573 lines
21 KiB
573 lines
21 KiB
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.agenda.site', ['OpenSlidesApp.agenda'])
function (mainMenuProvider, gettext) {
'ui_sref': 'agenda.item.list',
'img_class': 'calendar-o',
'title': gettext('Agenda'),
'weight': 200,
'perm': 'agenda.can_see',
function($stateProvider) {
.state('agenda', {
url: '/agenda',
abstract: true,
template: "<ui-view/>",
.state('agenda.item', {
abstract: true,
template: "<ui-view/>",
.state('agenda.item.list', {
resolve: {
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll();
.state('agenda.item.detail', {
resolve: {
item: function(Agenda, $stateParams) {
return Agenda.find($stateParams.id).catch(
function () {
return null;
users: function(User) {
return User.findAll().catch(
function () {
return null;
tags: function(Tag) {
return Tag.findAll();
.state('agenda.item.sort', {
resolve: {
items: function(Agenda) {
return Agenda.findAll();
url: '/sort',
controller: 'AgendaSortCtrl',
.state('agenda.item.import', {
url: '/import',
controller: 'AgendaImportCtrl',
.controller('ItemListCtrl', [
function($scope, $filter, $http, $state, DS, operator, ngDialog, Agenda, CustomslideForm, AgendaTree, Projector) {
// Bind agenda tree to the scope
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Agenda.lastModified();
}, function () {
$scope.items = AgendaTree.getFlatTree(Agenda.getAll());
var subitems = $filter('filter')($scope.items, {'parent_id': ''});
if (subitems.length) {
$scope.agendaHasSubitems = true;
$scope.alert = {};
// pagination
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.itemsPerPage = 100;
$scope.limitBegin = 0;
$scope.pageChanged = function() {
$scope.limitBegin = ($scope.currentPage - 1) * $scope.itemsPerPage;
// check open permission
$scope.isAllowedToSeeOpenLink = function (item) {
var collection = item.content_object.collection;
switch (collection) {
case 'core/customslide':
return operator.hasPerms('core.can_manage_projector');
case 'motions/motion':
return operator.hasPerms('motions.can_see');
case 'assignments/assignment':
return operator.hasPerms('assignments.can_see');
return false;
// open new dialog
$scope.newDialog = function () {
// open edit dialog
$scope.editDialog = function (item) {
{id: item.content_object.id});
// detail view of related item (content object)
$scope.open = function (item) {
{id: item.content_object.id});
// cancel QuickEdit mode
$scope.cancelQuickEdit = function (item) {
// revert all changes by restore (refresh) original item object from server
item.quickEdit = false;
// save changed item
$scope.save = function (item) {
function(success) {
item.quickEdit = false;
$scope.alert.show = false;
var message = '';
for (var e in error.data) {
message += e + ': ' + error.data[e] + ' ';
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: message, show: true };
// delete related item
$scope.deleteRelatedItem = function (item) {
DS.destroy(item.content_object.collection, item.content_object.id);
// *** delete mode functions ***
$scope.isDeleteMode = false;
// check all checkboxes
$scope.checkAll = function () {
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (item) {
item.selected = $scope.selectedAll;
// uncheck all checkboxes if isDeleteMode is closed
$scope.uncheckAll = function () {
if (!$scope.isDeleteMode) {
$scope.selectedAll = false;
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (item) {
item.selected = false;
// delete selected items only if items are customslides
$scope.delete = function () {
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (item) {
if (item.selected) {
DS.destroy(item.content_object.collection, item.content_object.id);
$scope.isDeleteMode = false;
// project agenda
$scope.projectAgenda = function (tree, id) {
[{name: 'agenda/item-list', tree: tree, id: id}]);
// check if agenda is projected
$scope.isAgendaProjected = function (tree) {
// Returns true if there is a projector element with the name
// 'agenda/item-list'.
