll.STATE_FINISHED elif poll.type == BasePoll.TYPE_NAMED: self.handle_named_vote(data, poll, request.user) elif poll.type == BasePoll.TYPE_PSEUDOANONYMOUS: self.handle_pseudoanonymous_vote(data, poll, request.user) inform_changed_data(poll) return Response() def assert_can_vote(self, poll, request): """ Raises a permission denied, if the user is not allowed to vote (or has already voted). Adds the user to the voted array, so this needs to be reverted on error! Analog: has to have manage permissions Named & Pseudoanonymous: has to be in a poll group and present """ if poll.type == BasePoll.TYPE_ANALOG: if not self.has_manage_permissions(): self.permission_denied(request) else: if poll.state != BasePoll.STATE_STARTED: raise ValidationError("You can only vote on a started poll.") if not request.user.is_present or not in_some_groups(, list(poll.groups.values_list("pk", flat=True)), exact=True, ): self.permission_denied(request) try: self.add_user_to_voted_array(request.user, poll) inform_changed_data(poll) except IntegrityError: raise ValidationError({"detail": "You have already voted"}) def parse_vote_value(self, obj, key): """ Raises a ValidationError on incorrect values, including None """ if key not in obj: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"The field {key} is required"}) field = DecimalField(min_value=-2, max_digits=15, decimal_places=6) value = field.to_internal_value(obj[key]) if value < 0 and value != -1 and value != -2: raise ValidationError( { "detail": "No fractional negative values allowed, only the special values -1 and -2" } ) return value def convert_option_data(self, poll, data): """ May be overwritten by subclass. Adjusts the option data based on the now existing poll """ pass def add_user_to_voted_array(self, user, poll): """ To be implemented by subclass. Adds the given user to the voted array of the given poll. This operation should be atomic: If the user is already in the array, an IntegrityError must be thrown, otherwise the user must be added. """ raise NotImplementedError() def validate_vote_data(self, data, poll, user): """ To be implemented by subclass. Validates the data according to poll type and method and fields by validated versions. Raises ValidationError on failure """ raise NotImplementedError() def handle_analog_vote(self, data, poll, user): """ To be implemented by subclass. Handles the analog vote. Assumes data is validated """ raise NotImplementedError() def handle_named_vote(self, data, poll, user): """ To be implemented by subclass. Handles the named vote. Assumes data is validated. Needs to manage the voted-array per option. """ raise NotImplementedError() def handle_pseudoanonymous_vote(self, data, poll, user): """ To be implemented by subclass. Handles the pseudoanonymous vote. Assumes data is validated. Needs to check, if the vote is allowed by the voted-array per poll. Needs to add the user to the voted-array. """ raise NotImplementedError() class BaseVoteViewSet(ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, GenericViewSet): pass class BaseOptionViewSet(ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, GenericViewSet): pass