FinnStutzenstein e225a57f97
OpenSlides3+: External Autoupdate Service
- Removing channels. Going back to a wsgi deployment
- Removed server projector code
- Autoupdate throttling is now in the client
- New communication stack in the client
- Adopted all deployment methods: Docker stack and docker compose (prod and dev)
- Added autoupdate service as submodule
2021-01-14 07:55:41 +01:00

434 lines
16 KiB

import json
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync, sync_to_async
from django.apps import apps
from . import logging
from .cache_providers import (
from .locking import locking
from .redis import use_redis
from .schema_version import SchemaVersion, schema_version_handler
from .utils import get_element_id, split_element_id
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ChangeIdTooLowError(Exception):
def get_all_cachables() -> List[Cachable]:
Returns all element of OpenSlides.
out: List[Cachable] = []
for app in apps.get_app_configs():
# Get the method get_startup_elements() from an app.
# This method has to return an iterable of Cachable objects.
get_startup_elements = app.get_startup_elements
except AttributeError:
# Skip apps that do not implement get_startup_elements.
return out
class ElementCache:
Cache for the elements.
Saves the full_data
There is one redis Hash (simular to python dict) for the full_data
The key of the Hashes is COLLECTIONSTRING:ID where COLLECTIONSTRING is the
collection of a collection and id the id of an element.
There is an sorted set in redis with the change id as score. The values are
COLLETIONSTRING:ID for the elements that have been changed with that change
id. With this key it is possible, to get all elements as full_data
that are newer then a specific change id.
All method of this class are async. You either have to call them with
await in an async environment or use asgiref.sync.async_to_sync().
def __init__(
cache_provider_class: Type[ElementCacheProvider] = RedisCacheProvider,
cachable_provider: Callable[[], List[Cachable]] = get_all_cachables,
default_change_id: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
Initializes the cache.
self.cache_provider = cache_provider_class(self.async_ensure_cache)
self.cachable_provider = cachable_provider
self._cachables: Optional[Dict[str, Cachable]] = None
self.default_change_id: Optional[int] = default_change_id
def cachables(self) -> Dict[str, Cachable]:
Returns all cachables as a dict where the key is the collection of the cachable.
# This method is neccessary to lazy load the cachables
if self._cachables is None:
self._cachables = {
cachable.get_collection_string(): cachable
for cachable in self.cachable_provider()
return self._cachables
def ensure_cache(
self, reset: bool = False, default_change_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> None:
Ensures the existance of the cache; see async_ensure_cache for more info.
async_to_sync(self.async_ensure_cache)(reset, default_change_id)
async def async_ensure_cache(
self, reset: bool = False, default_change_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> None:
Makes sure that the cache exist. Builds the cache if not or reset is given as True.
cache_exists = await self.cache_provider.data_exists()
if reset or not cache_exists:
await self.build_cache(default_change_id)
def ensure_schema_version(self) -> None:
async def async_ensure_schema_version(self) -> None:
cache_schema_version = await self.cache_provider.get_schema_version()
schema_changed = not
cache_exists = await self.cache_provider.data_exists()
if schema_changed or not cache_exists:
await self.build_cache(schema_version=schema_version_handler.get())
async def build_cache(
default_change_id: Optional[int] = None,
schema_version: Optional[SchemaVersion] = None,
) -> None:
lock_name = "build_cache"
# Set a lock so only one process builds the cache
if await locking.set(lock_name):
await self._build_cache(
default_change_id=default_change_id, schema_version=schema_version
await locking.delete(lock_name)
else:"Wait for another process to build up the cache...")
while await locking.get(lock_name):
sleep(0.01)"Cache is ready (built by another process).")
async def _build_cache(
default_change_id: Optional[int] = None,
schema_version: Optional[SchemaVersion] = None,
) -> None:"Building config data and resetting cache...")
config_mapping = await sync_to_async(
change_id = self._build_cache_get_change_id(default_change_id)
await self.cache_provider.reset_full_cache(config_mapping, change_id)
if schema_version:
await self.cache_provider.set_schema_version(schema_version)"Done building and resetting.")"Building up the cache data...")
mapping = await sync_to_async(self._build_cache_get_elementid_model_mapping)()"Done building the cache data.")"Saving cache data into the cache...")
await self.cache_provider.add_to_full_data(mapping)"Done saving the cache data.")
await self.cache_provider.set_cache_ready()"Done: Cache is ready now.")
def _build_cache_get_elementid_model_mapping(
self, config_only: bool = False
) -> Dict[str, str]:
Do NOT call this in an asynchronous context!
This accesses the django's model system which requires a synchronous context.
config_only=True only includes the config collection
config_only=False *excludes* the config collection
mapping = {}
config_collection = "core/config"
for collection, cachable in self.cachables.items():
if (config_only and collection != config_collection) or (
not config_only and collection == config_collection
for element in cachable.get_elements():
{get_element_id(collection, element["id"]): json.dumps(element)}
return mapping
def _build_cache_get_change_id(
self, default_change_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> int:
if default_change_id is None:
if self.default_change_id is not None:
change_id = self.default_change_id
# Use the miliseconds (rounded) since the 2016-02-29.
change_id = (
int((datetime.utcnow() - datetime(2016, 2, 29)).total_seconds())
* 1000
change_id = default_change_id
return change_id
async def change_elements(
self, elements: Dict[str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]
) -> int:
Changes elements in the cache.
elements is a dict with element_id <-> changed element. When the value is None,
it is interpreded as deleted.
