Fixed motion create view. Fixed #2506.
2080 lines
81 KiB
2080 lines
81 KiB
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.motions.site', [
function (mainMenuProvider, gettext) {
'ui_sref': 'motions.motion.list',
'img_class': 'file-text',
'title': gettext('Motions'),
'weight': 300,
'perm': 'motions.can_see',
function($stateProvider, gettext) {
.state('motions', {
url: '/motions',
abstract: true,
template: "<ui-view/>",
data: {
title: gettext('Motions'),
.state('motions.motion', {
abstract: true,
template: "<ui-view/>",
.state('motions.motion.list', {
resolve: {
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll().then(function(motions) {
angular.forEach(motions, function(motion) {
Motion.loadRelations(motion, 'agenda_item');
categories: function(Category) {
return Category.findAll();
motionBlocks: function(MotionBlock) {
return MotionBlock.findAll();
tags: function(Tag) {
return Tag.findAll();
users: function(User) {
return User.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
workflows: function(Workflow) {
return Workflow.findAll();
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
.state('motions.motion.detail', {
resolve: {
motion: function(Motion, $stateParams) {
return Motion.find($stateParams.id);
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll();
categories: function(Category) {
return Category.findAll();
motionBlocks: function(MotionBlock) {
return MotionBlock.findAll();
users: function(User) {
return User.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
mediafiles: function(Mediafile) {
return Mediafile.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
tags: function(Tag) {
return Tag.findAll();
change_recommendations: function(MotionChangeRecommendation, motion) {
return MotionChangeRecommendation.findAll({'where': {'motion_version_id': {'==': motion.active_version}}});
// redirects to motion detail and opens motion edit form dialog, uses edit url,
// used by ui-sref links from agenda only
// (from motion controller use MotionForm factory instead to open dialog in front of
// current view without redirect)
.state('motions.motion.detail.update', {
onEnter: ['$stateParams', '$state', 'ngDialog', 'Motion',
function($stateParams, $state, ngDialog, Motion) {
template: 'static/templates/motions/motion-form.html',
controller: 'MotionUpdateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default wide-form',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: {
motion: function() {
return Motion.find($stateParams.id).then(function(motion) {
return Motion.loadRelations(motion, 'agenda_item');
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll().catch(
function() {
return null;
preCloseCallback: function() {
$state.go('motions.motion.detail', {motion: $stateParams.id});
return true;
.state('motions.motion.import', {
url: '/import',
controller: 'MotionImportCtrl',
resolve: {
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll();
categories: function(Category) {
return Category.findAll();
users: function(User) {
return User.findAll();
// categories
.state('motions.category', {
url: '/category',
abstract: true,
template: "<ui-view/>",
data: {
title: gettext('Categories'),
.state('motions.category.list', {
resolve: {
categories: function(Category) {
return Category.findAll();
.state('motions.category.create', {})
.state('motions.category.detail', {
resolve: {
category: function(Category, $stateParams) {
return Category.find($stateParams.id);
.state('motions.category.detail.update', {
views: {
'@motions.category': {}
.state('motions.category.sort', {
url: '/sort/{id}',
resolve: {
category: function(Category, $stateParams) {
return Category.find($stateParams.id);
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll();
controller: 'CategorySortCtrl',
templateUrl: 'static/templates/motions/category-sort.html'
// MotionBlock
.state('motions.motionBlock', {
url: '/blocks',
abstract: true,
template: '<ui-view/>',
data: {
title: gettext('Motion blocks'),
.state('motions.motionBlock.list', {
resolve: {
motionBlocks: function (MotionBlock) {
return MotionBlock.findAll();
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll();
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
.state('motions.motionBlock.detail', {
resolve: {
motionBlock: function(MotionBlock, $stateParams) {
return MotionBlock.find($stateParams.id);
motions: function(Motion) {
return Motion.findAll();
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
// redirects to motionBlock detail and opens motionBlock edit form dialog, uses edit url,
// used by ui-sref links from agenda only
// (from motionBlock controller use MotionBlockForm factory instead to open dialog in front
// of current view without redirect)
.state('motions.motionBlock.detail.update', {
onEnter: ['$stateParams', '$state', 'ngDialog', 'MotionBlock',
function($stateParams, $state, ngDialog, MotionBlock) {
template: 'static/templates/motions/motion-block-form.html',
controller: 'MotionBlockUpdateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default wide-form',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: {
motionBlock: function () {
return MotionBlock.find($stateParams.id);
preCloseCallback: function() {
$state.go('motions.motionBlock.detail', {motionBlock: $stateParams.id});
return true;
// Load all MotionWorkflows at startup
function (Workflow) {
.factory('ChangeRecommendationForm', [
function(gettextCatalog, Editor, Config) {
return {
// ngDialog for motion form
getCreateDialog: function (motion, version, lineFrom, lineTo) {
return {
template: 'static/templates/motions/change-recommendation-form.html',
controller: 'ChangeRecommendationCreateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default wide-form',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: {
motion: function() {
return motion;
version: function() {
return version;
lineFrom: function() {
return lineFrom;
lineTo: function() {
return lineTo;
getEditDialog: function(change) {
return {
template: 'static/templates/motions/change-recommendation-form.html',
controller: 'ChangeRecommendationUpdateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default wide-form',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: {
change: function() {
return change;
// angular-formly fields for motion form
getFormFields: function (line_from, line_to) {
return [
key: 'identifier',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Identifier')
hide: true
key: 'motion_version_id',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Motion')
hide: true
key: 'line_from',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('From Line')
hide: true
key: 'line_to',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('To Line')
hide: true
key: 'type',
type: 'radio-buttons',
templateOptions: {
name: 'type',
options: [
{name: gettextCatalog.getString('Replacement'), value: 0},
{name: gettextCatalog.getString('Insertion'), value: 1},
{name: gettextCatalog.getString('Deletion'), value: 2}
key: 'text',
type: 'editor',
templateOptions: {
label: (
line_from == line_to - 1 ?
