FinnStutzenstein 5aef823807 Major cache rewrite:
- Removed the restricted data cache (it wasn't used since OS 3.0)
- unify functions for restricted and full data: Just one function, which
  accteps an optional user_id: If it is None, full data is returned, and
  with a user id given, the restricted data
- More atomic access to redis, especially for:
- Check for data-existance in redis and do an auto-ensure-cache.
- Speedup through hashing of scripts and redis' script cache.
- Save schema version into the redis cache and rebuild, if the version

Client changes:
- Simplified the ConstantsService
- Fixed bug, when receiving an autoupdate with all_data=True from the
2019-08-08 08:35:02 +02:00

105 lines
4.5 KiB

"name": "OpenSlides3-Client",
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