var projector = Projector.get(1);
if (typeof projector === 'undefined') return false;
var self = this;
var predicate = function (element) {
var value;
if (typeof tree === 'undefined') {
// only main agenda items
value = element.name == 'agenda/item-list' &&
typeof element.id === 'undefined' &&
} else {
// tree with all agenda items
value = element.name == 'agenda/item-list' &&
typeof element.id === 'undefined' &&
return value;
return typeof _.findKey(projector.elements, predicate) === 'string';
// auto numbering of agenda items
$scope.autoNumbering = function() {
$http.post('/rest/agenda/item/numbering/', {});
.controller('ItemDetailCtrl', [
function ($scope, $filter, $http, $state, operator, Agenda, User, item) {
Agenda.bindOne(item.id, $scope, 'item');
User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users');
$scope.speakerSelectBox = {};
$scope.alert = {};
$scope.speakers = $filter('orderBy')(item.speakers, 'weight');
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Agenda.lastModified();
}, function () {
$scope.speakers = $filter('orderBy')(item.speakers, 'weight');
// go to detail view of related item (content object)
$scope.open = function (item) {
{id: item.content_object.id});
// close/open list of speakers of current item
$scope.closeList = function (listClosed) {
item.speaker_list_closed = listClosed;
// add user to list of speakers
$scope.addSpeaker = function (userId) {
$http.post('/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/manage_speaker/', {'user': userId})
.success(function (data){
$scope.alert.show = false;
$scope.speakers = item.speakers;
$scope.speakerSelectBox = {};
.error(function (data){
$scope.alert = {type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true};
$scope.speakerSelectBox = {};
// delete speaker(!) from list of speakers
$scope.removeSpeaker = function (speakerId) {
'/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/manage_speaker/',
{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
data: JSON.stringify({speaker: speakerId})}
$scope.speakers = item.speakers;
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true };
$scope.speakers = item.speakers;
//delete all speakers from list of speakers
$scope.removeAllSpeakers = function () {
var speakersOnList = [];
angular.forEach(item.speakers, function (speaker) {
'/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/manage_speaker/',
{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
data: JSON.stringify({speaker: speakersOnList})}
$scope.speakers = item.speakers;
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true };
$scope.speakers = item.speakers;
// check if user is allowed to see 'add me' / 'remove me' button
$scope.isAllowed = function (action) {
var nextUsers = [];
var nextSpeakers = $filter('filter')($scope.speakers, {'begin_time': null});
angular.forEach(nextSpeakers, function (speaker) {
if (action == 'add') {
return (operator.hasPerms('agenda.can_be_speaker') &&
!item.speaker_list_closed &&
$.inArray(operator.user.id, nextUsers) == -1);
if (action == 'remove') {
return ($.inArray(operator.user.id, nextUsers) != -1);
// begin speech of selected/next speaker
$scope.beginSpeech = function (speakerId) {
$http.put('/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/speak/', {'speaker': speakerId})
$scope.alert.show = false;
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true };
// end speech of current speaker
$scope.endSpeech = function () {
'/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/speak/',
{headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, data: {}}
$scope.alert = { type: 'danger', msg: data.detail, show: true };
// gets speech duration of selected speaker in seconds
$scope.getDuration = function (speaker) {
var beginTimestamp = new Date(speaker.begin_time).getTime();
var endTimestamp = new Date(speaker.end_time).getTime();
// calculate duration in seconds
return Math.floor((endTimestamp - beginTimestamp) / 1000);
// save reordered list of speakers
$scope.treeOptions = {
dropped: function (event) {
var sortedSpeakers = [];
var nextSpeakers = $filter('filter')($scope.speakers, {'begin_time': null});
angular.forEach(nextSpeakers, function (speaker) {
$http.post('/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/sort_speakers/',
{speakers: sortedSpeakers}
.controller('AgendaSortCtrl', [
function($scope, $http, Agenda, AgendaTree) {
// Bind agenda tree to the scope
$scope.$watch(function () {
return Agenda.lastModified();
}, function () {