gettextCatalog.getString('Text in line %from%').replace(/%from%/, line_from) :
gettextCatalog.getString('Text from line %from% to %to%')
.replace(/%from%/, line_from).replace(/%to%/, line_to - 1)
required: false
data: {
ckeditorOptions: Editor.getOptions()
// Service for generic motion form (create and update)
.factory('MotionForm', [
function (gettextCatalog, operator, Editor, MotionComment, Category, Config, Mediafile, MotionBlock, Tag, User, Workflow, Agenda, AgendaTree) {
return {
// ngDialog for motion form
getDialog: function (motion) {
var resolve = {};
if (motion) {
resolve = {
motion: function() {
return motion;
agenda_item: function(Motion) {
return Motion.loadRelations(motion, 'agenda_item');
resolve.mediafiles = function (Mediafile) {
return Mediafile.findAll();
return {
template: 'static/templates/motions/motion-form.html',
controller: (motion) ? 'MotionUpdateCtrl' : 'MotionCreateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default wide-form',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: (resolve) ? resolve : null
// angular-formly fields for motion form
getFormFields: function (isCreateForm) {
var workflows = Workflow.getAll();
var images = Mediafile.getAllImages();
var formFields = [
key: 'identifier',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Identifier')
hide: true
key: 'submitters_id',
type: 'select-multiple',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Submitters'),
options: User.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.full_name for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a submitter ...')
hide: !operator.hasPerms('motions.can_manage')
key: 'title',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Title'),
required: true
template: '<p class="spacer-top-lg no-padding">' + Config.translate(Config.get('motions_preamble').value) + '</p>'
key: 'text',
type: 'editor',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Text'),
required: true
data: {
ckeditorOptions: Editor.getOptions(images)
key: 'reason',
type: 'editor',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Reason'),
data: {
ckeditorOptions: Editor.getOptions(images)
key: 'disable_versioning',
type: 'checkbox',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Trivial change'),
description: gettextCatalog.getString("Don't create a new version.")
hide: true
key: 'showAsAgendaItem',
type: 'checkbox',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Show as agenda item'),
description: gettextCatalog.getString('If deactivated the motion appears as internal item on agenda.')
hide: !operator.hasPerms('motions.can_manage')
// parent item
if (isCreateForm) {
key: 'agenda_parent_item_id',
type: 'select-single',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Parent item'),
options: AgendaTree.getFlatTree(Agenda.getAll()),
ngOptions: 'item.id as item.getListViewTitle() for item in to.options | notself : model.agenda_item_id',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select a parent item ...')
hide: !operator.hasPerms('agenda.can_manage')
// motion comments
formFields = formFields.concat(MotionComment.getFormFields());
// more
key: 'more',
type: 'checkbox',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Show extended fields')
hide: !operator.hasPerms('motions.can_manage')
template: '<hr class="smallhr">',
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// attachments
if (Mediafile.getAll().length > 0) {
key: 'attachments_id',
type: 'select-multiple',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Attachment'),
options: Mediafile.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.title_or_filename for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search an attachment ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// category
if (Category.getAll().length > 0) {
key: 'category_id',
type: 'select-single',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Category'),
options: Category.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.name for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a category ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// motion block
if (MotionBlock.getAll().length > 0) {
key: 'motion_block_id',
type: 'select-single',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Motion block'),
options: MotionBlock.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.title for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a motion block ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// origin
key: 'origin',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Origin'),
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// tags
if (Tag.getAll().length > 0) {
key: 'tags_id',
type: 'select-multiple',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Tags'),
options: Tag.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.name for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a tag ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// supporters
if (Config.get('motions_min_supporters').value > 0) {
key: 'supporters_id',
type: 'select-multiple',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Supporters'),
options: User.getAll(),
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.full_name for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a supporter ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more'
// workflows
if (workflows.length > 1) {
key: 'workflow_id',
type: 'select-single',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Workflow'),
optionsAttr: 'bs-options',
options: workflows,
ngOptions: 'option.id as option.name | translate for option in to.options',
placeholder: gettextCatalog.getString('Select or search a workflow ...')
hideExpression: '!model.more',
return formFields;
// Provide generic motionpoll form fields for poll update view
.factory('MotionPollForm', [
function (gettextCatalog) {
return {
getFormFields: function () {
return [
key: 'yes',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Yes'),
type: 'number',
required: true
key: 'no',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('No'),
type: 'number',
required: true
key: 'abstain',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Abstain'),
type: 'number',
required: true
key: 'votesvalid',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Valid ballots'),
type: 'number'
key: 'votesinvalid',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Invalid ballots'),
type: 'number'
key: 'votescast',
type: 'input',
templateOptions: {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Casted ballots'),
type: 'number'
// Cache for MotionPollDetailCtrl so that users choices are keeped during user actions (e. g. save poll form).
.value('MotionPollDetailCtrlCache', {})
// Child controller of MotionDetailCtrl for each single poll.
