
568 lines
17 KiB

import { EventEmitter, Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { MatSnackBarRef, SimpleSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { compress, decompress } from 'lz4js';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { take } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { OfflineService } from './offline.service';
import { OpenSlidesStatusService } from './openslides-status.service';
import { formatQueryParams, QueryParams } from '../definitions/query-params';
* The generic message format in which messages are send and recieved by the server.
interface BaseWebsocketMessage {
type: string;
content: any;
* Outgoing messages must have an id.
interface OutgoingWebsocketMessage extends BaseWebsocketMessage {
id: string;
* Incomming messages may have an `in_response`, if they are an answer to a previously
* submitted request.
interface IncommingWebsocketMessage extends BaseWebsocketMessage {
in_response?: string;
* The format of a messages content, if the message type is "error"
interface WebsocketErrorContent {
code: number;
message: string;
function isWebsocketErrorContent(obj: any): obj is WebsocketErrorContent {
return !!obj && obj.code !== undefined && obj.message !== undefined;
* All (custom) error codes that are used to pass error information
* from the server to the client
export const WEBSOCKET_ERROR_CODES = {
* Options for (re-)connecting.
interface ConnectOptions {
changeId?: number;
enableAutoupdates?: boolean;
* Service that handles WebSocket connections. Other services can register themselfs
* with {@method getOberservable} for a specific type of messages. The content will be published.
providedIn: 'root'
export class WebsocketService {
* The reference to the snackbar entry that is shown, if the connection is lost.
private connectionErrorNotice: MatSnackBarRef<SimpleSnackBar>;
* Subjects that will be called, if a reconnect after a retry (e.g. with a previous
* connection loss) was successful.
private readonly _retryReconnectEvent: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();
* Getter for the retry reconnect event.
public get retryReconnectEvent(): EventEmitter<void> {
return this._retryReconnectEvent;
* Subjects that will be called, if connect took place, but not a retry reconnect.
* THis is the complement from the generalConnectEvent to the retryReconnectEvent.
private readonly _noRetryConnectEvent: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();
* Getter for the no-retry connect event.
public get noRetryConnectEvent(): EventEmitter<void> {
return this._noRetryConnectEvent;
* Listeners will be nofitied, if the wesocket connection is establiched.
private readonly _generalConnectEvent: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();
* Getter for the connect event.
public get generalConnectEvent(): EventEmitter<void> {
return this._generalConnectEvent;
* Listeners will be nofitied, if the wesocket connection is closed.
private readonly _closeEvent: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();
* Getter for the close event.
public get closeEvent(): EventEmitter<void> {
return this._closeEvent;
* The subject for all websocket *message* errors (no connection errors).
private readonly _errorResponseSubject = new Subject<WebsocketErrorContent>();
* The error response obersable for all websocket message errors.
public get errorResponseObservable(): Observable<WebsocketErrorContent> {
return this._errorResponseSubject.asObservable();
* Saves, if the connection is open
private _connectionOpen = false;
* Whether the WebSocket connection is established
public get isConnected(): boolean {
return this._connectionOpen;
private sendQueueWhileNotConnected: (string | ArrayBuffer)[] = [];
* The websocket.
private websocket: WebSocket | null;
private websocketId: string | null;
* Subjects for types of websocket messages. A subscriber can get an Observable by {@function getOberservable}.
private subjects: { [type: string]: Subject<any> } = {};
* Callbacks for a waiting response. If any callback returns true, the message/error will not be propagated with the
* responsible subjects for the message type.
private responseCallbacks: {
[id: string]: [(val: any) => boolean, (error: WebsocketErrorContent) => boolean];
} = {};
* Saves, if the WS Connection should be closed (e.g. after an explicit `close()`). Prohibits
* retry connection attempts.
private shouldBeClosed = true;
* Counter for delaying the offline message.
private retryCounter = 0;
* The timeout in the onClose-handler for the next reconnect retry.
private retryTimeout: any = null;
* Constructor that handles the router
* @param zone
* @param router
* @param openSlidesStatusService
* @param offlineService
public constructor(
private zone: NgZone,
private router: Router,
private openSlidesStatusService: OpenSlidesStatusService,
private offlineService: OfflineService
) {}
* Creates a new WebSocket connection and handles incomming events.
* Uses NgZone to let all callbacks run in the angular context.
public async connect(options: ConnectOptions = {}, retry: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
const websocketId = Math.random()
this.websocketId = websocketId;
if (this.websocket) {
this.websocket = null;
if (!retry) {
this.shouldBeClosed = false;
// set defaults
options = Object.assign(options, {
enableAutoupdates: true
const queryParams: QueryParams = {
autoupdate: options.enableAutoupdates
if (options.changeId !== undefined) {
queryParams.change_id = options.changeId;
// Create the websocket
let socketPath = location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss://' : 'ws://';
socketPath +=;
if (this.openSlidesStatusService.isPrioritizedClient) {
socketPath += '/prioritize';
socketPath += '/ws/';
socketPath += formatQueryParams(queryParams);
this.websocket = new WebSocket(socketPath);
this.websocket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
// connection established. If this connect attept was a retry,
// The error notice will be removed and the reconnectSubject is published.
this.websocket.onopen = (event: Event) => {
if (this.websocketId !== websocketId) {
} => {
this.retryCounter = 0;
if (this.shouldBeClosed) {
this._connectionOpen = true;
if (retry) {
} else {
this.sendQueueWhileNotConnected.forEach(entry => {
this.sendQueueWhileNotConnected = [];
this.websocket.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
if (this.websocketId !== websocketId) {
} => {
this.websocket.onclose = (event: CloseEvent) => {
if (this.websocketId !== websocketId) {
} => {
this.websocket.onerror = (event: ErrorEvent) => {
if (this.websocketId !== websocketId) {
// place for proper error handling and debugging.
