The motion import now features an additional column to indicate that the import should be created by an existing group. If the column is missing it is considered as 'off' and first / last name are used as always. If the column exists and contains 'y','yes','j','ja','true', '1' or 1 first name will be ignored and last name will be interpreted as a group name. If the group exists and can act as a person the motion will be imported and assigned to this group. Signed-off-by: René Köcher <shirk@bitspin.org>
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Models for the motion app.
:copyright: 2011, 2012 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS.
:license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details.
from datetime import datetime
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Max
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils.translation import pgettext
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext_noop, ugettext
from openslides.utils.utils import _propper_unicode
from openslides.utils.person import PersonField
from openslides.config.models import config
from openslides.config.signals import default_config_value
from openslides.poll.models import (BaseOption, BasePoll, CountVotesCast,
CountInvalid, BaseVote)
from openslides.participant.models import User, Group
from openslides.projector.api import register_slidemodel
from openslides.projector.models import SlideMixin
from openslides.agenda.models import Item
class MotionSupporter(models.Model):
motion = models.ForeignKey("Motion")
person = PersonField()
class Motion(models.Model, SlideMixin):
prefix = "motion"
('pub', _('Published')),
('per', _('Permitted')),
('acc', _('Accepted')),
('rej', _('Rejected')),
('wit', _('Withdrawed')),
('adj', _('Adjourned')),
('noc', _('Not Concerned')),
('com', _('Commited a bill')),
('nop', _('Rejected (not authorized)')),
('rev', _('Needs Review')), # Where is this status used?
#additional actions:
# edit
# delete
# setnumber
# support
# unsupport
# createitem
# activateitem
# genpoll
submitter = PersonField(verbose_name=_("Submitter"))
number = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True,
status = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=STATUS, default='pub')
permitted = models.ForeignKey('AVersion', related_name='permitted', \
null=True, blank=True)
log = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
def last_version(self):
Return last version of the motion.
return AVersion.objects.filter(motion=self).order_by('id') \
except IndexError:
return None
def public_version(self):
Return permitted, if the motion was permitted, else last_version
if self.permitted is not None:
return self.permitted
return self.last_version
def accept_version(self, version, user = None):
accept a Version
self.permitted = version
version.rejected = False
self.writelog(_("Version %d authorized") % (version.aid, ),
def reject_version(self, version, user = None):
if version.id > self.permitted.id:
version.rejected = True
self.writelog(pgettext("Rejected means not authorized", "Version %d rejected")
% (version.aid, ), user)
return True
return False
def versions(self):
Return a list of all versions of the motion.
return AVersion.objects.filter(motion=self)
def creation_time(self):
Return the time of the creation of the motion.
return self.versions[0].time
except IndexError:
return None
def notes(self):
Return some information of the motion.
note = []
if self.status == "pub" and not self.enough_supporters:
note.append(ugettext("Searching for supporters."))
if self.status == "pub" and self.permitted is None:
note.append(ugettext("Not yet authorized."))
elif self.unpermitted_changes and self.permitted:
note.append(ugettext("Not yet authorized changes."))
return note
def unpermitted_changes(self):
Return True if the motion has unpermitted changes.
The motion has unpermitted changes, if the permitted-version
is not the lastone and the lastone is not rejected.