.controller('MotionPollDetailCtrl', [
function ($scope, MajorityMethodChoices, Config, MotionPollDetailCtrlCache) {
// Define choices.
$scope.methodChoices = MajorityMethodChoices;
// TODO: Get $scope.baseChoices from config_variables.py without copying them.
// Setup empty cache with default values.
if (typeof MotionPollDetailCtrlCache[$scope.poll.id] === 'undefined') {
MotionPollDetailCtrlCache[$scope.poll.id] = {
method: $scope.config('motions_poll_default_majority_method'),
// Fetch users choices from cache.
$scope.method = MotionPollDetailCtrlCache[$scope.poll.id].method;
// Define result function.
$scope.isReached = function () {
return $scope.poll.isReached($scope.method);
// Define template controll function
$scope.hideMajorityCalculation = function () {
return typeof $scope.isReached() === 'undefined' && $scope.method !== 'disabled';
// Save current values to cache on detroy of this controller.
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
MotionPollDetailCtrlCache[$scope.poll.id] = {
method: $scope.method,
.controller('MotionListCtrl', [
function($scope, $state, $http, gettext, gettextCatalog, ngDialog, MotionForm, Motion,
Category, Tag, Workflow, User, Agenda, MotionBlock, MotionCsvExport, MotionDocxExport,
MotionContentProvider, MotionCatalogContentProvider, PdfMakeConverter, PdfMakeDocumentProvider,
HTMLValidizer, Projector, ProjectionDefault, osTableFilter, osTableSort) {
Motion.bindAll({}, $scope, 'motions');
Category.bindAll({}, $scope, 'categories');
MotionBlock.bindAll({}, $scope, 'motionBlocks');
Tag.bindAll({}, $scope, 'tags');
Workflow.bindAll({}, $scope, 'workflows');
User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users');
Projector.bindAll({}, $scope, 'projectors');
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Projector.lastModified();
}, function () {
var projectiondefault = ProjectionDefault.filter({name: 'motions'})[0];
if (projectiondefault) {
$scope.defaultProjectorId = projectiondefault.projector_id;
$scope.alert = {};
// collect all states and all recommendations of all workflows
$scope.states = [];
$scope.recommendations = [];
var workflows = Workflow.getAll();
_.forEach(workflows, function (workflow) {
var workflowHeader = {
headername: workflow.name,
workflowHeader: true,
_.forEach(workflow.states, function (state) {
if (state.recommendation_label) {
$scope.stateFilter = [];
var updateStateFilter = function () {
if (_.indexOf($scope.filter.multiselectFilters.state, -1) > -1) { // contains -1
$scope.stateFilter = _.filter($scope.filter.multiselectFilters.state, function (id) {
return id >= 0;
}); // remove -1
_.forEach($scope.states, function (state) {
if (!state.workflowHeader) {
if (state.getNextStates().length === 0) { // done state
} else {
$scope.stateFilter = _.clone($scope.filter.multiselectFilters.state);
// Filtering
$scope.filter = osTableFilter.createInstance('MotionTableFilter');
if (!$scope.filter.existsStorageEntry()) {
$scope.filter.multiselectFilters = {
state: [],
category: [],
motionBlock: [],
tag: [],
recommendation: [],
$scope.filter.propertyList = ['identifier', 'origin'];
$scope.filter.propertyFunctionList = [
function (motion) {return motion.getTitle();},
function (motion) {return motion.getText();},
function (motion) {return motion.getReason();},
function (motion) {return motion.category ? motion.category.name : '';},
function (motion) {return motion.motionBlock ? motion.motionBlock.name : '';},
function (motion) {return motion.recommendation ? motion.getRecommendationName() : '';},
$scope.filter.propertyDict = {
'submitters' : function (submitter) {
return submitter.get_short_name();
'supporters' : function (submitter) {
return supporter.get_short_name();
'tags' : function (tag) {
return tag.name;
$scope.getItemId = {
state: function (motion) {return motion.state_id;},
category: function (motion) {return motion.category_id;},
motionBlock: function (motion) {return motion.motion_block_id;},
tag: function (motion) {return motion.tags_id;},
recommendation: function (motion) {return motion.recommendation_id;},
$scope.operateStateFilter = function (id, danger) {
$scope.filter.operateMultiselectFilter('state', id, danger);
$scope.resetFilters = function () {
// Sorting
$scope.sort = osTableSort.createInstance();
$scope.sort.column = 'identifier';
$scope.sortOptions = [
{name: 'identifier',
display_name: gettext('Identifier')},
{name: 'getTitle()',
display_name: gettext('Title')},
{name: 'submitters',
display_name: gettext('Submitters')},
{name: 'category.name',
display_name: gettext('Category')},
{name: 'motionBlock.title',
display_name: gettext('Motion block')},
{name: 'state.name',
display_name: gettext('State')},
{name: 'log_messages[log_messages.length-1].time',
display_name: gettext('Creation date')},
{name: 'log_messages[0].time',
display_name: gettext('Last modified')},
// update state
$scope.updateState = function (motion, state_id) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_state/', {'state': state_id});
// reset state
$scope.resetState = function (motion) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_state/', {});
// update recommendation
$scope.updateRecommendation = function (motion, recommendation_id) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_recommendation/', {'recommendation': recommendation_id});
// reset recommendation
$scope.resetRecommendation = function (motion) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_recommendation/', {});
$scope.hasTag = function (motion, tag) {
return _.indexOf(motion.tags_id, tag.id) > -1;
// Use this methon instead of Motion.save(), because otherwise
// you have to provide always a title and a text
$scope.save = function (motion) {
motion.title = motion.getTitle(-1);
motion.text = motion.getText(-1);
motion.reason = motion.getReason(-1);
// delete single motion
$scope.delete = function (motion) {
$scope.toggleTag = function (motion, tag) {
if ($scope.hasTag(motion, tag)) {
// remove
motion.tags_id = _.filter(motion.tags_id, function (tag_id){
return tag_id != tag.id;
} else {
$scope.toggleCategory = function (motion, category) {
if (motion.category_id == category.id) {
motion.category_id = null;
} else {
motion.category_id = category.id;
$scope.toggleMotionBlock = function (motion, block) {
if (motion.motion_block_id == block.id) {
motion.motion_block_id = null;
} else {
motion.motion_block_id = block.id;
// open new/edit dialog
$scope.openDialog = function (motion) {
// Export as a pdf file
$scope.pdfExport = function() {
var filename = gettextCatalog.getString("Motions") + ".pdf";
var image_sources = [];
//save the arrays of the filtered motions to an array
angular.forEach($scope.motionsFiltered, function (motion) {
var content = HTMLValidizer.validize(motion.getText($scope.version)) + HTMLValidizer.validize(motion.getReason($scope.version));
var map = Function.prototype.call.bind([].map);
var tmp_image_sources = map($(content).find("img"), function(element) {
return element.getAttribute("src");
image_sources = image_sources.concat(tmp_image_sources);
//post-request to convert the images. Async.
