Sean Engelhardt 0c62c1c864 History mode on client side
Add view for full history and History Repom TimeTravelService
Add function time travel routine
Updated the HTTP Service, fixed usage of storage, OSStatus Service, fixed loading of the history data
2018-11-30 12:42:13 +01:00

59 lines
2.3 KiB

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DataSendService } from '../../../core/services/data-send.service';
import { DataStoreService } from '../../../core/services/data-store.service';
import { BaseRepository } from '../../base/base-repository';
import { ViewStatuteParagraph } from '../models/view-statute-paragraph';
import { StatuteParagraph } from '../../../shared/models/motions/statute-paragraph';
import { Identifiable } from '../../../shared/models/base/identifiable';
import { CollectionStringModelMapperService } from '../../../core/services/collectionStringModelMapper.service';
* Repository Services for statute paragraphs
* Rather than manipulating models directly, the repository is meant to
* inform the {@link DataSendService} about changes which will send
* them to the Server.
providedIn: 'root'
export class StatuteParagraphRepositoryService extends BaseRepository<ViewStatuteParagraph, StatuteParagraph> {
* Creates a StatuteParagraphRepository
* Converts existing and incoming statute paragraphs to ViewStatuteParagraphs
* Handles CRUD using an observer to the DataStore
* @param DS The DataStore
* @param mapperService Maps collection strings to classes
* @param dataSend sending changed objects
public constructor(
DS: DataStoreService,
mapperService: CollectionStringModelMapperService,
private dataSend: DataSendService
) {
super(DS, mapperService, StatuteParagraph);
protected createViewModel(statuteParagraph: StatuteParagraph): ViewStatuteParagraph {
return new ViewStatuteParagraph(statuteParagraph);
public async create(statuteParagraph: StatuteParagraph): Promise<Identifiable> {
return await this.dataSend.createModel(statuteParagraph);
public async update(
statuteParagraph: Partial<StatuteParagraph>,
viewStatuteParagraph: ViewStatuteParagraph
): Promise<void> {
const updateParagraph = viewStatuteParagraph.statuteParagraph;
await this.dataSend.updateModel(updateParagraph);
public async delete(viewStatuteParagraph: ViewStatuteParagraph): Promise<void> {
await this.dataSend.deleteModel(viewStatuteParagraph.statuteParagraph);