TODO: rename the property in unchecked__changes
if (self.last_version != self.permitted
and not self.last_version.rejected):
return True
return False
def supporters(self):
for object in self.motionsupporter_set.all():
yield object.person
def is_supporter(self, person):
return self.motionsupporter_set.filter(person=person).exists()
except AttributeError:
return False
def enough_supporters(self):
Return True, if the motion has enough supporters
min_supporters = int(config['motion_min_supporters'])
if self.status == "pub":
return self.count_supporters() >= min_supporters
return True
def count_supporters(self):
return self.motionsupporter_set.count()
def missing_supporters(self):
Return number of missing supporters
min_supporters = int(config['motion_min_supporters'])
delta = min_supporters - self.count_supporters()
if delta > 0:
return delta
return 0
def save(self, user=None, nonewversion=False, trivial_change=False):
Save the Motion, and create a new AVersion if necessary
super(Motion, self).save()
if nonewversion:
last_version = self.last_version
fields = ["text", "title", "reason"]
if last_version is not None:
changed_fields = [f for f in fields
if getattr(last_version, f) != getattr(self, f)]
if not changed_fields:
return # No changes
if trivial_change and last_version is not None:
last_version.text = self.text
last_version.title = self.title
last_version.reason = self.reason
meta = AVersion._meta
field_names = [unicode(meta.get_field(f).verbose_name)
for f in changed_fields]
self.writelog(_("Trivial changes to version %(version)d; "
"changed fields: %(changed_fields)s")
% dict(version = last_version.aid,
changed_fields = ", ".join(field_names)))
return # Done
version = AVersion(title=getattr(self, 'title', ''),
text=getattr(self, 'text', ''),
reason=getattr(self, 'reason', ''),
self.writelog(_("Version %s created") % version.aid, user)
is_manager = user.has_perm('motion.can_manage_motion')
except AttributeError:
is_manager = False
supporters = self.motionsupporter_set.all()
if (self.status == "pub"
and supporters
and not is_manager):
self.writelog(_("Supporters removed"), user)
def reset(self, user):
Reset the motion.
self.status = "pub"
self.permitted = None
self.writelog(_("Status reseted to: %s") % (self.get_status_display()), user)
def support(self, person):
Add a Supporter to the list of supporters of the motion.
if person == self.submitter:
# TODO: Use own Exception
raise NameError('Supporter can not be the submitter of a '
if not self.is_supporter(person):
MotionSupporter(motion=self, person=person).save()
self.writelog(_("Supporter: +%s") % (person))
# TODO: Raise a precise exception for the view in else-clause
def unsupport(self, person):
remove a supporter from the list of supporters of the motion
object = self.motionsupporter_set.get(person=person).delete()
except MotionSupporter.DoesNotExist:
# TODO: Don't do nothing but raise a precise exception for the view
self.writelog(_("Supporter: -%s") % (person))
def set_number(self, number=None, user=None):
Set a number for ths motion.
if self.number is not None:
# TODO: Use own Exception
raise NameError('This motion has already a number.')
if number is None:
number = Motion.objects.aggregate(Max('number')) \
['number__max'] + 1
except TypeError:
number = 1
self.number = number
self.writelog(_("Number set: %s") % (self.number), user)
return self.number
def permit(self, user=None):
Change the status of this motion to permit.
self.set_status(user, "per")
aversion = self.last_version
if self.number is None:
self.permitted = aversion
self.writelog(_("Version %s authorized") % (aversion.aid), user)
return self.permitted
def notpermit(self, user=None):
Change the status of this motion to 'not permitted (rejected)'.
self.set_status(user, "nop")
#TODO: reject last version
aversion = self.last_version
#self.permitted = aversion
if self.number is None:
self.writelog(_("Version %s not authorized") % (self.last_version.aid), user)
def set_status(self, user, status, force=False):
Set the status of the motion.
error = True
for a, b in Motion.STATUS:
if status == a:
error = False
if error:
#TODO: Use the Right Error
raise NameError(_('%s is not a valid status.') % status)
if self.status == status:
#TODO: Use the Right Error
raise NameError(_('The motion status is already \'%s.\'') \
% self.status)
actions = []
actions = self.get_allowed_actions(user)
if status not in actions and not force:
#TODO: Use the Right Error
raise NameError(_(
'The motion status is: \'%(currentstatus)s\'. '
'You can not set the status to \'%(newstatus)s\'.') % {
'currentstatus': self.status,
'newstatus': status})
oldstatus = self.get_status_display()
self.status = status
self.writelog(_("Status modified")+": %s -> %s" \
% (oldstatus, self.get_status_display()), user)
def get_allowed_actions(self, user):
Return a list of all the allowed status.