$scope.items = AgendaTree.getTree(Agenda.getAll());
// save parent and weight of moved agenda item (and all items on same level)
$scope.treeOptions = {
dropped: function(event) {
var parentID = null;
var droppedItemID = event.source.nodeScope.$modelValue.id;
if (event.dest.nodesScope.item) {
parentID = event.dest.nodesScope.item.id;
angular.forEach(event.dest.nodesScope.$modelValue, function(item, index) {
$http.patch('/rest/agenda/item/' + item.id + '/', {parent_id: parentID, weight: index});
.controller('AgendaImportCtrl', [
function($scope, gettext, Agenda, Customslide) {
// import from textarea
$scope.importByLine = function () {
if ($scope.itemlist) {
$scope.titleItems = $scope.itemlist[0].split("\n");
$scope.importcounter = 0;
$scope.titleItems.forEach(function(title, index) {
var item = {title: title};
// TODO: create all items in bulk mode
function(success) {
// find related agenda item
Agenda.find(success.agenda_item_id).then(function(item) {
// import all items as type AGENDA_ITEM = 1
item.type = 1;
item.weight = 1000 + index;
// *** CSV import ***
// set initial data for csv import
$scope.items = [];
$scope.separator = ',';
$scope.encoding = 'UTF-8';
$scope.encodingOptions = ['UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'];
$scope.accept = '.csv, .txt';
$scope.csv = {
content: null,
header: true,
headerVisible: false,
separator: $scope.separator,
separatorVisible: false,
encoding: $scope.encoding,
encodingVisible: false,
accept: $scope.accept,
result: null
// set csv file encoding
$scope.setEncoding = function () {
$scope.csv.encoding = $scope.encoding;
// set csv file encoding
$scope.setSeparator = function () {
$scope.csv.separator = $scope.separator;
// detect if csv file is loaded
$scope.$watch('csv.result', function () {
$scope.items = [];
var quotionRe = /^"(.*)"$/;
angular.forEach($scope.csv.result, function (item, index) {
// title
if (item.title) {
item.title = item.title.replace(quotionRe, '$1');
if (!item.title) {
item.importerror = true;
item.title_error = gettext('Error: Title is required.');
// text
if (item.text) {
item.text = item.text.replace(quotionRe, '$1');
// duration
if (item.duration) {
item.duration = item.duration.replace(quotionRe, '$1');
// comment
if (item.comment) {
item.comment = item.comment.replace(quotionRe, '$1');
// is_hidden
if (item.is_hidden) {
item.is_hidden = item.is_hidden.replace(quotionRe, '$1');
if (item.is_hidden == '1') {
item.type = 2;
} else {
item.type = 1;
} else {
item.type = 1;
// set weight for right csv row order
// (Use 1000+ to protect existing items and prevent collision
// with new items which use weight 10000 as default.)
item.weight = 1000 + index;
// import from csv file
$scope.import = function () {
$scope.csvImporting = true;
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (item) {
if (!item.importerror) {
function(success) {
item.imported = true;
// find related agenda item
Agenda.find(success.agenda_item_id).then(function(agendaItem) {
agendaItem.duration = item.duration;
agendaItem.comment = item.comment;
agendaItem.type = item.type;
agendaItem.weight = item.weight;
$scope.csvimported = true;
$scope.clear = function () {
$scope.csv.result = null;
// download CSV example file
$scope.downloadCSVExample = function () {
var element = document.getElementById('downloadLink');
var csvRows = [
// column header line
['title', 'text', 'duration', 'comment', 'is_hidden'],
// example entries
['Demo 1', 'Demo text 1', '1:00', 'test comment', ''],
['Break', '', '0:10', '', '1'],
['Demo 2', 'Demo text 2', '1:30', '', '']
var csvString = csvRows.join("%0A");
element.href = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + csvString;
element.download = 'agenda-example.csv';
element.target = '_blank';
//mark all agenda config strings for translation with Javascript
function (gettext) {
gettext('Numbering prefix for agenda items');
gettext('This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.');
gettext('Invalid input.');
gettext('Numeral system for agenda items');
gettext('Begin of event');
gettext('Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM');
gettext('Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector');
gettext('List of speakers');
gettext('Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time');
gettext('Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.');
gettext('Couple countdown with the list of speakers');
gettext('[Begin speech] starts the countdown, [End speech] stops the ' +