FinnStutzenstein 754040570d New style for motion agenda title and list of speakers
Improved list of speakers slide title:
- h2 subtitle: use always motion identifier only (like in motion slides)
- h1 title: use always "list of speakers" (long motion title not useful
  if an other projector shows the motion slide with full title
  (identifier is enough)
2018-05-02 13:29:59 +02:00

28 lines
1.1 KiB

<div ng-controller="SlideItemListCtrl" class="content scrollcontent">
<h1 ng-if="!" translate>Agenda</h1>
<h1 ng-if="">{{ rootItem.getTitle() }}</h1>
<div class="agendalist zoomcontent" ng-class="{'spacer-left-lg':}">
<table class="agendalist-table">
<tr ng-repeat="node in tree" ng-include="'projector_agenda_renderer.html'"></tr>
<!-- Nested node template -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="projector_agenda_renderer.html">
<td class="number" ng-if="!node.item.closed">
<p ng-class="{mainitem: node.item.parent_id === null, subitem: node.item.parent_id !== null}">
{{ node.item.item_number }}
<td ng-if="!node.item.closed">
<p ng-class="{mainitem: node.item.parent_id === null, subitem: node.item.parent_id !== null}">
{{ node.item.getProjectorTitle() }}
<table ng-if="node.children.length" class="agendalist-table">
<tr ng-repeat="node in node.children" ng-include="'projector_agenda_renderer.html'"></tr>