import re from typing import Generator, Type from ..core.config import config from ..core.exceptions import ProjectorException from ..utils.projector import ProjectorElement from .models import Motion, MotionBlock, MotionChangeRecommendation, Workflow class MotionSlide(ProjectorElement): """ Slide definitions for Motion model. """ name = 'motions/motion' def check_data(self): if not Motion.objects.filter(pk=self.config_entry.get('id')).exists(): raise ProjectorException('Motion does not exist.') def get_requirements(self, config_entry): try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=config_entry.get('id')) except Motion.DoesNotExist: # Motion does not exist. Just do nothing. pass else: yield motion yield motion.agenda_item yield motion.state.workflow yield from self.required_motions_for_state_and_recommendation(motion) yield from motion.get_paragraph_based_amendments() for submitter in motion.submitters.all(): yield submitter.user yield from motion.supporters.all() yield from MotionChangeRecommendation.objects.filter(motion_version=motion.get_active_version().id) if motion.parent: yield motion.parent def required_motions_for_state_and_recommendation(self, motion): """ Returns a list of motions needed for the projector, because they are mentioned in additional fieds for the state and recommendation. Keep the motion_syntax syncronized with the MotionStateAndRecommendationParser on the client. """ # get the comments field for state and recommendation motion_syntax = re.compile(r'\[motion:(\d+)\]') fields = config['motions_comments'] state_field_id = None recommendation_field_id = None for id, field in fields.items(): if isinstance(field, dict): if field.get('forState', False): state_field_id = id if field.get('forRecommendation', False): recommendation_field_id = id # extract all mentioned motions from the state and recommendation motion_ids = set() if state_field_id is not None: state_text = motion.comments.get(state_field_id) motion_ids.update([int(id) for id in motion_syntax.findall(state_text)]) if recommendation_field_id is not None: recommendation_text = motion.comments.get(recommendation_field_id) motion_ids.update([int(id) for id in motion_syntax.findall(recommendation_text)]) # return all motions return Motion.objects.filter(pk__in=motion_ids) def get_collection_elements_required_for_this(self, collection_element, config_entry): output = super().get_collection_elements_required_for_this(collection_element, config_entry) # Full update if motion changes because then we may have new # submitters or supporters and therefor need new users. # # Add some logic here if we support live changing of workflows later. # if collection_element.collection_string == Motion.get_collection_string() and == config_entry.get('id'): output.extend(self.get_requirements_as_collection_elements(config_entry)) return output def update_data(self): data = None try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=self.config_entry.get('id')) except Motion.DoesNotExist: # Motion does not exist, so just do nothing. pass else: data = {'agenda_item_id': motion.agenda_item_id} return data class MotionBlockSlide(ProjectorElement): """ Slide definitions for a block of motions (MotionBlock model). """ name = 'motions/motion-block' def check_data(self): if not MotionBlock.objects.filter(pk=self.config_entry.get('id')).exists(): raise ProjectorException('MotionBlock does not exist.') def get_requirements(self, config_entry): try: motion_block = MotionBlock.objects.get(pk=config_entry.get('id')) except MotionBlock.DoesNotExist: # MotionBlock does not exist. Just do nothing. pass else: yield motion_block yield motion_block.agenda_item yield from motion_block.motion_set.all() yield from Workflow.objects.all() def get_collection_elements_required_for_this(self, collection_element, config_entry): output = super().get_collection_elements_required_for_this(collection_element, config_entry) # Send all changed motions to the projector, because it may be appended # or removed from the block. if collection_element.collection_string == Motion.get_collection_string(): output.append(collection_element) return output def update_data(self): data = None try: motion_block = MotionBlock.objects.get(pk=self.config_entry.get('id')) except MotionBlock.DoesNotExist: # MotionBlock does not exist, so just do nothing. pass else: data = {'agenda_item_id': motion_block.agenda_item_id} return data def get_projector_elements() -> Generator[Type[ProjectorElement], None, None]: yield MotionSlide yield MotionBlockSlide