from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.db import transaction from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from openslides.core.config import config from openslides.utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data from openslides.utils.exceptions import OpenSlidesError from openslides.utils.rest_api import ( GenericViewSet, ListModelMixin, Response, RetrieveModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, ValidationError, detail_route, list_route, ) from ..utils.auth import has_perm from .access_permissions import ItemAccessPermissions from .models import Item, Speaker # Viewsets for the REST API class ItemViewSet(ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoint for agenda items. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, destroy, manage_speaker, speak and tree. """ access_permissions = ItemAccessPermissions() queryset = Item.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ('metadata', 'manage_speaker', 'tree'): result = has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_see') # For manage_speaker and tree requests the rest of the check is # done in the specific method. See below. elif self.action in ('partial_update', 'update', 'sort'): result = (has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_see') and has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_see_internal_items') and has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage')) elif self.action in ('speak', 'sort_speakers'): result = (has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_see') and has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage_list_of_speakers')) elif self.action in ('numbering'): result = (has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_see') and has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage')) else: result = False return result def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update all children if the item type has changed. """ old_type = self.get_object().type response = super().update(*args, **kwargs) # Update all children if the item type has changed. item = self.get_object() if old_type != item.type: items_to_update = [] # Recursively add children to items_to_update. def add_item(item): items_to_update.append(item) for child in item.children.all(): add_item(child) add_item(item) inform_changed_data(items_to_update) return response @detail_route(methods=['POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']) def manage_speaker(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to add users to the list of speakers or remove them. Send POST {'user': } to add a new speaker. Omit data to add yourself. Send DELETE {'speaker': } or DELETE {'speaker': [, , ...]} to remove one or more speakers from the list of speakers. Omit data to remove yourself. Send PATCH {'user': , 'marked': } to mark the speaker. Checks also whether the requesting user can do this. He needs at least the permissions 'agenda.can_see' (see self.check_view_permissions()). In case of adding himself the permission 'agenda.can_be_speaker' is required. In case of adding someone else the permission 'agenda.can_manage' is required. In case of removing someone else 'agenda.can_manage' is required. In case of removing himself no other permission is required. """ # Retrieve item. item = self.get_object() if request.method == 'POST': # Retrieve user_id user_id ='user') # Check permissions and other conditions. Get user instance. if user_id is None: # Add oneself if not has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_be_speaker'): self.permission_denied(request) if item.speaker_list_closed: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('The list of speakers is closed.')}) user = self.request.user else: # Add someone else. if not has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage_list_of_speakers'): self.permission_denied(request) try: user = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=int(user_id)) except (ValueError, get_user_model().DoesNotExist): raise ValidationError({'detail': _('User does not exist.')}) # Try to add the user. This ensurse that a user is not twice in the # list of coming speakers. try: Speaker.objects.add(user, item) except OpenSlidesError as e: raise ValidationError({'detail': str(e)}) message = _('User %s was successfully added to the list of speakers.') % user # Send new speaker via autoupdate because users without permission # to see users may not have it but can get it now. inform_changed_data([user]) # Toggle 'marked' for the speaker elif request.method == 'PATCH': # Check permissions if not has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage_list_of_speakers'): self.permission_denied(request) # Retrieve user_id user_id ='user') try: user = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=int(user_id)) except (ValueError, get_user_model().DoesNotExist): raise ValidationError({'detail': _('User does not exist.')}) marked ='marked') if not isinstance(marked, bool): raise ValidationError({'detail': _('Marked has to be a bool.')}) queryset = Speaker.objects.filter(item=item, user=user) try: # We assume that there aren't multiple entries because this # is forbidden by the Manager's add method. We assume that # there is only one speaker instance or none. speaker = queryset.get() except Speaker.