Emanuel Schütze 3b3597aa1f Improved chatbox style. Updated jquery cookie and jquery ui.
- Fixed js error on dashboard page if no cookie is found.
- Use cookies only until end of session. For dashboard cookies use url /dashboard only.
- Updated permission numbering of builtin groups and added can_use_chat permission.
- Used minified version of jquery.cookie.
- Added TODO comment for django session way from pull request.
2014-04-27 20:58:22 +02:00

112 lines
3.7 KiB

// Functions for OpenSlides chatbox
$(function() {
// Chatbox is resizable on two sides (north and west) and
// one corner (nortwest)
$("div#chatbox").resizable({ handles: 'n, w, nw' });
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
/* close chatbox */
// Save new chatbox state in cookie
} else {
/* open chatbox */
// Scroll chat content to end
// Set focus to input field
// Save new chatbox state in cookie
$.cookie('openslides-chatbox-new-message', 0, { path: "/"});
// Hide new message number
// Save new chatbox state in cookie
$("#chatbox").resize(function() {
// If resizing the chatbox window the chatbox text scrolls to latest message.
// Sets a minimum for width and height.
$("#chatbox").resizable( "option", "minWidth", 300 );
$("#chatbox").resizable( "option", "minHeight", 140 );
// Save chatbox state in cookie.
// Parameter 'active': chatbox window is open (true) or closed (false).
function save_cookie(active) {
var status = {
'active': active,
'width': $("#chatbox").width(),
'height': $("#chatbox").height()
$.cookie('openslides-chatbox', JSON.stringify(status), { path: "/"});
// Load chatbox state from cookie.
var cookie = $.cookie('openslides-chatbox');
if (cookie) {
var status = $.parseJSON(cookie);
if (status['active']) {
// Scroll chat content to end
// Set focus to input field
if (status['width']) {
if (status['height']) {
// Load number of new messages from cookie
if ($.cookie('openslides-chatbox-new-message') > 0) {
// Print chat messages into chatbox
function print_message_into_box(message) {
var chatcontent = $('#chatbox-text');
chatcontent.html(chatcontent.html() + '<br>' + message);
chatcontent.scrollTop(chatcontent.scrollTop() + 10000);
// if chatbox is hidden show number of new messages and save in cookie
if ($("#chatbox").hasClass('hidden')){
new_messages = parseInt($.cookie('openslides-chatbox-new-message')) + 1;
if (new_messages == 1)
$.cookie('openslides-chatbox-new-message', new_messages, { path: "/"});
var connection = new SockJS('http://' + + '/core/chatbox');
connection.onmessage = function(event) {
var message = $('#chatbox-form-input').val();
return false;