$http.post('/core/encode_media/', JSON.stringify(image_sources)).success(function(data) {
var converter = PdfMakeConverter.createInstance(data.images, pdfMake);
var motionContentProviderArray = [];
//convert the filtered motions to motionContentProviders
angular.forEach($scope.motionsFiltered, function (motion) {
motionContentProviderArray.push(MotionContentProvider.createInstance(converter, motion, $scope, User, $http));
var motionCatalogContentProvider = MotionCatalogContentProvider.createInstance(motionContentProviderArray, $scope, User, Category);
var documentProvider = PdfMakeDocumentProvider.createInstance(motionCatalogContentProvider);
// Export as a csv file
$scope.csvExport = function () {
var element = document.getElementById('downloadLinkCSV');
MotionCsvExport(element, $scope.motionsFiltered);
// Export as docx file
$scope.docxExport = function () {
MotionDocxExport.export($scope.motionsFiltered, $scope.categories);
// *** select mode functions ***
$scope.isSelectMode = false;
// check all checkboxes from filtered motions
$scope.checkAll = function () {
$scope.selectedAll = !$scope.selectedAll;
angular.forEach($scope.motionsFiltered, function (motion) {
motion.selected = $scope.selectedAll;
// uncheck all checkboxes if isSelectMode is closed
$scope.uncheckAll = function () {
if (!$scope.isSelectMode) {
$scope.selectedAll = false;
angular.forEach($scope.motions, function (motion) {
motion.selected = false;
var selectModeAction = function (predicate) {
angular.forEach($scope.motionsFiltered, function (motion) {
if (motion.selected) {
$scope.isSelectMode = false;
// delete selected motions
$scope.deleteMultiple = function () {
selectModeAction(function (motion) {
// set status for selected motions
$scope.setStatusMultiple = function (stateId) {
selectModeAction(function (motion) {
$scope.updateState(motion, stateId);
// set category for selected motions
$scope.setCategoryMultiple = function (categoryId) {
selectModeAction(function (motion) {
motion.category_id = categoryId === 'no_category_selected' ? null : categoryId;
// set status for selected motions
$scope.setMotionBlockMultiple = function (motionBlockId) {
selectModeAction(function (motion) {
motion.motion_block_id = motionBlockId === 'no_motionBlock_selected' ? null : motionBlockId;
.controller('MotionDetailCtrl', [
function($scope, $http, operator, ngDialog, MotionForm,
ChangeRecommmendationCreate, ChangeRecommmendationView, MotionChangeRecommendation, MotionPDFExport,
Motion, MotionComment, Category, Mediafile, Tag, User, Workflow, Config, motion, MotionInlineEditing,
MotionCommentsInlineEditing, Projector, ProjectionDefault) {
Category.bindAll({}, $scope, 'categories');
Mediafile.bindAll({}, $scope, 'mediafiles');
Tag.bindAll({}, $scope, 'tags');
User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users');
Workflow.bindAll({}, $scope, 'workflows');
Motion.loadRelations(motion, 'agenda_item');
$scope.$watch(function () {
return MotionChangeRecommendation.lastModified();
}, function () {
$scope.change_recommendations = MotionChangeRecommendation.filter({
'where': {'motion_version_id': {'==': motion.active_version}}
if ($scope.change_recommendations.length === 0) {
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Projector.lastModified();
}, function () {
$scope.projectors = Projector.getAll();
$scope.defaultProjectorId = ProjectionDefault.filter({name: 'motions'})[0].projector_id;
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Motion.lastModified(motion.id);
}, function () {
$scope.motion = Motion.get(motion.id);
$scope.projectionModes = [
{mode: 'original',
label: 'Original version'},
{mode: 'changed',
label: 'Changed version'},
{mode: 'diff',
label: 'Diff version'},
{mode: 'agreed',
label: 'Resolution'},
var getProjectionMode = function () {
var projectedIds = motion.isProjected();
if (projectedIds.length) {
var element = _.find(Projector.get(projectedIds[0]).elements, function (element) {
return element.name === 'motions/motion' && element.id === motion.id;
var modeName = element.mode || 'original', mode;
_.forEach($scope.projectionModes, function (_mode) {
if (_mode.mode === modeName) {
mode = _mode;
return mode || $scope.projectionModes[0];
} else {
return $scope.projectionModes[0];
$scope.projectionMode = getProjectionMode();
$scope.setProjectionMode = function (mode) {
$scope.projectionMode = mode;
var projectedIds = motion.isProjected();
_.forEach(projectedIds, function (id) {
motion.project(id, mode.mode);
$scope.commentsFields = Config.get('motions_comments').value;
$scope.commentFieldForState = MotionComment.getFieldNameForFlag('forState');
$scope.commentFieldForRecommendation = MotionComment.getFieldNameForFlag('forRecommendation');
$scope.version = motion.active_version;
$scope.isCollapsed = true;
$scope.lineNumberMode = Config.get('motions_default_line_numbering').value;
$scope.setLineNumberMode = function(mode) {
$scope.lineNumberMode = mode;
if (motion.parent_id) {
Motion.bindOne(motion.parent_id, $scope, 'parent');
$scope.amendments = Motion.filter({parent_id: motion.id});
$scope.highlight = 0;
$scope.linesForProjector = false;
// Set 0 for disable highlighting on projector
var setHighlightOnProjector = function (line) {
_.forEach(Projector.getAll(), function (projector) {
var elements = _.map(projector.elements, function(element) { return element; });
elements.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.name == 'motions/motion' && element.id == motion.id) {
var data = {};
data[element.uuid] = {
highlightAndScroll: line,