// Required to get more information about errors => {
console.warn('WS error event:', event);
* Handles an incomming message.
* @param data The message
private handleMessage(data: string | ArrayBuffer): void {
if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
const compressedSize = data.byteLength;
const decompressedBuffer: Uint8Array = decompress(new Uint8Array(data));
`Recieved ${compressedSize / 1024} KB (${decompressedBuffer.byteLength /
1024} KB uncompressed), ratio ${decompressedBuffer.byteLength / compressedSize}`
data = this.arrayBufferToString(decompressedBuffer);
const message: IncommingWebsocketMessage = JSON.parse(data);
console.debug('Received', message);
const type = message.type;
const inResponse = message.in_response;
const callbacks = this.responseCallbacks[inResponse];
if (callbacks) {
delete this.responseCallbacks[inResponse];
if (type === 'error') {
if (!isWebsocketErrorContent(message.content)) {
console.error('Websocket error without standard form!', message);
// Print this to the console.
const error = message.content;
const errorDescription =
Object.keys(WEBSOCKET_ERROR_CODES).find(key => WEBSOCKET_ERROR_CODES[key] === error.code) ||
'unknown code';
console.error(`Websocket error with code=${error.code} (${errorDescription}):`, error.message);
// call the error callback, if there is any. If it returns true (means "handled"),
// the errorResponseSubject will not be called
if (inResponse && callbacks && callbacks[1] && callbacks[1](error)) {
// Try to fire a response callback directly. If it returnes true, the message is handeled
// and not distributed further
if (inResponse && callbacks && callbacks[0](message.content)) {
if (this.subjects[type]) {
// Pass the content to the registered subscribers.
} else {
`Got unknown websocket message type "${type}" (inResponse: ${inResponse}) with content`,
* Closes the connection error notice
private onclose(): void {
if (this.websocket) {
this.websocketId = null; // set to null, so now further events will be
// registered with the line below.
this.websocket.close(); // Cleanup old connection
this.websocket = null;
this._connectionOpen = false;
// 1000 is a normal close, like the close on logout
if (!this.shouldBeClosed) {
// Do not show the message snackbar on the projector
// tests for /projector and /projector/<id>
const onProjector = this.router.url.match(/^\/projector(\/[0-9]+\/?)?$/);
if (this.retryCounter <= 3) {
if (!this.connectionErrorNotice && !onProjector && this.retryCounter > 3) {
// A random retry timeout between 2000 and 5000 ms.
const timeout = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3000 + 2000);
this.retryTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.retryTimeout = null;
this.connect({ enableAutoupdates: true }, true);
}, timeout);
public cancelReconnectenRetry(): void {
if (this.retryTimeout) {
this.retryTimeout = null;
* Closes the websocket connection.
public async close(): Promise<void> {
this.shouldBeClosed = true;
if (this.websocket) {
this.websocket = null;
await this.closeEvent.pipe(take(1)).toPromise();
* Simulates an abnormal close.
* Internally does not set `shouldBeClosed`, so a reconnect is forced.
public simulateAbnormalClose(): void {
* closes and reopens the connection. If the connection was closed before,
* it will be just opened.
* @param options The options for the new connection
public async reconnect(options: ConnectOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
await this.close();
await this.connect(options);
* Returns an observable for messages of the given type.
* @param type the message type
public getOberservable<T>(type: string): Observable<T> {
if (!this.subjects[type]) {
this.subjects[type] = new Subject<T>();
return this.subjects[type].asObservable();
* Sends a message to the server with the content and the given type.
* @param type the message type
* @param content the actual content
* @param success an optional success callback for a response. If it returns true, the message will not be
* propagated through the recieve subjects.
* @param error an optional error callback for a response. If it returns true, the error will not be propagated
* with the error subject.
* @param id an optional id for the message. If not given, a random id will be generated and returned.
* @returns the message id
public send<T, R>(
type: string,
content: T,
success?: (val: R) => boolean,
error?: (error: WebsocketErrorContent) => boolean,
id?: string
): string {
if (!this.websocket) {
const message: OutgoingWebsocketMessage = {
type: type,
content: content,
id: id
// create message id if not given. Required by the server.
if (! { = '';
const possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
if (success) {
this.responseCallbacks[] = [success, error];
const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message);
const bytesMessage = this.stringToBuffer(jsonMessage);
const compressedMessage: ArrayBuffer = compress(bytesMessage);
const ratio = bytesMessage.byteLength / compressedMessage.byteLength;
const toSend = ratio > 1 ? compressedMessage : jsonMessage;
if (this.isConnected) {
} else {
* Sends a message and waits for the response
* @param type the message type
* @param content the actual content
* @param id an optional id for the message. If not given, a random id will be generated and returned.
public sendAndGetResponse<T, R>(type: string, content: T, id?: string): Promise<R> {
return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {
this.send<T, R>(
val => {
return true;
val => {
return true;
* Converts an ArrayBuffer to a String.
* @param buffer - Buffer to convert
* @returns String
private arrayBufferToString(buffer: Uint8Array): string {
return Array.from(buffer)
.map(code => String.fromCharCode(code))
* Converts a String to an ArrayBuffer.
* @param str - String to convert.
* @returns bufferView.
private stringToBuffer(str: string): Uint8Array {
const bufferView = new Uint8Array();
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
bufferView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return bufferView;