291 lines
16 KiB
291 lines
16 KiB
describe('linenumbering', function () {
var diffService, baseHtml1, baseHtmlDom1, baseHtml2, baseHtmlDom2, baseHtml3, baseHtmlDom3,
brMarkup = function (no) {
return '<br class="os-line-break">' +
'<span class="os-line-number line-number-' + no + '" data-line-number="' + no + '" contenteditable="false"> </span>';
noMarkup = function (no) {
return '<span class="os-line-number line-number-' + no + '" data-line-number="' + no + '" contenteditable="false"> </span>';
beforeEach(inject(function (_diffService_) {
diffService = _diffService_;
baseHtml1 = '<p>' +
noMarkup(1) + 'Line 1 ' + brMarkup(2) + 'Line 2 ' +
brMarkup(3) + 'Line <strong>3<br>' + noMarkup(4) + 'Line 4 ' + brMarkup(5) + 'Line</strong> 5</p>' +
'<ul class="ul-class">' +
'<li class="li-class">' + noMarkup(6) + 'Line 6 ' + brMarkup(7) + 'Line 7' + '</li>' +
'<li class="li-class"><ul>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(8) + 'Level 2 LI 8</li>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(9) + 'Level 2 LI 9</li>' +
'</ul></li>' +
'</ul>' +
'<p>' + noMarkup(10) + 'Line 10 ' + brMarkup(11) + 'Line 11</p>';
baseHtmlDom1 = diffService.htmlToFragment(baseHtml1);
baseHtml2 = '<p>' + noMarkup(1) + 'Single text line</p>\
<p>' + noMarkup(2) + 'sdfsdfsdfsdf dsfsdfsdfdsflkewjrl ksjfl ksdjf klnlkjBavaria ipsum dolor sit amet Biazelt Auffisteign ' + brMarkup(3) + 'Schorsch mim Radl foahn Ohrwaschl Steckerleis wann griagd ma nacha wos z’dringa glacht Mamalad, ' +
brMarkup(4) + 'muass? I bin a woschechta Bayer sowos oamoi und sei und glei wirds no fui lustiga: Jo mei khkhis des ' + brMarkup(5) + 'schee middn ognudelt, Trachtnhuat Biawambn gscheid: Griasd eich midnand etza nix Gwiass woass ma ned ' +
brMarkup(6) + 'owe. Dahoam gscheckate middn Spuiratz des is a gmahde Wiesn. Des is schee so Obazda san da, Haferl ' + brMarkup(7) + 'pfenningguat schoo griasd eich midnand.</p>\
<li>' + noMarkup(8) + 'Auffi Gamsbart nimma de Sepp Ledahosn Ohrwaschl um Godds wujn Wiesn Deandlgwand Mongdratzal! Jo ' + brMarkup(9) + 'leck mi Mamalad i daad mechad?</li>\
<li>' + noMarkup(10) + 'Do nackata Wurscht i hob di narrisch gean, Diandldrahn Deandlgwand vui huift vui woaß?</li>\
<li>' + noMarkup(11) + 'Ned Mamalad auffi i bin a woschechta Bayer greaßt eich nachad, umananda gwiss nia need ' + brMarkup(12) + 'Weiznglasl.</li>\
<li>' + noMarkup(13) + 'Woibbadinga noch da Giasinga Heiwog Biazelt mechad mim Spuiratz, soi zwoa.</li>\
<p>' + noMarkup(14) + 'I waar soweid Blosmusi es nomoi. Broadwurschtbudn des is a gmahde Wiesn Kirwa mogsd a Bussal ' + brMarkup(15) + 'Guglhupf schüds nei. Luja i moan oiwei Baamwach Watschnbaam, wiavui baddscher! Biakriagal a fescha ' +
brMarkup(16) + '1Bua Semmlkneedl iabaroi oba um Godds wujn Ledahosn wui Greichats. Geh um Godds wujn luja heid ' + brMarkup(17) + 'greaßt eich nachad woaß Breihaus eam! De om auf’n Gipfe auf gehds beim Schichtl mehra Baamwach a ' + brMarkup(18) + 'bissal wos gehd ollaweil gscheid:</p>\
<p>' + noMarkup(19) + 'Scheans Schdarmbeaga See i hob di narrisch gean i jo mei is des schee! Nia eam ' + brMarkup(20) + 'hod vasteh i sog ja nix, i red ja bloß sammawiedaguad, umma eana obandeln! Zwoa ' + brMarkup(21) + 'jo mei scheans amoi, san und hoggd Milli barfuaßat gscheit. Foidweg vui huift ' +
brMarkup(22) + 'vui singan, mehra Biakriagal om auf’n Gipfe! Ozapfa sodala Charivari greaßt eich ' + brMarkup(23) + 'nachad Broadwurschtbudn do middn liberalitas Bavariae sowos Leonhardifahrt:</p>\
<p>' + noMarkup(24) + 'Wui helfgod Wiesn, ognudelt schaugn: Dahoam gelbe Rüam Schneid singan wo hi sauba i moan scho aa no ' + brMarkup(25) + 'a Maß a Maß und no a Maß nimma. Is umananda a ganze Hoiwe zwoa, Schneid. Vui huift vui Brodzeid kumm ' +
brMarkup(26) + 'geh naa i daad vo de allerweil, gor. Woaß wia Gams, damischa. A ganze Hoiwe Ohrwaschl Greichats ' + brMarkup(27) + 'iabaroi Prosd Engelgwand nix Reiwadatschi.Weibaleid ognudelt Ledahosn noch da Giasinga Heiwog i daad ' +
brMarkup(28) + 'Almrausch, Ewig und drei Dog nackata wea ko, dea ko. Meidromml Graudwiggal nois dei, nackata. No ' + brMarkup(29) + 'Diandldrahn nix Gwiass woass ma ned hod boarischer: Samma sammawiedaguad wos, i hoam Brodzeid. Jo ' +
brMarkup(30) + 'mei Sepp Gaudi, is ma Wuascht do Hendl Xaver Prosd eana an a bravs. Sauwedda an Brezn, abfieseln.</p>';