$http.post('/rest/core/projector/' + projector.id + '/update_elements/', data);
$scope.scrollToAndHighlight = function (line) {
$scope.highlight = line;
// The same line number can occur twice in diff view; we scroll to the first one in this case
var scrollTop = null;
$(".line-number-" + line).each(function() {
var top = $(this).offset().top;
if (top > 0 && (scrollTop === null || top < scrollTop)) {
scrollTop = top;
if (scrollTop) {
// Scroll local; 50 pixel above the line, so it's not completely squeezed to the screen border
$('html, body').animate({
'scrollTop': scrollTop - 50
}, 1000);
// set highlight and scroll on Projector
setHighlightOnProjector($scope.linesForProjector ? line : 0);
$scope.toggleLinesForProjector = function () {
$scope.linesForProjector = !$scope.linesForProjector;
setHighlightOnProjector($scope.linesForProjector ? $scope.highlight : 0);
// open edit dialog
$scope.openDialog = function (motion) {
if ($scope.inlineEditing.active) {
// support
$scope.support = function () {
$http.post('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/support/');
// unsupport
$scope.unsupport = function () {
$http.delete('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/support/');
// open dialog for new amendment
$scope.newAmendment = function () {
var dialog = MotionForm.getDialog();
if (typeof dialog.scope === 'undefined') {
dialog.scope = {};
dialog.scope = $scope;
// update state
$scope.updateState = function (state_id) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_state/', {'state': state_id});
// reset state
$scope.reset_state = function () {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_state/', {});
// save additional state field
$scope.saveAdditionalStateField = function (stateExtension) {
if (stateExtension) {
motion["comment " + $scope.commentFieldForState] = stateExtension;
motion.title = motion.getTitle(-1);
motion.text = motion.getText(-1);
motion.reason = motion.getReason(-1);
// save additional recommendation field
$scope.saveAdditionalRecommendationField = function (recommendationExtension) {
if (recommendationExtension) {
motion["comment " + $scope.commentFieldForRecommendation] = recommendationExtension;
motion.title = motion.getTitle(-1);
motion.text = motion.getText(-1);
motion.reason = motion.getReason(-1);
// update recommendation
$scope.updateRecommendation = function (recommendation_id) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_recommendation/', {'recommendation': recommendation_id});
// reset recommendation
$scope.resetRecommendation = function () {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/set_recommendation/', {});
// create poll
$scope.create_poll = function () {
$http.post('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/create_poll/', {});
// open poll update dialog
$scope.openPollDialog = function (poll, voteNumber) {
template: 'static/templates/motions/motionpoll-form.html',
controller: 'MotionPollUpdateCtrl',
className: 'ngdialog-theme-default',
closeByEscape: false,
closeByDocument: false,
resolve: {
motionpoll: function (MotionPoll) {
return MotionPoll.find(poll.id);
voteNumber: function () {
return voteNumber;
// delete poll
$scope.delete_poll = function (poll) {
// show specific version
$scope.showVersion = function (version) {
$scope.version = version.id;
$scope.inlineEditing.setVersion(motion, version.id);
$scope.createChangeRecommendation.setVersion(motion, version.id);
// permit specific version
$scope.permitVersion = function (version) {
$http.put('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/manage_version/',
{'version_number': version.version_number})
.then(function(success) {
// delete specific version
$scope.deleteVersion = function (version) {
$http.delete('/rest/motions/motion/' + motion.id + '/manage_version/',
{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
data: JSON.stringify({version_number: version.version_number})})
.then(function(success) {
// check if user is allowed to see at least one comment field
$scope.isAllowedToSeeCommentField = function () {
var isAllowed = false;
if ($scope.commentsFields.length > 0) {
isAllowed = operator.hasPerms('motions.can_see_and_manage_comments') || _.find(
function(field) {
return field.public && !field.forState && !field.forRecommendation;
return Boolean(isAllowed);
// Inline editing functions
$scope.inlineEditing = MotionInlineEditing.createInstance($scope, motion,
'view-original-text-inline-editor', true,
function (obj) {
return motion.getTextWithLineBreaks($scope.version);
function (obj) {
motion.disable_versioning = (obj.trivialChange && Config.get('motions_allow_disable_versioning').value);
$scope.commentsInlineEditing = MotionCommentsInlineEditing.createInstances($scope, motion);
// Change recommendation creation functions
$scope.createChangeRecommendation = ChangeRecommmendationCreate;
$scope.createChangeRecommendation.init($scope, motion);
// Change recommendation viewing
$scope.viewChangeRecommendations = ChangeRecommmendationView;
$scope.viewChangeRecommendations.init($scope, 'original');
// PDF creating functions
$scope.pdfExport = MotionPDFExport;
.controller('ChangeRecommendationUpdateCtrl', [
function ($scope, MotionChangeRecommendation, ChangeRecommendationForm, change) {
$scope.alert = {};
$scope.model = angular.copy(change);
// get all form fields
$scope.formFields = ChangeRecommendationForm.getFormFields(change.line_from, change.line_to);
// save motion
$scope.save = function (change) {
// inject the changed change recommendation (copy) object back into DS store
