Sean 97c2299aec Implement vote weight in client
Implements vote weight in client
The user detail page has a new property
change deserialize to parse floats
change "yes"-voting to send "Y" and "0" instead of "1" and "0"
add vote weight to user list, filter, sort
add vote weight to single voting result
votesvalid and votescast respect the individual vote weight
fix parse-poll pipe and null in pdf
2020-04-22 16:54:50 +02:00

588 lines
23 KiB

from decimal import Decimal
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db import transaction
from openslides.core.config import config
from openslides.poll.views import BaseOptionViewSet, BasePollViewSet, BaseVoteViewSet
from openslides.utils.auth import has_perm
from openslides.utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data
from openslides.utils.rest_api import (
from openslides.utils.utils import is_int
from .access_permissions import AssignmentAccessPermissions
from .models import (
# Viewsets for the REST API
class AssignmentViewSet(ModelViewSet):
API endpoint for assignments.
There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create,
partial_update, update, destroy, candidature_self, candidature_other and create_poll.
access_permissions = AssignmentAccessPermissions()
queryset = Assignment.objects.all()
def check_view_permissions(self):
Returns True if the user has required permissions.
if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"):
result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user)
elif self.action == "metadata":
# Everybody is allowed to see the metadata.
result = True
elif self.action in (
result = has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see") and has_perm(
self.request.user, "assignments.can_manage"
elif self.action == "candidature_self":
result = has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see") and has_perm(
self.request.user, "assignments.can_nominate_self"
elif self.action == "candidature_other":
result = has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see") and has_perm(
self.request.user, "assignments.can_nominate_other"
result = False
return result
def perform_create(self, serializer):
@detail_route(methods=["post", "delete"])
def candidature_self(self, request, pk=None):
View to nominate self as candidate (POST) or withdraw own
candidature (DELETE).
assignment = self.get_object()
if request.method == "POST":
message = self.nominate_self(request, assignment)
# request.method == 'DELETE'
message = self.withdraw_self(request, assignment)
return Response({"detail": message})
def nominate_self(self, request, assignment):
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_FINISHED:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "You can not candidate to this election because it is finished."
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_VOTING and not has_perm(
request.user, "assignments.can_manage"
# To nominate self during voting you have to be a manager.
# If the request.user is already a candidate he can nominate himself nevertheless.
# Send new candidate via autoupdate because users without permission
# to see users may not have it but can get it now.
return "You were nominated successfully."
def withdraw_self(self, request, assignment):
# Withdraw candidature.
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_FINISHED:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "You can not withdraw your candidature to this election because it is finished."
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_VOTING and not has_perm(
request.user, "assignments.can_manage"
# To withdraw self during voting you have to be a manager.
if not assignment.is_candidate(request.user):
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "You are not a candidate of this election."}
return "You have withdrawn your candidature successfully."
def get_user_from_request_data(self, request):
Helper method to get a specific user from request data (not the
request.user) so that the view self.candidature_other can play with it.
if not isinstance(, dict):
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "Invalid data. Expected dictionary, got {0}.",
"args": [type(],
user_str ="user", "")
user_pk = int(user_str)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": 'Invalid data. Expected something like {"user": <id>}.'}
user = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=user_pk)
except get_user_model().DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Invalid data. User {0} does not exist.", "args": [user_pk]}
return user
@detail_route(methods=["post", "delete"])
def candidature_other(self, request, pk=None):
View to nominate other users (POST) or delete their candidature
status (DELETE). The client has to send {'user': <id>}.
user = self.get_user_from_request_data(request)
assignment = self.get_object()
if request.method == "POST":
return self.nominate_other(request, user, assignment)
# request.method == 'DELETE'
return self.delete_other(request, user, assignment)
def nominate_other(self, request, user, assignment):
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_FINISHED:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "You can not nominate someone to this election because it is finished."
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_VOTING and not has_perm(
request.user, "assignments.can_manage"
# To nominate another user during voting you have to be a manager.
if assignment.is_candidate(user):
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "User {0} is already nominated.", "args": [str(user)]}
# Send new candidate via autoupdate because users without permission
# to see users may not have it but can get it now.
return Response(
{"detail": "User {0} was nominated successfully.", "args": [str(user)]}
def delete_other(self, request, user, assignment):
# To delete candidature status you have to be a manager.
if not has_perm(request.user, "assignments.can_manage"):
if assignment.phase == assignment.PHASE_FINISHED:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "You can not delete someone's candidature to this election because it is finished."
if not assignment.is_candidate(user):
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "User {0} has no status in this election.",
"args": [str(user)],
return Response(
{"detail": "Candidate {0} was withdrawn successfully.", "args": [str(user)]}
def sort_related_users(self, request, pk=None):
Special view endpoint to sort the assignment related users.
