Sean Engelhardt 84a39ccb62 More voting UI improvements
For Motion poll:
- Overworked how motion poll chart displays the legend
- Added the vote counter to the motion detail
- Added a progress bar to the vote counter
- Fixed some perm errors with the chart
- Show a "Singe Votes" link as button for published named polls
- Replace the edit-button with a dot-menu
  - Having project, Edit, PDF and Delete

For Motion Poll detail:
- enhance search panel
- Remove the breadcrumbs
- Remove the vote counter
- Enhanced the single-vote grid, table and filter bar
- Enhance how the poll state enum was checkend

For the Motion Poll Create/Update Form:
- Remove the selection of poll-methode (whenever possible)
- only show "publish imediately" during creation
2020-03-17 07:24:40 +01:00

46 lines
1.4 KiB

# Generated by Finn Stutzenstein on 2019-11-22 11:42
from django.db import migrations
def calculate_aspect_ratios(apps, schema_editor):
Assignes every projector one aspect ratio of the ones, that OS
supported until this migration. If no matching ratio was found, the
default of 16:9 is assigned.
Projector = apps.get_model("core", "Projector")
ratio_environment = 0.05
aspect_ratios = {
4 / 3: (4, 3),
16 / 9: (16, 9),
16 / 10: (16, 10),
30 / 9: (30, 9),
for projector in Projector.objects.all():
projector_ratio = projector.width / projector.height
ratio = (16, 9) # default, if no matching aspect ratio was found.
# Search ratio, that fits to the projector_ratio. Take first one found.
for value, _ratio in aspect_ratios.items():
if (
value >= projector_ratio - ratio_environment
and value <= projector_ratio + ratio_environment
ratio = _ratio
projector.aspect_ratio_numerator = ratio[0]
projector.aspect_ratio_denominator = ratio[1]
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("core", "0026_projector_size_1"),
operations = [