// save changed change recommendation object on server
MotionChangeRecommendation.save(change, { method: 'PATCH' }).then(
function(success) {
function (error) {
var message = '';
for (var e in error.data) {
message += e + ': ' + error.data[e] + ' ';
$scope.alert = {type: 'danger', msg: message, show: true};
.controller('ChangeRecommendationCreateCtrl', [
function($scope, Motion, MotionChangeRecommendation, ChangeRecommendationForm, Config, diffService, motion,
version, lineFrom, lineTo) {
$scope.alert = {};
var html = motion.getTextWithLineBreaks(version),
lineData = diffService.extractRangeByLineNumbers(html, lineFrom, lineTo);
$scope.model = {
text: lineData.outerContextStart + lineData.innerContextStart +
lineData.html + lineData.innerContextEnd + lineData.outerContextEnd,
line_from: lineFrom,
line_to: lineTo,
motion_version_id: version,
type: 0
// get all form fields
$scope.formFields = ChangeRecommendationForm.getFormFields(lineFrom, lineTo);
// save motion
$scope.save = function (motion) {
function(success) {
.controller('MotionCreateCtrl', [
function($scope, $state, gettext, gettextCatalog, operator, Motion, MotionForm, Category, Config, Mediafile, Tag, User, Workflow, Agenda, AgendaUpdate) {
Category.bindAll({}, $scope, 'categories');
Mediafile.bindAll({}, $scope, 'mediafiles');
Tag.bindAll({}, $scope, 'tags');
User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users');
Workflow.bindAll({}, $scope, 'workflows');
$scope.model = {};
// Check whether this is a new amendment.
var isAmendment = $scope.$parent.motion && $scope.$parent.motion.id;
// Set default values for create form
// ... for amendments add parent_id
if (isAmendment) {
if (Config.get('motions_amendments_apply_text').value) {
$scope.model.text = $scope.$parent.motion.getText();
$scope.model.title = $scope.$parent.motion.getTitle();
$scope.model.parent_id = $scope.$parent.motion.id;
$scope.model.category_id = $scope.$parent.motion.category_id;
$scope.model.motion_block_id = $scope.$parent.motion.motion_block_id;
Motion.bindOne($scope.model.parent_id, $scope, 'parent');
// ... preselect default workflow
if (operator.hasPerms('motions.can_manage')) {
$scope.model.workflow_id = Config.get('motions_workflow').value;
// get all form fields
$scope.formFields = MotionForm.getFormFields(true);
// save motion
$scope.save = function (motion) {
function(success) {
// change agenda item only if user has the permission to do that
if (operator.hasPerms('agenda.can_manage')) {
// type: Value 1 means a non hidden agenda item, value 2 means a hidden agenda item,
// see openslides.agenda.models.Item.ITEM_TYPE.
var changes = [{key: 'type', value: (motion.showAsAgendaItem ? 1 : 2)},
{key: 'parent_id', value: motion.agenda_parent_item_id}];
AgendaUpdate.saveChanges(success.agenda_item_id, changes);
if (isAmendment) {
$state.go('motions.motion.detail', {id: success.id});
.controller('MotionUpdateCtrl', [
function($scope, Motion, Category, Config, Mediafile, MotionForm, Tag, User, Workflow, Agenda, AgendaUpdate, motion) {
Category.bindAll({}, $scope, 'categories');
Mediafile.bindAll({}, $scope, 'mediafiles');
Tag.bindAll({}, $scope, 'tags');
User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users');
Workflow.bindAll({}, $scope, 'workflows');
$scope.alert = {};
// set initial values for form model by create deep copy of motion object
// so list/detail view is not updated while editing
$scope.model = angular.copy(motion);
$scope.model.disable_versioning = false;
$scope.model.more = false;
// get all form fields
$scope.formFields = MotionForm.getFormFields();
// override default values for update form
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.formFields.length; i++) {
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "identifier") {
// show identifier field
$scope.formFields[i].hide = false;
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "title") {
// get title of latest version
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = motion.getTitle(-1);
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "text") {
// get text of latest version
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = motion.getText(-1);
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "reason") {
// get reason of latest version
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = motion.getReason(-1);
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "disable_versioning") {
if (Config.get('motions_allow_disable_versioning').value && motion.state.versioning) {
// check current state if versioning is active
$scope.formFields[i].hide = false;
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "showAsAgendaItem") {
// get state from agenda item (hidden/internal or agenda item)
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = !motion.agenda_item.is_hidden;
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "workflow_id") {
// get saved workflow id from state
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = motion.state.workflow_id;
if ($scope.formFields[i].key == "agenda_parent_item_id") {
// get current parent_id of the agenda item
$scope.formFields[i].defaultValue = motion.agenda_item.parent_id;
// save motion
$scope.save = function (motion) {
// inject the changed motion (copy) object back into DS store
// save change motion object on server
Motion.save(motion, { method: 'PATCH' }).then(
function(success) {
Agenda.find(success.agenda_item_id).then(function(item) {
// type: Value 1 means a non hidden agenda item, value 2 means a hidden agenda item,
// see openslides.agenda.models.Item.ITEM_TYPE.