baseHtmlDom2 = diffService.htmlToFragment(baseHtml2);
baseHtml3 = '<ol>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(1) + 'Line 1</li>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(2) + 'Line 2</li>' +
'<li><ol>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(3) + 'Line 3.1</li>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(4) + 'Line 3.2</li>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(5) + 'Line 3.3</li>' +
'</ol></li>' +
'<li>' + noMarkup(6) + ' Line 4</li></ol>';
baseHtmlDom3 = diffService.htmlToFragment(baseHtml3);
describe('extraction of lines', function () {
it('locates line number nodes', function() {
var lineNumberNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 4);
lineNumberNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 9);
lineNumberNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 15);
it('finds the common ancestor', function() {
var fromLineNode, toLineNode, commonAncestor;
fromLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 6);
toLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 7);
commonAncestor = diffService._getCommonAncestor(fromLineNode, toLineNode);
fromLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 6);
toLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 8);
commonAncestor = diffService._getCommonAncestor(fromLineNode, toLineNode);
fromLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 6);
toLineNode = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 10);
commonAncestor = diffService._getCommonAncestor(fromLineNode, toLineNode);
it('renders DOMs correctly (1)', function() {
var lineNo = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 7),
greatParent = lineNo.parentNode.parentNode,
lineTrace = [lineNo.parentNode, lineNo];
var pre = diffService._serializePartialDomToChild(greatParent, lineTrace, true);
expect(pre).toBe('<UL class="ul-class"><LI class="li-class">Line 6 ');
lineTrace = [lineNo.parentNode, lineNo];
var post = diffService._serializePartialDomFromChild(greatParent, lineTrace, true);
expect(post).toBe('Line 7' + '</LI>' +
'<LI class="li-class"><UL>' +
'<LI>Level 2 LI 8</LI>' +
'<LI>Level 2 LI 9</LI>' +
'</UL></LI>' +
it('renders DOMs correctly (2)', function() {
var lineNo = diffService.getLineNumberNode(baseHtmlDom1, 9),
greatParent = lineNo.parentNode.parentNode,
lineTrace = [lineNo.parentNode, lineNo];
var pre = diffService._serializePartialDomToChild(greatParent, lineTrace, true);
expect(pre).toBe('<LI class="li-class"><UL><LI>Level 2 LI 8</LI>');
it('extracts a single line', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml1, 1, 2);
expect(diff.html).toBe('<P>Line 1 ');
it('extracts lines from nested UL/LI-structures', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml1, 7, 9);
expect(diff.html).toBe('Line 7</LI><LI class="li-class"><UL><LI>Level 2 LI 8</LI>');
expect(diff.outerContextStart).toBe('<UL class="ul-class">');
expect(diff.innerContextStart).toBe('<LI class="li-class">');
expect(diff.followingHtmlStartSnippet).toBe('<UL class="ul-class"><LI class="li-class"><UL>');
it('extracts lines from a more complex example', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml2, 6, 11);
expect(diff.html).toBe('owe. Dahoam gscheckate middn Spuiratz des is a gmahde Wiesn. Des is schee so Obazda san da, Haferl pfenningguat schoo griasd eich midnand.</P><UL><LI>Auffi Gamsbart nimma de Sepp Ledahosn Ohrwaschl um Godds wujn Wiesn Deandlgwand Mongdratzal! Jo leck mi Mamalad i daad mechad?</LI><LI>Do nackata Wurscht i hob di narrisch gean, Diandldrahn Deandlgwand vui huift vui woaß?</LI>');
it('extracts the end of a section', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml2, 29, null);
expect(diff.html).toBe('Diandldrahn nix Gwiass woass ma ned hod boarischer: Samma sammawiedaguad wos, i hoam Brodzeid. Jo mei Sepp Gaudi, is ma Wuascht do Hendl Xaver Prosd eana an a bravs. Sauwedda an Brezn, abfieseln.</P>');
it('preserves the numbering of OLs (1)', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml3, 5, 7, true);
expect(diff.html).toBe('<LI>Line 3.3</LI></OL></LI><LI> Line 4</LI></OL>');
expect(diff.innerContextStart).toBe('<OL start="3"><LI><OL start="3">');
it('preserves the numbering of OLs (2)', function () {
var diff = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(baseHtml3, 3, 5, true);
expect(diff.html).toBe('<LI><OL><LI>Line 3.1</LI><LI>Line 3.2</LI>');
