import { MatTableDataSource, MatTable, MatSnackBar, MatSelectChange } from '@angular/material'; import { ViewChild, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { BaseViewComponent } from './base-view'; import { BaseViewModel } from './base-view-model'; import { NewEntry, ValueLabelCombination, BaseImportService } from 'app/core/ui-services/base-import.service'; import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { getLongPreview, getShortPreview } from 'app/shared/utils/previewStrings'; export abstract class BaseImportListComponent extends BaseViewComponent implements OnInit { /** * The data source for a table. Requires to be initialised with a BaseViewModel */ public dataSource: MatTableDataSource>; /** * Helper function for previews */ public getLongPreview = getLongPreview; /** * Helper function for previews */ public getShortPreview = getShortPreview; /** * Switch that turns true if a file has been selected in the input */ public hasFile = false; /** * Currently selected encoding. Is set and changed by the config's available * encodings and user mat-select input */ public selectedEncoding = 'utf-8'; /** * indicator on which elements to display */ public shown: 'all' | 'error' | 'noerror' = 'all'; /** * The table itself */ @ViewChild(MatTable) protected table: MatTable>; /** * @returns the amount of total item successfully parsed */ public get totalCount(): number { return this.importer && this.hasFile ? : null; } /** * @returns the encodings available and their labels */ public get encodings(): ValueLabelCombination[] { return this.importer.encodings; } /** * @returns the available column separators and their labels */ public get columnSeparators(): ValueLabelCombination[] { return this.importer.columnSeparators; } /** * @eturns the available text separators and their labels */ public get textSeparators(): ValueLabelCombination[] { return this.importer.textSeparators; } /** * @returns the amount of import items that will be imported */ public get newCount(): number { return this.importer && this.hasFile ? : 0; } /** * @returns the number of import items that cannot be imported */ public get nonImportableCount(): number { if (this.importer && this.hasFile) { return this.importer.summary.errors + this.importer.summary.duplicates; } return 0; } /** * @returns the number of import items that have been successfully imported */ public get doneCount(): number { return this.importer && this.hasFile ? this.importer.summary.done : 0; } /** * Constructor. Initializes the table and subscribes to import errors * * @param importer The import service, depending on the implementation * @param titleService A title service * @param translate TranslationService for translating strings * @param matSnackBar MatSnackBar for displaying errors */ public constructor( protected importer: BaseImportService, titleService: Title, translate: TranslateService, matSnackBar: MatSnackBar ) { super(titleService, translate, matSnackBar); this.initTable(); this.importer.errorEvent.subscribe(this.raiseError); } /** * Starts with a clean preview (removing any previously existing import previews) */ public ngOnInit(): void { this.importer.clearPreview(); } /** * Initializes the table */ public initTable(): void { this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(); this.setFilter(); this.importer.getNewEntries().subscribe(newEntries => { = newEntries; this.hasFile = newEntries.length > 0; }); } /** * Returns the table column definition. Fetches all headers from * {@link MotionImportService} and an additional status column * * @returns An array of the columns forming the import header, and an additional 'status' bar on the front */ public getColumnDefinition(): string[] { return ['status'].concat(this.importer.expectedHeader); } /** * triggers the importer's onSelectFile after a file has been chosen */ public onSelectFile(event: any): void { this.importer.onSelectFile(event); } /** * Triggers the importer's import * */ public async doImport(): Promise { await this.importer.doImport(); this.setFilter(); } /** * Updates and manually triggers the filter function. * See {@link hidden} for options * (changed from default mat-table filter) */ public setFilter(): void { this.dataSource.filter = ''; if (this.shown === 'all') { this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (data, filter) => { return true; }; } else if (this.shown === 'noerror') { this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (data, filter) => { if (data.status === 'done') { return true; } else if (data.status !== 'error') { return true; } }; } else if (this.shown === 'error') { this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (data, filter) => { if (data.errors.length || data.duplicates.length) { return true; } return false; }; } this.dataSource.filter = 'X'; // TODO: This is just a bogus non-null string to trigger the filter } /** * Get the appropiate css class for a row according to the import state * * @param row a newEntry object with a current status * @returns a css class name */ public getStateClass(row: NewEntry): string { switch (row.status) { case 'done': return 'import-done import-decided'; case 'error': return 'import-error'; default: return ''; } } /** * Get the icon for the action of the item * @param entry a newEntry object with a current status * @eturn the icon for the action of the item */ public getActionIcon(entry: NewEntry): string { switch (entry.status) { case 'error': // no import possible return 'block'; case 'new': return ''; case 'done': // item has been imported return 'done'; default: // fallback: Error return 'block'; } } /** * A function to trigger the csv example download. */ public abstract downloadCsvExample(): void; /** * Trigger for the column separator selection. * * @param event */ public selectColSep(event: MatSelectChange): void { this.importer.columnSeparator = event.value; this.importer.refreshFile(); } /** * Trigger for the column separator selection * * @param event */ public selectTextSep(event: MatSelectChange): void { this.importer.textSeparator = event.value; this.importer.refreshFile(); } /** * Trigger for the encoding selection * * @param event */ public selectEncoding(event: MatSelectChange): void { this.importer.encoding = event.value; this.importer.refreshFile(); } /** * Returns a descriptive string for an import error * * @param error The short string for the error as listed in the {@lilnk errorList} * @returns a predefined descriptive error string from the importer */ public getVerboseError(error: string): string { return this.importer.verbose(error); } /** * Checks if an error is present in a new entry * * @param row the NewEntry * @param error An error as defined as key of {@link errorList} * @returns true if the error is present in the entry described in the row */ public hasError(row: NewEntry, error: string): boolean { return this.importer.hasError(row, error); } }