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('The user is not in the list of speakers.')}) else: speaker.marked = marked if speaker.marked: message = _('You are successfully marked the speaker.') else: message = _('You are successfully unmarked the speaker.') else: # request.method == 'DELETE' speaker_ids ='speaker') # Check permissions and other conditions. Get speaker instance. if speaker_ids is None: # Remove oneself queryset = Speaker.objects.filter( item=item, user=self.request.user).exclude(weight=None) try: # We assume that there aren't multiple entries because this # is forbidden by the Manager's add method. We assume that # there is only one speaker instance or none. speaker = queryset.get() except Speaker.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('You are not on the list of speakers.')}) else: speaker.delete() message = _('You are successfully removed from the list of speakers.') else: # Remove someone else. if not has_perm(self.request.user, 'agenda.can_manage_list_of_speakers'): self.permission_denied(request) if type(speaker_ids) is int: speaker_ids = [speaker_ids] deleted_speaker_count = 0 for speaker_id in speaker_ids: try: speaker = Speaker.objects.get(pk=int(speaker_id)) except (ValueError, Speaker.DoesNotExist): pass else: speaker.delete(skip_autoupdate=True) deleted_speaker_name = speaker deleted_speaker_count += 1 # send autoupdate if speakers are deleted if deleted_speaker_count > 0: inform_changed_data(item) if deleted_speaker_count > 1: message = str(deleted_speaker_count) + ' ' + _('speakers have been removed from the list of speakers.') elif deleted_speaker_count == 1: message = _('User %s has been removed from the list of speakers.') % deleted_speaker_name else: message = _('No speakers have been removed from the list of speakers.') # Initiate response. return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['PUT', 'DELETE']) def speak(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to begin and end speech of speakers. Send PUT {'speaker': } to begin speech. Omit data to begin speech of the next speaker. Send DELETE to end speech of current speaker. """ # Retrieve item. item = self.get_object() if request.method == 'PUT': # Retrieve speaker_id speaker_id ='speaker') if speaker_id is None: speaker = item.get_next_speaker() if speaker is None: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('The list of speakers is empty.')}) else: try: speaker = Speaker.objects.get(pk=int(speaker_id)) except (ValueError, Speaker.DoesNotExist): raise ValidationError({'detail': _('Speaker does not exist.')}) speaker.begin_speech() message = _('User is now speaking.') else: # request.method == 'DELETE' try: # We assume that there aren't multiple entries because this # is forbidden by the Model's begin_speech method. We assume that # there is only one speaker instance or none. current_speaker = Speaker.objects.filter(item=item, end_time=None).exclude(begin_time=None).get() except Speaker.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( {'detail': _('There is no one speaking at the moment according to %(item)s.') % {'item': item}}) current_speaker.end_speech() message = _('The speech is finished now.') # Initiate response. return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['POST']) def sort_speakers(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to sort the list of speakers. Expects a list of IDs of the speakers. """ # Retrieve item. item = self.get_object() # Check data speaker_ids ='speakers') if not isinstance(speaker_ids, list): raise ValidationError( {'detail': _('Invalid data.')}) # Get all speakers speakers = {} for speaker in item.speakers.filter(begin_time=None): speakers[] = speaker # Check and sort speakers valid_speakers = [] for speaker_id in speaker_ids: if not isinstance(speaker_id, int) or speakers.get(speaker_id) is None: raise ValidationError( {'detail': _('Invalid data.')}) valid_speakers.append(speakers[speaker_id]) weight = 0 with transaction.atomic(): for speaker in valid_speakers: speaker.weight = weight weight += 1 # send autoupdate inform_changed_data(item) # Initiate response. return Response({'detail': _('List of speakers successfully sorted.')}) @list_route(methods=['post']) def numbering(self, request): """ Auto numbering of the agenda according to the config. Manually added item numbers will be overwritten. """ if not config['agenda_enable_numbering']: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('Numbering of agenda items is deactivated.')}) Item.objects.number_all(numeral_system=config['agenda_numeral_system']) return Response({'detail': _('The agenda has been numbered.')}) @list_route(methods=['post']) def sort(self, request): """ Sort agenda items. Also checks parent field to prevent hierarchical loops. """ nodes ='nodes', []) parent_id ='parent_id') items = [] with transaction.atomic(): for index, node in enumerate(nodes): item = Item.objects.get(pk=node['id']) item.parent_id = parent_id item.weight = index items.append(item) # Now check consistency. TODO: Try to use less DB queries. item = Item.objects.get(pk=node['id']) ancestor = item.parent while ancestor is not None: if ancestor == item: raise ValidationError({'detail': _( 'There must not be a hierarchical loop. Please reload the page.')}) ancestor = ancestor.parent inform_changed_data(items) return Response({'detail': _('The agenda has been sorted.')})