Norman Jäckel 3e2aa6c081 Update
2015-06-16 14:04:38 +02:00

162 lines
5.8 KiB

from django import forms
from django.contrib import messages
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openslides.utils.rest_api import Response, ValidationError, ViewSet
from openslides.utils.views import FormView
from .api import config
from .exceptions import ConfigNotFound
from .signals import config_signal
class ConfigView(FormView):
The view for a config collection.
required_permission = 'config.can_manage'
template_name = 'config/config_form.html'
config_collection = None
form_class = forms.Form
def get_form(self, *args):
Gets the form for the view. Includes all form fields given by the
config collection.
form = super(ConfigView, self).get_form(*args)
for name, field in self.generate_form_fields_from_config_collection():
form.fields[name] = field
return form
def generate_form_fields_from_config_collection(self):
Generates the fields for the get_form function.
for variable in self.config_collection.variables:
if variable.form_field is not None:
yield (, variable.form_field)
def get_initial(self):
Returns a dictonary with the actual values of the config variables
as intial value for the form.
initial = super(ConfigView, self).get_initial()
for variable in self.config_collection.variables:
initial.update({ config[]})
return initial
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
Adds to the context the active config view, a list of dictionaries
containing all config collections each with a flag which is true if its
view is the active one and adds a flag whether the config collection
has groups. Adds also extra_stylefiles and extra_javascript.
context = super(ConfigView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['active_config_collection_view'] = self.config_collection
config_collection_list = []
for receiver, config_collection in config_signal.send(sender=self):
if config_collection.is_shown():
'config_collection': config_collection,
'active': self.request.path == reverse('config_%s' % config_collection.url)})
context['config_collection_list'] = sorted(
config_collection_list, key=lambda config_collection_dict: config_collection_dict['config_collection'].weight)
if hasattr(self.config_collection, 'groups'):
context['groups'] = self.config_collection.groups
context['groups'] = None
if 'extra_stylefiles' in self.config_collection.extra_context:
if 'extra_stylefiles' in context:
context['extra_stylefiles'] = self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_stylefiles']
if 'extra_javascript' in self.config_collection.extra_context:
if 'extra_javascript' in context:
context['extra_javascript'] = self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_javascript']
return context
def get_success_url(self):
Returns the success url when changes are saved. Here it is the same
url as the main menu entry.
return reverse('config_%s' % self.config_collection.url)
def form_valid(self, form):
Saves all data of a valid form.
for key in form.cleaned_data:
config[key] = form.cleaned_data[key]
messages.success(self.request, _('%s settings successfully saved.') % _(self.config_collection.title))
return super(ConfigView, self).form_valid(form)
class ConfigViewSet(ViewSet):
API endpoint to list, retrieve and update the config.
def list(self, request):
Lists all config variables. Everybody can see them.
# TODO: Check if we need permission check here.
data = ({'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in config.items())
return Response(data)
def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Retrieves one config variable. Everybody can see it.
# TODO: Check if we need permission check here.
key = kwargs['pk']
data = {'key': key, 'value': config[key]}
except ConfigNotFound:
raise Http404
return Response(data)
def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
Updates one config variable. Only managers can do this.
Example: {"value": 42}
# Check permission.
if not request.user.has_perm('config.can_manage'):
# Check if pk is a valid config variable key.
key = kwargs['pk']
if key not in config:
raise Http404
# Validate value.
form_field = config.get_config_variables()[key].form_field
value =['value']
if form_field:
except DjangoValidationError as e:
raise ValidationError({'detail': e.messages[0]})
# Change value.
config[key] = value
# Return response.
return Response({'key': key, 'value': value})