2012-07-16 14:00:29 +02:00

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{% extends "application/base_application.html" %}
{% load tags %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% block title %}{{ block.super }} {% trans "Application" %} "{{ version.title }}"{% endblock %}
{% block submenu %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="sidebar">
<div class="box">
<h4>{% trans "Submitter" %}:</h4>
{{ application.submitter.profile }}
{% if user == application.submitter %}
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/user-information.png' %}" title="{% trans 'You!' %}">
{% endif %}
{% if min_supporters > 0 %}
<h4>{% trans "Supporters" %}: *</h4>
{% if application.supporter.count == 0 %}
{% else %}
{% for supporter in application.supporter.all %}
<li> {{ supporter.profile }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<h4>{% trans "Status" %}:</h4>
{% if application.status != "pub" %}
{% trans application.get_status_display %}
{% endif %}
{% for note in application.notes %}
{{ note }}
{% if not forloop.last %}<br>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<h4>{% trans "Vote results" %}:</h4>
{% with application.polls as polls %}
{% if not polls.exists %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
{% if "genpoll" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_gen_poll %}'>
<span class="button">
<span class="icon statistics">{% trans 'New vote' %}</span>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<ul class="results">
{% for poll in polls %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application or poll.has_votes %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<strong>{{ forloop.counter }}. {% trans "Vote" %} </strong>
<a class="icon edit" href="{% url application_poll_view %}" title="{% trans 'Edit Vote' %}">
<a class="icon delete" href="{% url application_poll_delete %}" title="{% trans 'Delete Vote' %}">
{% elif poll.has_votes %}
<strong>{{ forloop.counter }}. {% trans "Vote" %}:</strong>
{% endif %}
{% if poll.has_votes %}
{% with poll.get_options.0 as option %}
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/voting-yes.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Yes' %}"> {{ option.Yes }}<br>
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/voting-no.png' %}" title="{% trans 'No' %}"> {{ option.No }}<br>
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/voting-abstention.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Abstention' %}"> {{ option.Abstain }}<br>
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/voting-invalid.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Invalid' %}"> {{ poll.print_votesinvalid }}<br>
<div style="border-top: 1px solid; padding-top: 5px; margin: 5px 0; width: 10em;">
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/voting-total.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Votes cast' %}"> {{ poll.print_votescast }}
{% endwith %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
{% if forloop.last %}
{% if "genpoll" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_gen_poll %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon statistics">{% trans 'New vote' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<a href='{% url application_poll_view %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon statistics">{% trans 'Enter result' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
<h4>{% trans "Creation Time" %}:</h4>
{{ application.creation_time }}
{% if "wit" in actions and user == application.submitter %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'wit' %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon revert">{% trans 'Withdraw' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.application.can_support_application and min_supporters > 0 %}
{% if "unsupport" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_unsupport %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon remove">{% trans 'Unsupport' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% if "support" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_support %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon add">{% trans 'Support' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if min_supporters > 0 %}
<small>* {% trans "minimum required supporters" %}: {{ min_supporters }}</small>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<div class="box">
<h4><b>{% trans "Manage application" %}</b></h4>
{% if "pub" in actions or "per" in actions or "nop" in actions or "setnumber" in actions %}
<h4>{% trans "Formal validation" %}:</h4>
{% if "pub" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'pub' %}'><span class="button"><span class="icon ok-blue">{% trans 'Publish' %}</span></span></a>
{% endif %}
{% if "per" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_permit %}'><span class="button"><span class="icon ok-blue">{% trans 'Permit' %}</span></span></a>
{% endif %}
{% if "nop" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_notpermit %}'><span class="button"><span class="icon reject">{% trans 'Not permit (reject)' %}</span></span></a>
{% endif %}
{% if "setnumber" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_number %}'><span class="button"><span class="icon number">{% trans 'Set Number' %}</span></span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if "acc" in actions or "rej" in actions %}
<h4>{% trans "Result after vote" %}:</h4>
{% if "acc" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'acc' %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon done">{% trans 'Accepted' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% if "rej" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'rej' %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon reject">{% trans 'Rejected' %}</span></span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if "adj" in actions or "noc" in actions or "com" in actions or "wit" in actions %}
<h4>{% trans 'Result after debate' %}:</h4>
{% if "adj" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'adj' %}'><span class="button">{% trans 'Adjourned' %}</span></a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if "noc" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'noc' %}'><span class="button">{% trans 'Not Concerned' %}</span></a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if "com" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'com' %}'><span class="button">{% trans 'Commited a bill' %}</span></a><br>
{% endif %}
{% if "wit" in actions %}
<a href='{% url application_set_status 'wit' %}'><span class="button">{% trans 'Withdrawed by Submitter' %}</span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<h4>{% trans "For Administration only:" %}</h4>
<a href='{% url application_reset %}'>
<span class="button"><span class="icon undo">{% trans 'Reset' %}</span></span>
{% endif %} {# end perms.application.can_support_application #}
</div> <!-- end sidebar -->
<div id="main">
{{ version.title }}
({% trans "Application" %}
{% if application.number != None %}
{{ application.number }})
{% else %}
<i>[{% trans "no number" %}]</i>)
{% endif %}
{% trans "Version" %} {{ version.aid }}
{% if application.public_version != application.last_version %}
{% if version == application.public_version %}
{% trans "This is not the newest version." %} <a href="{% url application_view_newest %}">{% trans "Go to version" %} {{ application.last_version.aid }}.</a>
{% else %}
{% trans "This is not the permitted version." %} <a href="{% url application_view %}">{% trans "Go to version" %} {{ application.public_version.aid }}.</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<h2>{% trans "Application" %}:</h2>
{{ version.text|linebreaks }}
<h2>{% trans "Reason" %}:</h2>
{% if version.reason %}
{{ version.reason|linebreaks }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if application.versions|length > 1 %}
<h2>{% trans "Version History" %}:</h2>
<table class="table valigntop" style="width: auto;">
<th>{% trans "Version" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Time" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Title" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Text" %}</th>
<th>{% trans "Reason" %}</th>
{% for revision in application.versions %}
<tr class="{% cycle 'odd' '' %}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
{% if application.status != "pub" %}
{% if revision == application.permitted %}
<img title="{% trans 'Version permitted' %}" src="{% static 'images/icons/accept.png' %}">
{% else %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<a href="{% url application_version_permit %}"><img title="{% trans 'Permit Version' %}" src="{% static 'images/icons/accept-grey.png' %}"></a>
{% endif %}
{% if not revision.rejected and > and perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<a href="{% url application_version_reject %}"><img title="{% trans 'Reject Version' %}" src="{% static 'images/icons/reject-grey.png' %}"></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if revision.rejected %}
<img title="{% trans 'Version rejected' %}" src="{% static 'images/icons/reject.png' %}">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td>{{ revision.aid }}</td>
<td><i>{{ revision.time }}</i></td>
{% ifchanged %}
<b>{{ revision.title }}</b>
{% else %}
<i>[{% trans "unchanged" %}]</i>
{% endifchanged %}
{% ifchanged %}
{{ revision.text|linebreaks }}
{% else %}
<i>[{% trans "unchanged" %}]</i>
{% endifchanged %}
{% ifchanged %}
{{ revision.reason|linebreaks }}
{% else %}
<i>[{% trans "unchanged" %}]</i>
{% endifchanged %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
<h2>{% trans "Log" %}:</h2>
{{ application.log|linebreaks }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}