
297 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Models for the assignment app.
:copyright: 2011, 2012 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS.
:license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details.
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext_noop
from openslides.utils.user import UserField
from openslides.config.models import config
from openslides.config.signals import default_config_value
from openslides.projector.api import register_slidemodel
from openslides.projector.projector import SlideMixin
from openslides.participant.models import Profile
from openslides.poll.models import (BasePoll, CountInvalid, CountVotesCast,
BaseOption, PublishPollMixin, BaseVote)
from openslides.agenda.models import Item
class AssignmentCandidate(models.Model):
assignment = models.ForeignKey("Assignment")
user = UserField(db_index=True)
elected = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.user)
class Assignment(models.Model, SlideMixin):
prefix = 'assignment'
('sea', _('Searching for candidates')),
('vot', _('Voting')),
('fin', _('Finished')),
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name=_("Name"))
description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True,
posts = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
verbose_name=_("Number of available posts"))
polldescription = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True,
verbose_name=_("Comment on the ballot paper"))
status = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=STATUS, default='sea')
def set_status(self, status):
error = True
for a, b in Assignment.STATUS:
if status == a:
error = False
if error:
raise NameError(_('%s is not a valid status.') % status)
if self.status == status:
raise NameError(_('The assignment status is already %s.')
% self.status)
self.status = status
def run(self, profile, user=None):
run for a vote
if self.is_candidate(profile):
raise NameError(_('<b>%s</b> is already a candidate.') % profile)
if not user.has_perm("assignment.can_manage_assignment") and self.status != 'sea':
raise NameError(_('The candidate list is already closed.'))
AssignmentCandidate(assignment=self, user=profile, elected=False).save()
def delrun(self, user):
stop running for a vote
if self.status != 'sea':
# TODO: Use an OpenSlides Error
raise Exception(_('The candidate list is already closed.'))
if self.is_candidate(user):
# TODO: Use an OpenSlides Error
raise Exception(_('%s is no candidate') % user)
def is_candidate(self, user):
if self.assignment_candidats.filter(user=user).exists():
return True
return False
def assignment_candidats(self):
return AssignmentCandidate.objects.filter(assignment=self)
def candidates(self):
return self.get_participants(only_candidate=True)
def elected(self):
return self.get_participants(only_elected=True)
def get_participants(self, only_elected=False, only_candidate=False):
candidates = self.assignment_candidats
if only_elected and only_candidate:
# TODO: Use right Exception
raise Exception("only_elected and only_candidate can not both be Treu")
if only_elected:
candidates = candidates.filter(elected=True)
if only_candidate:
candidates = candidates.filter(elected=False)
return [candidate.user for candidate in candidates]
#for candidate in candidates:
# yield candidate.user
def set_elected(self, user, value=True):
candidate = self.assignment_candidats.get(user=user)
candidate.elected = value
def is_elected(self, user):
return user in self.elected
def gen_poll(self):
poll = AssignmentPoll(assignment=self)
poll.set_options([{'candidate': user} for user in self.candidates])
return poll
def vote_results(self, only_published):
returns a table represented as a list with all candidates from all
related polls and their vote results.
vote_results_dict = {}
# All polls related to this assigment
polls = self.poll_set.all()
if only_published:
polls = polls.filter(published=True)
# All PollOption-Objects related to this assignment
options = []
for poll in polls:
options += poll.get_options()
for option in options:
candidate = option.candidate
if candidate in vote_results_dict:
vote_results_dict[candidate] = []
for poll in polls:
votes = {}
# candidate related to this poll
poll_option = poll.get_options().get(candidate=candidate)
for vote in poll_option.get_votes():
votes[vote.value] = vote.print_weight()
except AssignmentOption.DoesNotExist:
# candidate not in related to this poll
votes = None
return vote_results_dict
def get_agenda_title(self):
def delete(self):
# Remove any Agenda-Item, which is related to this application.
for item in Item.objects.filter(related_sid=self.sid):
super(Assignment, self).delete()
def slide(self):
return the slide dict
data = super(Assignment, self).slide()
data['assignment'] = self
data['title'] =
data['polls'] = self.poll_set.filter(published=True)
data['vote_results'] = self.vote_results(only_published=True)
data['assignment_publish_winner_results_only'] = \
data['template'] = 'projector/Assignment.html'
return data
def get_absolute_url(self, link='view'):
if link == 'view':
return reverse('assignment_view', args=[str(])
if link == 'edit':
return reverse('assignment_edit', args=[str(])
if link == 'delete':
return reverse('assignment_delete', args=[str(])
def __unicode__(self):
class Meta:
permissions = (
('can_see_assignment', ugettext_noop("Can see assignment")),
ugettext_noop("Can nominate another person")),
('can_nominate_self', ugettext_noop("Can nominate themselves")),
('can_manage_assignment', ugettext_noop("Can manage assignment")),
class AssignmentVote(BaseVote):
option = models.ForeignKey('AssignmentOption')
class AssignmentOption(BaseOption):
poll = models.ForeignKey('AssignmentPoll')
candidate = UserField()
vote_class = AssignmentVote
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.candidate)
class AssignmentPoll(BasePoll, CountInvalid, CountVotesCast, PublishPollMixin):
option_class = AssignmentOption
assignment = models.ForeignKey(Assignment, related_name='poll_set')
yesnoabstain = models.NullBooleanField()
def get_assignment(self):
return self.assignment
def get_vote_values(self):
if self.yesnoabstain is None:
if config['assignment_poll_vote_values'] == 'votes':
self.yesnoabstain = False
elif config['assignment_poll_vote_values'] == 'yesnoabstain':
self.yesnoabstain = True
# candidates <= available posts -> yes/no/abstain
if self.assignment.assignment_candidats.filter(elected=False).count() <= (self.assignment.posts):
self.yesnoabstain = True
self.yesnoabstain = False
if self.yesnoabstain:
return [ugettext_noop('Yes'), ugettext_noop('No'),
return [ugettext_noop('Votes')]
def append_pollform_fields(self, fields):
CountInvalid.append_pollform_fields(self, fields)
CountVotesCast.append_pollform_fields(self, fields)
def get_ballot(self):
return self.assignment.poll_set.filter(
def get_absolute_url(self, link='view'):
if link == 'view':
return ('assignment_poll_view', [str(])
if link == 'delete':
return ('assignment_poll_delete', [str(])
def __unicode__(self):
return _("Ballot %d") % self.get_ballot()
@receiver(default_config_value, dispatch_uid="assignment_default_config")
def default_config(sender, key, **kwargs):
return {
'assignment_publish_winner_results_only': False,
'assignment_pdf_ballot_papers_selection': 'CUSTOM_NUMBER',
'assignment_pdf_ballot_papers_number': '8',
'assignment_pdf_title': _('Elections'),
'assignment_pdf_preamble': '',
'assignment_poll_vote_values': 'auto',