Expects a list of IDs of the related users (pk of AssignmentRelatedUser model).
assignment = self.get_object()
# Check data
related_user_ids ="related_users")
if not isinstance(related_user_ids, list):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "users has to be a list of IDs."})
# Get all related users from AssignmentRelatedUser.
related_users = {}
for related_user in AssignmentRelatedUser.objects.filter(
related_users[] = related_user
# Check all given candidates from the request
valid_related_users = []
for related_user_id in related_user_ids:
if (
not isinstance(related_user_id, int)
or related_users.get(related_user_id) is None
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Invalid data."})
# Sort the related users
weight = 1
with transaction.atomic():
for valid_related_user in valid_related_users:
valid_related_user.weight = weight
weight += 1
# send autoupdate
# Initiate response.
return Response({"detail": "Assignment related users successfully sorted."})
class AssignmentPollViewSet(BasePollViewSet):
API endpoint for assignment polls.
There are the following views: update, partial_update and destroy.
queryset = AssignmentPoll.objects.all()
def has_manage_permissions(self):
Returns True if the user has required permissions.
return has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see") and has_perm(
self.request.user, "assignments.can_manage"
def perform_create(self, serializer):
assignment = serializer.validated_data["assignment"]
if not assignment.candidates.exists():
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Cannot create poll because there are no candidates."}
poll = AssignmentPoll.objects.get(["id"])
poll.db_amount_global_abstain = Decimal(0)
poll.db_amount_global_no = Decimal(0)
def handle_analog_vote(self, data, poll, user):
for field in ["votesvalid", "votesinvalid", "votescast"]:
setattr(poll, field, data[field])
global_no_enabled = (
poll.global_no and poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES
if global_no_enabled:
poll.amount_global_no = data.get("amount_global_no", Decimal(0))
global_abstain_enabled = (
poll.global_abstain and poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES
if global_abstain_enabled:
poll.amount_global_abstain = data.get("amount_global_abstain", Decimal(0))
options = poll.get_options()
options_data = data.get("options")
with transaction.atomic():
for option_id, vote in options_data.items():
option = options.get(pk=int(option_id))
vote_obj, _ = AssignmentVote.objects.get_or_create(
option=option, value="Y"
vote_obj.weight = vote["Y"]
if poll.pollmethod in (
vote_obj, _ = AssignmentVote.objects.get_or_create(
option=option, value="N"
vote_obj.weight = vote["N"]
if poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_YNA:
vote_obj, _ = AssignmentVote.objects.get_or_create(
option=option, value="A"
vote_obj.weight = vote["A"]
def validate_vote_data(self, data, poll, user):
Request data:
"options": {<option_id>: {"Y": <amount>, ["N": <amount>], ["A": <amount>] }},
["votesvalid": <amount>], ["votesinvalid": <amount>], ["votescast": <amount>],
["amount_global_no": <amount>], ["amount_global_abstain": <amount>]
All amounts are decimals as strings
required fields per pollmethod:
- votes: Y
- YN: YN
{<option_id>: <amount>} | 'N' | 'A'
- Exactly one of the three options must be given
- 'N' is only valid if poll.global_no==True
- 'A' is only valid if poll.global_abstain==True
- amounts must be integer numbers >= 0.
