# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import posixpath from urllib import unquote from django.conf import settings from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler as Django_WSGIHandler from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter, SockJSConnection from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.options import parse_command_line from tornado.web import ( Application, FallbackHandler, StaticFileHandler, HTTPError ) from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer class DjangoStaticFileHandler(StaticFileHandler): """Handels static data by using the django finders.""" def initialize(self): """Overwrite some attributes.""" # NOTE: root is never actually used and default_filename is not # supported (must always be None) self.root = u'' self.default_filename = None @classmethod def get_absolute_path(cls, root, path): from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders normalized_path = posixpath.normpath(unquote(path)).lstrip('/') absolute_path = finders.find(normalized_path) return absolute_path def validate_absolute_path(self, root, absolute_path): # differences from base implementation: # - we ignore self.root since our files do not necessarily have # a shared root prefix # - we do not handle self.default_filename (we do not use it and it # does not make much sense here anyway) if absolute_path is None or not os.path.exists(absolute_path): raise HTTPError(404) if not os.path.isfile(absolute_path): raise HTTPError(403, 'The requested resource is not a file.') return absolute_path class ProjectorSocketHandler(SockJSConnection): """ Handels the websocket for the projector. """ waiters = set() def on_open(self, info): ProjectorSocketHandler.waiters.add(self) def on_close(self): ProjectorSocketHandler.waiters.remove(self) @classmethod def send_updates(cls, data): for waiter in cls.waiters: waiter.send(data) def run_tornado(addr, port, reload=False): # Don't try to read the command line args from openslides parse_command_line(args=[]) # Print listening address and port to command line if addr == '': url_string = _("the machine's local ip address") else: url_string = 'http://%s:%s' % (addr, port) print _("Starting OpenSlides' tornado webserver listening to %(url_string)s") % {'url_string': url_string} socket_js_router = SockJSRouter(ProjectorSocketHandler, '/projector/socket') # Start the application app = WSGIContainer(Django_WSGIHandler()) tornado_app = Application(socket_js_router.urls + [ (r"%s(.*)" % settings.STATIC_URL, DjangoStaticFileHandler), (r'%s(.*)' % settings.MEDIA_URL, StaticFileHandler, {'path': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), ('.*', FallbackHandler, dict(fallback=app)) ], debug=reload) server = HTTPServer(tornado_app) server.listen(port=port, address=addr) IOLoop.instance().start()