Returns the new generated change_id.
# Split elements into changed and deleted.
deleted_elements = []
changed_elements = []
for element_id, data in elements.items():
if data:
# The arguments for redis.hset is pairs of key value
return await self.cache_provider.add_changed_elements(
changed_elements, deleted_elements
async def get_all_data_list(
self, user_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Returns all data with a list per collection:
<collection>: [<element>, <element>, ...]
If the user id is given the data will be restricted for this user.
all_data = await self.cache_provider.get_all_data()
return await self.format_all_data(all_data, user_id)
async def get_all_data_list_with_max_change_id(
self, user_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]]:
) = await self.cache_provider.get_all_data_with_max_change_id()
return max_change_id, await self.format_all_data(all_data, user_id)
async def format_all_data(
self, all_data_bytes: Dict[bytes, bytes], user_id: Optional[int]
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
all_data: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = defaultdict(list)
for element_id, data in all_data_bytes.items():
collection, _ = split_element_id(element_id)
element = json.loads(data.decode())
"_no_delete_on_restriction", False
) # remove special field for get_data_since
if user_id is not None:
for collection in all_data.keys():
restricter = self.cachables[collection].restrict_elements
all_data[collection] = await restricter(user_id, all_data[collection])
return dict(all_data)
async def get_collection_data(self, collection: str) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns the data for one collection as dict: {id: <element>}
encoded_collection_data = await self.cache_provider.get_collection_data(
collection_data = {}
for id in encoded_collection_data.keys():
collection_data[id] = json.loads(encoded_collection_data[id].decode())
"_no_delete_on_restriction", False
) # remove special field for get_data_since
return collection_data
async def get_element_data(
self, collection: str, id: int, user_id: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns one element or None, if the element does not exist.
If the user id is given the data will be restricted for this user.
encoded_element = await self.cache_provider.get_element_data(
get_element_id(collection, id)
if encoded_element is None:
return None
element = json.loads(encoded_element.decode()) # type: ignore
"_no_delete_on_restriction", False
) # remove special field for get_data_since
if user_id is not None:
element = await self.restrict_element_data(element, collection, user_id)
return element
async def restrict_element_data(
self, element: Dict[str, Any], collection: str, user_id: int
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
restricter = self.cachables[collection].restrict_elements
restricted_elements = await restricter(user_id, [element])
return restricted_elements[0] if restricted_elements else None
async def get_data_since(
self, user_id: Optional[int] = None, change_id: int = 0
) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], List[str]]:
Returns all data since change_id until the max change id.cIf the user id is given the
data will be restricted for this user.
Returns three values inside a tuple. The first value is the max change id. The second
value is a dict where the key is the collection and the value is a list of data.
The third is a list of element_ids with deleted elements.
Only returns elements with the change_id or newer. When change_id is 0,
all elements are returned.
Raises a ChangeIdTooLowError when the lowest change_id in redis is higher then
the requested change_id. In this case the method has to be rerun with
change_id=0. This is importend because there could be deleted elements
that the cache does not know about.
if change_id == 0:
) = await self.get_all_data_list_with_max_change_id(user_id)
return (max_change_id, changed_elements, [])
# This raises a Runtime Exception, if there is no change_id
lowest_change_id = await self.get_lowest_change_id()
if change_id < lowest_change_id:
# When change_id is lower then the lowest change_id in redis, we can
# not inform the user about deleted elements.
raise ChangeIdTooLowError(
f"change_id {change_id} is lower then the lowest change_id in redis {lowest_change_id}."
) = await self.cache_provider.get_data_since(change_id)
changed_elements = {
collection: [json.loads(value.decode()) for value in value_list]
for collection, value_list in raw_changed_elements.items()
if user_id is None:
for elements in changed_elements.values():
for element in elements:
element.pop("_no_delete_on_restriction", False)
# the list(...) is important, because `changed_elements` will be
# altered during iteration and restricting data
for collection, elements in list(changed_elements.items()):
# Remove the _no_delete_on_restriction from each element. Collect all ids, where
# this field is absent or False.
unrestricted_ids = set()
for element in elements:
no_delete_on_restriction = element.pop(
"_no_delete_on_restriction", False
if not no_delete_on_restriction:
cacheable = self.cachables[collection]
restricted_elements = await cacheable.restrict_elements(
user_id, elements
# If the model is personalized, it must not be deleted for other users
if not cacheable.personalized_model:
# Add removed objects (through restricter) to deleted elements.
restricted_element_ids = set(
[element["id"] for element in restricted_elements]
# Delete all ids, that are allowed to be deleted (see unrestricted_ids) and are
# not present after restricting the data.
for id in unrestricted_ids - restricted_element_ids:
deleted_elements.append(get_element_id(collection, id))
if not restricted_elements:
del changed_elements[collection]
changed_elements[collection] = restricted_elements
return (max_change_id, changed_elements, deleted_elements)
async def get_current_change_id(self) -> int:
Returns the current change id.
Returns default_change_id if there is no change id yet.
return await self.cache_provider.get_current_change_id()
async def get_lowest_change_id(self) -> int:
Returns the lowest change id.
return await self.cache_provider.get_lowest_change_id()
def load_element_cache() -> ElementCache:
Generates an element cache instance.
if use_redis:
cache_provider_class: Type[ElementCacheProvider] = RedisCacheProvider
cache_provider_class = MemoryCacheProvider
return ElementCache(cache_provider_class=cache_provider_class)
# Set the element_cache
element_cache = load_element_cache()