- ids should be integers of valid option ids for this poll
- amounts must be 0 or 1, if poll.allow_multiple_votes_per_candidate is False
- The sum of all amounts must be grater than 0 and <= poll.votes_amount
{<option_id>: 'Y' | 'N' [|'A']}
- 'A' is only allowed in YNA pollmethod
if poll.type == AssignmentPoll.TYPE_ANALOG:
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be a dict"})
options_data = data.get("options")
if not isinstance(options_data, dict):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "You must provide options"})
for key, value in options_data.items():
if not is_int(key):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Keys must be int"})
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "A dict per option is required"})
value["Y"] = self.parse_vote_value(value, "Y")
if poll.pollmethod in (
value["N"] = self.parse_vote_value(value, "N")
if poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_YNA:
value["A"] = self.parse_vote_value(value, "A")
for field in ["votesvalid", "votesinvalid", "votescast"]:
data[field] = self.parse_vote_value(data, field)
global_no_enabled = (
poll.global_no and poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES
global_abstain_enabled = (
and poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES
if "amount_global_abstain" in data and global_abstain_enabled:
data["amount_global_abstain"] = self.parse_vote_value(
data, "amount_global_abstain"
if "amount_global_no" in data and global_no_enabled:
data["amount_global_no"] = self.parse_vote_value(
data, "amount_global_no"
if poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES:
if isinstance(data, dict):
amount_sum = 0
for option_id, amount in data.items():
if not is_int(option_id):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Each id must be an int."})
if not AssignmentOption.objects.filter(id=option_id).exists():
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": f"Option {option_id} does not exist."}
if not is_int(amount):
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Each amounts must be int"}
amount = int(amount)
if amount < 0:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Negative votes are not allowed"}
# skip empty votes
if amount == 0:
if not poll.allow_multiple_votes_per_candidate and amount != 1:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Multiple votes are not allowed"}
amount_sum += amount
if amount_sum > poll.votes_amount:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": "You can give a maximum of {0} votes",
"args": [poll.votes_amount],
elif data == "N" and poll.global_no:
return # return because we dont have to check option presence
elif data == "A" and poll.global_abstain:
return # return because we dont have to check option presence
raise ValidationError({"detail": "invalid data."})
elif poll.pollmethod in (
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be a dict."})
for option_id, value in data.items():
if not is_int(option_id):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Keys must be int"})
if not AssignmentOption.objects.filter(id=option_id).exists():
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": f"Option {option_id} does not exist."}
if (
poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_YNA
and value not in ("Y", "N", "A",)
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Every value must be Y, N or A"}
elif (
poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_YN
and value not in ("Y", "N",)
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Every value must be Y or N"})
options_data = data
def create_votes_type_votes(self, data, poll, user):
Helper function for handle_(named|pseudoanonymous)_vote
Assumes data is already validated
options = poll.get_options()
if isinstance(data, dict):
for option_id, amount in data.items():
# Add user to the option's voted array
option = options.get(pk=option_id)
# skip creating votes with empty weights
if amount == 0:
weight = Decimal(amount)
if config["users_activate_vote_weight"]:
weight *= user.vote_weight
vote = AssignmentVote.objects.create(
option=option, user=user, weight=weight, value="Y"
inform_changed_data(vote, no_delete_on_restriction=True)
else: # global_no or global_abstain
option = options[0]
weight = (
user.vote_weight if config["users_activate_vote_weight"] else Decimal(1)
vote = AssignmentVote.objects.create(
option=option, user=user, weight=weight, value=data
inform_changed_data(vote, no_delete_on_restriction=True)
def create_votes_type_named_pseudoanonymous(
self, data, poll, check_user, vote_user
check_user is used for the voted-array and weight of the vote,
vote_user is the one put into the vote
options = poll.get_options()
weight = (
if config["users_activate_vote_weight"]
else Decimal(1)
for option_id, result in data.items():
option = options.get(pk=option_id)
vote = AssignmentVote.objects.create(
option=option, user=vote_user, value=result, weight=weight,
inform_changed_data(vote, no_delete_on_restriction=True)
inform_changed_data(option, no_delete_on_restriction=True)
def add_user_to_voted_array(self, user, poll):
VotedModel = AssignmentPoll.voted.through
VotedModel.objects.create(assignmentpoll=poll, user=user)
def handle_named_vote(self, data, poll, user):
if poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES:
self.create_votes_type_votes(data, poll, user)
elif poll.pollmethod in (
self.create_votes_type_named_pseudoanonymous(data, poll, user, user)
def handle_pseudoanonymous_vote(self, data, poll, user):
if poll.pollmethod == AssignmentPoll.POLLMETHOD_VOTES:
self.create_votes_type_votes(data, poll, user)
elif poll.pollmethod in (
self.create_votes_type_named_pseudoanonymous(data, poll, user, None)
def convert_option_data(self, poll, data):
poll_options = poll.get_options()
new_option_data = {}
option_data = data.get("options")
if option_data is None:
raise ValidationError({"detail": "You must provide options"})
for id, val in option_data.items():
option = poll_options.filter(user_id=id).first()
if option is None:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": f"Assignment related user with id {id} not found"}
new_option_data[] = val
data["options"] = new_option_data
class AssignmentOptionViewSet(BaseOptionViewSet):
queryset = AssignmentOption.objects.all()
def check_view_permissions(self):
return has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see")
class AssignmentVoteViewSet(BaseVoteViewSet):
queryset = AssignmentVote.objects.all()
def check_view_permissions(self):
return has_perm(self.request.user, "assignments.can_see")