var changes = [{key: 'type', value: (motion.showAsAgendaItem ? 1 : 2)},
{key: 'parent_id', value: motion.agenda_parent_item_id}];
function (error) {
// save error: revert all changes by restore
// (refresh) original motion object from server
var message = '';
for (var e in error.data) {
message += e + ': ' + error.data[e] + ' ';
$scope.alert = {type: 'danger', msg: message, show: true};
.controller('MotionPollUpdateCtrl', [
function($scope, gettextCatalog, MotionPoll, MotionPollForm, motionpoll, voteNumber) {
// set initial values for form model by create deep copy of motionpoll object
// so detail view is not updated while editing poll
$scope.model = angular.copy(motionpoll);
$scope.voteNumber = voteNumber;
$scope.formFields = MotionPollForm.getFormFields();
$scope.alert = {};
// save motionpoll
$scope.save = function (poll) {
motion_id: poll.motion_id,
votes: {"Yes": poll.yes, "No": poll.no, "Abstain": poll.abstain},
votesvalid: poll.votesvalid,
votesinvalid: poll.votesinvalid,
votescast: poll.votescast
.then(function(success) {
$scope.alert.show = false;
.catch(function(error) {
var message = '';
for (var e in error.data) {
message += e + ': ' + error.data[e] + ' ';
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: message, show: true };
.controller('MotionImportCtrl', [
function($scope, $q, gettext, Category, Motion, User, gettextCatalog) {
// set initial data for csv import
$scope.motions = [];
// set csv
$scope.csvConfig = {
accept: '.csv, .txt',
encodingOptions: ['UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'],
parseConfig: {
skipEmptyLines: true,
var FIELDS = ['identifier', 'title', 'text', 'reason', 'submitter', 'category', 'origin'];
$scope.motions = [];
$scope.onCsvChange = function (csv) {
$scope.motions = [];
var motions = [];
_.forEach(csv.data, function (row) {
if (row.length >= 3) {
var filledRow = _.zipObject(FIELDS, row);
_.forEach(motions, function (motion) {
// identifier
if (motion.identifier !== '') {
// All motion objects are already loaded via the resolve statement from ui-router.
var motions = Motion.getAll();
if (_.find(motions, function (item) {
return item.identifier === motion.identifier;
})) {
motion.importerror = true;
motion.identifier_error = gettext('Error: Identifier already exists.');
// title
if (!motion.title) {
motion.importerror = true;
motion.title_error = gettext('Error: Title is required.');
// text
if (!motion.text) {
motion.importerror = true;
motion.text_error = gettext('Error: Text is required.');
// submitter
if (motion.submitter) {
if (motion.submitter !== '') {
// All user objects are already loaded via the resolve statement from ui-router.
var users = User.getAll();
angular.forEach(users, function (user) {
if (user.short_name == motion.submitter) {
motion.submitters_id = [user.id];
motion.submitter = User.get(user.id).full_name;
if (motion.submitter && motion.submitter !== '' && !motion.submitters_id) {
motion.submitter_create = gettext('New participant will be created.');
// category
if (motion.category) {
if (motion.category !== '') {
// All categore objects are already loaded via the resolve statement from ui-router.
var categories = Category.getAll();
angular.forEach(categories, function (category) {
// search for existing category
if (category.name == motion.category) {
motion.category_id = category.id;
motion.category = Category.get(category.id).name;
if (motion.category && motion.category !== '' && !motion.category_id) {
motion.category_create = gettext('New category will be created.');
// Counter for creations
$scope.usersCreated = 0;
$scope.categoriesCreated = 0;
// import from csv file
$scope.import = function () {
$scope.csvImporting = true;
// Reset counters
$scope.usersCreated = 0;
$scope.categoriesCreated = 0;
var importedUsers = [];
var importedCategories = [];
// collect users and categories
angular.forEach($scope.motions, function (motion) {
if (!motion.importerror) {
// collect user if not exists
if (!motion.submitters_id && motion.submitter) {
var index = motion.submitter.indexOf(' ');
var user = {
first_name: motion.submitter.substr(0, index),
last_name: motion.submitter.substr(index+1),
groups_id: []
// collect category if not exists
if (!motion.category_id && motion.category) {
var category = {
name: motion.category,
prefix: motion.category.charAt(0)
// unique users and categories
var importedUsersUnique = _.uniqWith(importedUsers, function (u1, u2) {
return u1.first_name == u2.first_name &&
u1.last_name == u2.last_name;
var importedCategoriesUnique = _.uniqWith(importedCategories, function (c1, c2) {
return c1.name == c2.name;
// Promises for users and categories
var createPromises = [];
// create users and categories
importedUsersUnique.forEach(function (user) {
function (success) {
user.id = success.id;
importedCategoriesUnique.forEach(function (category) {
function (success) {
category.id = success.id;
// wait for users and categories to create
$q.all(createPromises).then( function() {
angular.forEach($scope.motions, function (motion) {
if (!motion.importerror) {
// now, add user
if (!motion.submitters_id && motion.submitter) {
var index = motion.submitter.indexOf(' ');
var first_name = motion.submitter.substr(0, index);
var last_name = motion.submitter.substr(index+1);
// search for user, set id.
