FinnStutzenstein b8d3fa2614 Cleanup
2019-06-28 07:58:36 +02:00

243 lines
7.9 KiB

import { ConfigService } from 'app/core/ui-services/config.service';
import { UserRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/users/user-repository.service';
import { ViewAssignmentPoll } from 'app/site/assignments/models/view-assignment-poll';
* Server side ballot choice definitions.
* Server-defined methods to determine the number of ballots to print
* Options are:
* - NUMBER_OF_DELEGATES Amount of users belonging to the predefined 'delegates' group (group id 2)
* - NUMBER_OF_ALL_PARTICIPANTS The amount of all registered users
* - CUSTOM_NUMBER a given number of ballots (see {@link ballotCustomCount})
* Workaround data definitions. The implementation for the different model's classes might have different needs,
* so some data might not be required.
export interface AbstractPollData {
title: string;
subtitle?: string;
sheetend: number; // should reflect the vertical size of one ballot on the paper
poll?: ViewAssignmentPoll; // TODO ugly workaround because assignment poll needs the poll on ballot level
export abstract class PollPdfService {
* Definition of method to decide which amount of ballots to print. The implementations
* are expected to fetch this information from the configuration service
* @see BallotCountChoices
protected ballotCountSelection: BallotCountChoices;
* An arbitrary number of ballots to print, if {@link ballotCountSelection} is set
* to CUSTOM_NUMBER. Value is expected to be fetched from the configuration`
protected ballotCustomCount: number;
* The event name (as set in config `general_event_name`)
protected eventName: string;
* The url of the logo to be printed (as set in config `logo_pdf_ballot_paper`)
protected logo: string;
* Contructor. Subscribes to the logo path and event name
* @param configService Configzuration
* @param userRepo user Repository for determining the number of ballots
public constructor(protected configService: ConfigService, protected userRepo: UserRepositoryService) {
this.configService.get<string>('general_event_name').subscribe(name => (this.eventName = name));
this.configService.get<{ path?: string }>('logo_pdf_ballot_paper').subscribe(url => {
if (url && url.path) {
if (url.path.indexOf('/') === 0) {
url.path = url.path.substr(1); // remove prepending slash
this.logo = url.path;
* Get the amount of ballots to be printed
* @returns the amount of ballots, depending on the config settings
protected getBallotCount(): number {
switch (this.ballotCountSelection) {
return this.userRepo.getViewModelList().length;
return this.userRepo.getViewModelList().filter(user => user.groups_id && user.groups_id.includes(2))
return this.ballotCustomCount;
throw new Error('Amount of ballots cannot be computed');
* Creates an entry for an option (a label with a circle)
* @returns pdfMake definitions
protected createBallotOption(decision: string): { margin: number[]; columns: object[] } {
const BallotCircleDimensions = { yDistance: 6, size: 8 };
return {
margin: [40 + BallotCircleDimensions.size, 10, 0, 0],
columns: [
width: 15,
canvas: this.drawCircle(BallotCircleDimensions.yDistance, BallotCircleDimensions.size)
width: 'auto',
text: decision
* Helper to draw a circle on its position on the ballot paper
* @param y vertical offset
* @param size the size of the circle
* @returns an array containing one circle definition for pdfMake
private drawCircle(y: number, size: number): object[] {
return [
type: 'ellipse',
x: 0,
y: y,
lineColor: 'black',
r1: size,
r2: size
* Abstract function for creating a single ballot with header and all options
* @param data AbstractPollData
* @returns pdfmake definitions
protected abstract createBallot(data: AbstractPollData): object;
* Create a createPdf definition for the correct amount of ballots
* @param rowsPerPage (precalculated) value of pair of ballots fitting on one page.
* A value too high might result in phantom items split onto several pages
* @param data predefined data to be used
* @returns pdfmake definitions
protected getPages(rowsPerPage: number, data: AbstractPollData): object {
const amount = this.getBallotCount();
const fullpages = Math.floor(amount / (rowsPerPage * 2));
let partialpageEntries = amount % (rowsPerPage * 2);
const content: object[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fullpages; i++) {
const body = [];
for (let j = 0; j < rowsPerPage; j++) {
body.push([this.createBallot(data), this.createBallot(data)]);
table: {
headerRows: 1,
widths: ['*', '*'],
body: body,
pageBreak: 'after'
rowsperpage: rowsPerPage
if (partialpageEntries) {
const partialPageBody = [];
while (partialpageEntries > 1) {
partialPageBody.push([this.createBallot(data), this.createBallot(data)]);
partialpageEntries -= 2;
if (partialpageEntries === 1) {
partialPageBody.push([this.createBallot(data), '']);
table: {
headerRows: 1,
widths: ['50%', '50%'],
body: partialPageBody
rowsperpage: rowsPerPage
return content;
* get a pdfMake header definition with the event name and an optional logo
* @returns pdfMake definitions
protected getHeader(): object {
const columns: object[] = [];
text: this.eventName,
fontSize: 8,
alignment: 'left',
width: '60%'
if (this.logo) {
image: this.logo,
fit: [90, 25],
alignment: 'right',
width: '40%'
return {
color: '#555',
fontSize: 10,
margin: [30, 10, 10, -10], // [left, top, right, bottom]
columns: columns,
columnGap: 5
* create a pdfmake definition for a title entry
* @param title
* @returns pdfmake definition
protected getTitle(title: string): object {
return {
text: title,
style: 'title'
* create a pdfmake definition for a subtitle entry
* @param subtitle
* @returns pdfmake definition
protected getSubtitle(subtitle: string): object {
return {
text: subtitle,
style: 'description'