expect(diff.outerContextStart).toBe('<OL start="3">');
describe('merging two sections', function () {
it('merges OLs recursively, ignoring whitespaces between OL and LI', function () {
var node1 = document.createElement('DIV');
node1.innerHTML = '<OL><LI><OL><LI>Punkt 4.1</LI><TEMPLATE></TEMPLATE></OL></LI> </OL>';
var node2 = document.createElement('DIV');
node2.innerHTML = '<OL> <LI>\
<OL start="2">\
<LI>Punkt 4.2</LI>\
<LI>Punkt 4.3</LI>\
var out = diffService._replaceLinesMergeNodeArrays([node1.childNodes[0]], [node2.childNodes[0]]);
expect(out[0], '<ol><li><ol><li>Punkt 4.1</li><template></template><li>Punkt 4.2</li><li>Punkt 4.3</li></ol></li></ol>');
describe('replacing lines in the original motion', function () {
it('replaces LIs by a P', function () {
var merged = diffService.replaceLines(baseHtml1, '<p>Replaced a UL by a P</p>', 6, 9);
expect(merged).toBe('<P>Line 1 Line 2 Line <STRONG>3<BR>Line 4 Line</STRONG> 5</P><P>Replaced a UL by a P</P><UL class="ul-class"><LI class="li-class"><UL><LI>Level 2 LI 9</LI></UL></LI></UL><P>Line 10 Line 11</P>');
it('replaces LIs by another LI', function () {
var merged = diffService.replaceLines(baseHtml1, '<UL class="ul-class"><LI>A new LI</LI></UL>', 6, 9);
expect(merged).toBe('<P>Line 1 Line 2 Line <STRONG>3<BR>Line 4 Line</STRONG> 5</P><UL class="ul-class"><LI>A new LI<UL><LI>Level 2 LI 9</LI></UL></LI></UL><P>Line 10 Line 11</P>');
it('breaks up a paragraph into two', function() {
var merged = diffService.replaceLines(baseHtml1, '<P>Replaced Line 10</P><P>Inserted Line 11 </P>', 10, 11);
expect(merged).toBe('<P>Line 1 Line 2 Line <STRONG>3<BR>Line 4 Line</STRONG> 5</P><UL class="ul-class"><LI class="li-class">Line 6 Line 7</LI><LI class="li-class"><UL><LI>Level 2 LI 8</LI><LI>Level 2 LI 9</LI></UL></LI></UL><P>Replaced Line 10</P><P>Inserted Line 11 Line 11</P>');
describe('detecting the type of change', function() {
it('detects a simple insertion', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<p>Test 1</p>',
htmlAfter = '<p>Test 1 Test 2</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 3</p>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple insertion, ignoring case of tags', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<p>Test 1</p>',
htmlAfter = '<P>Test 1 Test 2</P>' + "\n" + '<P>Test 3</P>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple insertion, ignoring trailing whitespaces', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed diam voluptua. At </P>',
htmlAfter = '<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed diam voluptua. At2</P>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple insertion, ignoring spaces between UL and LI', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<UL><LI>accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.</LI></UL>',
htmlAfter = '<UL>' + "\n" + '<LI>accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum 123.</LI>' + "\n" + '</UL>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple insertion, despite tags', function() {
var htmlBefore = '<P>dsds dsfsdfsdf sdf sdfs dds sdf dsds dsfsdfsdf</P>',
htmlAfter = '<P>dsds dsfsdfsdf sdf sdfs dds sd345 3453 45f dsds dsfsdfsdf</P>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple deletion', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<p>Test 1 Test 2</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 3</p>',
htmlAfter = '<p>Test 1</p>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple deletion, ignoring case of tags', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<p>Test 1 Test 2</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 3</p>',
htmlAfter = '<P>Test 1</P>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple deletion, ignoring trailing whitespaces', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed diam voluptua. At2</P>',
htmlAfter = '<P>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed diam voluptua. At </P>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);
it('detects a simple replacement', function () {
var htmlBefore = '<p>Test 1 Test 2</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 3</p>',
htmlAfter = '<p>Test 1</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 2</p>' + "\n" + '<p>Test 3</p>';
var calculatedType = diffService.detectReplacementType(htmlBefore, htmlAfter);