importedUsersUnique.forEach(function (user) {
if (user.first_name == first_name &&
user.last_name == last_name) {
motion.submitters_id = [user.id];
// add category
if (!motion.category_id && motion.category) {
var name = motion.category;
// search for category, set id.
importedCategoriesUnique.forEach(function (category) {
if (category.name == name) {
motion.category_id = category.id;
// finally create motion
function(success) {
motion.imported = true;
$scope.csvimported = true;
$scope.clear = function () {
$scope.motions = [];
// download CSV example file
$scope.downloadCSVExample = function () {
var headerline = ['Identifier', 'Title', 'Text', 'Reason', 'Submitter', 'Category', 'Origin'];
headerline = _.map(headerline, function (entry) {
return gettextCatalog.getString(entry);
var element = document.getElementById('downloadLink');
var csvRows = [headerline,
// example entries
['A1', 'Title 1', 'Text 1', 'Reason 1', 'Submitter A', 'Category A', 'Last Year Conference A'],
['B1', 'Title 2', 'Text 2', 'Reason 2', 'Submitter B', 'Category B', '' ],
['' , 'Title 3', 'Text 3', '' , '' , '' , '' ],
var csvString = csvRows.join("%0A");
element.href = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + csvString;
element.download = 'motions-example.csv';
element.target = '_blank';
.controller('CategoryListCtrl', [
function($scope, Category) {
Category.bindAll({}, $scope, 'categories');
// setup table sorting
$scope.sortColumn = 'name';
$scope.reverse = false;
// function to sort by clicked column
$scope.toggleSort = function ( column ) {
if ( $scope.sortColumn === column ) {
$scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;
$scope.sortColumn = column;
// delete selected category
$scope.delete = function (category) {
.controller('CategoryDetailCtrl', [
function($scope, Category, category) {
Category.bindOne(category.id, $scope, 'category');
.controller('CategoryCreateCtrl', [
function($scope, $state, Category) {
$scope.category = {};
$scope.save = function (category) {
function(success) {
.controller('CategoryUpdateCtrl', [
function($scope, $state, Category, category) {
$scope.category = category;
$scope.save = function (category) {
function(success) {
.controller('CategorySortCtrl', [
function($scope, $stateParams, $http, MotionList, Category, category, Motion, motions) {
Category.bindOne(category.id, $scope, 'category');
Motion.bindAll({}, $scope, 'motions');
$scope.filter = { category_id: category.id,
parent_id: null,
orderBy: 'identifier' };
function () {
return Motion.lastModified();
function () {
$scope.items = MotionList.getList(Motion.filter($scope.filter));
$scope.alert = {};
// Numbers all motions in this category by the given order in $scope.items
$scope.numbering = function () {
// Create a list of all motion ids in the current order.
var sorted_motions = [];
$scope.items.forEach(function (item) {
// renumber them
$http.post('/rest/motions/category/' + $scope.category.id + '/numbering/',
{'motions': sorted_motions} )
.success(function(data) {
$scope.alert = { type: 'success', msg: data.detail, show: true };
.error(function(data) {
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true };
//mark all motions config strings for translation in javascript
function (gettext) {
// subgroup General
gettext('Workflow of new motions');
gettext('Numbered per category');
gettext('Serially numbered');
gettext('Set it manually');
gettext('Motion preamble');
gettext('The assembly may decide:');
gettext('Default line numbering');
/// Line numbering: Outside
/// Line numbering: Inline
/// Line numbering: None
gettext('Line length');
gettext('The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. Min: 40');
gettext('Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users');
gettext('Allow to disable versioning');
gettext('Name of recommender');
gettext('Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.');
// subgroup Amendments
gettext('Activate amendments');
gettext('Prefix for the identifier for amendments');
gettext('Apply text for new amendments');
gettext('The title of the motion is always applied.');
// subgroup Suppoerters
gettext('Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion');
gettext('Choose 0 to disable the supporting system.');
gettext('Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his ' +
'motion in early state');
// subgroup Supporters
gettext('Comment fields for motions');
// subgroup Voting and ballot papers
gettext('Voting and ballot papers');
gettext('The 100 % base of a voting result consists of');
gettext('All valid ballots');
gettext('All casted ballots');
gettext('Disabled (no percents)');
gettext('Required majority');
gettext('Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.');
gettext('Simple majority');
gettext('Two-thirds majority');
gettext('Three-quarters majority');
gettext('Number of ballot papers (selection)');
gettext('Number of all delegates');
gettext('Number of all participants');
gettext('Use the following custom number');
gettext('Custom number of ballot papers');
// subgroup PDF
gettext('Title for PDF and DOCX documents (all motions)');
gettext('Preamble text for PDF and DOCX documents (all motions)');
// misc strings (used dynamically in templates by translate filter)