Oskar Hahn 78924f966f Get rid of Fabric by creating own scripts
Changed travis to call the tests directly
2014-10-10 18:59:32 +02:00

85 lines
2.5 KiB

import re
from parser import command, argument, call
@argument('module', nargs='?', default='')
@command('test', help='runs the tests')
def test(args=None):
Runs the tests.
module = getattr(args, 'module', '')
return call("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='tests.settings' coverage run "
"./ django test %s" % module)
@argument('--plain', action='store_true')
@command('coverage', help='Runs all tests and builds the coverage html files')
def coverage(args=None, plain=None):
Runs the tests and creates a coverage report.
By default it creates a html report. With the argument --plain, it creates
a plain report and fails under a certain amount of untested lines.
if plain is None:
plain = getattr(args, 'plain', False)
if plain:
return call('coverage report -m --fail-under=80')
return call('coverage html')
@command('check', help='Checks for pep8 errors in openslides and tests')
def check(args=None):
Checks for pep8 and other code styling conventions.
return call('flake8 --max-line-length=150 --statistics openslides tests')
@command('travis', help='Runs the code that travis does')
def travis(args=None):
Runs all commands that travis tests.
return_codes = []
with open('.travis.yml') as f:
script_lines = False
for line in (line.strip() for line in f.readlines()):
if line == 'script:':
script_lines = True
if not script_lines:
match ='"(.*)"', line)
# Retuns True if one command exited with a different statuscode then 1
return bool(list(filter(bool, return_codes)))
@argument('-r', '--requirements', nargs='?',
help='Prints a pip line to install the minimum supported versions of '
'the requirements.')
def min_requirements(args=None):
Prints a pip install command to install the minimal supported versions of a
requirement file.
Uses requirements_production.txt by default.
from pip.req import parse_requirements
def get_lowest_versions(requirements_file):
for line in parse_requirements(requirements_file):
yield '%s==%s' % (line.req.key, line.req.specs[0][1])
print('pip install %s' % ' '.join(get_lowest_versions(args.requirements)))