actions = []
# check if user allowed to withdraw an motion
if ((self.status == "pub"
and self.number
and user == self.submitter)
or (self.status == "pub"
and self.number
and user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion"))
or (self.status == "per"
and user == self.submitter)
or (self.status == "per"
and user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion"))):
#Check if the user can review the motion
if (self.status == "rev"
and (self.submitter == user
or user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion"))):
# Check if the user can support and unspoort the motion
if (self.status == "pub"
and user != self.submitter
and not self.is_supporter(user)):
if self.status == "pub" and self.is_supporter(user):
#Check if the user can edit the motion
if (user == self.submitter \
and (self.status in ('pub', 'per'))) \
or user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion"):
# Check if the user can delete the motion (admin, manager, owner)
# reworked as requiered in #100
if (user.has_perm("motion.can_delete_all_motions") or
(user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion") and
self.number is None) or
(self.submitter == user and self.number is None)):
#For the rest, all actions need the manage permission
if not user.has_perm("motion.can_manage_motion"):
return actions
if self.status == "pub":
if self.number == None:
if self.status == "per":
if self.unpermitted_changes:
return actions
def delete(self, force=False):
Delete the motion. It is not possible, if the motion has
allready a number
if self.number and not force:
raise NameError('The motion has already a number. ' \
'You can not delete it.')
for item in Item.objects.filter(related_sid=self.sid):
super(Motion, self).delete()
def writelog(self, text, user=None):
if not self.log:
self.log = ""
self.log += u"%s | %s" % (datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"), _propper_unicode(text))
if user is not None:
if isinstance(user, User):
self.log += u" (%s %s)" % (_("by"), _propper_unicode(user.username))
self.log += u" (%s %s)" % (_("by"), _propper_unicode(str(user)))
self.log += "\n"
def get_agenda_title(self):
return self.public_version.title
def get_agenda_title_supplement(self):
number = self.number or '<i>[%s]</i>' % ugettext('no number')
return '(%s %s)' % (ugettext('motion'), number)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name is title, text, reason or time,
Return this attribute from the newest version of the motion
if name in ('title', 'text', 'reason', 'time', 'aid'):
if name == 'aid':
return self.last_version.aid
return self.last_version.__dict__[name]
except TypeError:
raise AttributeError(name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(name)
raise AttributeError(name)
def gen_poll(self, user=None):
Generates a poll object for the motion
poll = MotionPoll(motion=self)
self.writelog(_("Poll created"), user)
return poll
def polls(self):
return self.motionpoll_set.all()
def results(self):
return self.get_poll_results()
def get_poll_results(self):
Return a list of voting results
results = []
for poll in self.polls:
for option in poll.get_options():
if option.get_votes().exists():
results.append((option['Yes'], option['No'],
option['Abstain'], poll.print_votesinvalid(),
return results
def slide(self):
return the slide dict
data = super(Motion, self).slide()
data['motion'] = self
data['title'] = self.title
data['template'] = 'projector/Motion.html'
return data
def get_absolute_url(self, link='view'):
if link == 'view':
return reverse('motion_view', args=[str(self.id)])
if link == 'edit':
return reverse('motion_edit', args=[str(self.id)])
if link == 'delete':
return reverse('motion_delete', args=[str(self.id)])
def __unicode__(self):
return self.last_version.title
except AttributeError:
return "no title jet"
class Meta:
permissions = (
('can_see_motion', ugettext_noop("Can see motions")),
('can_create_motion', ugettext_noop("Can create motions")),
('can_support_motion', ugettext_noop("Can support motions")),
('can_manage_motion', ugettext_noop("Can manage motions")),
ordering = ('number',)
class AVersion(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, verbose_name = _("Title"))
text = models.TextField(verbose_name = _("Text"))
reason = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, verbose_name = _("Reason"))
rejected = models.BooleanField() # = Not Permitted
time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
motion = models.ForeignKey(Motion)
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s %s" % (self.id, self.title)
def aid(self):
return self._aid
except AttributeError:
self._aid = AVersion.objects \
.filter(motion=self.motion) \
return self._aid
class MotionVote(BaseVote):
option = models.ForeignKey('MotionOption')
class MotionOption(BaseOption):
poll = models.ForeignKey('MotionPoll')
vote_class = MotionVote
class MotionPoll(BasePoll, CountInvalid, CountVotesCast):
option_class = MotionOption
vote_values = [ugettext_noop('Yes'), ugettext_noop('No'),
motion = models.ForeignKey(Motion)
def get_motion(self):
return self.motion
def set_options(self):
#TODO: maybe it is possible with .create() to call this without poll=self
def append_pollform_fields(self, fields):
CountInvalid.append_pollform_fields(self, fields)
CountVotesCast.append_pollform_fields(self, fields)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('motion_poll_view', args=[self.id])
def get_ballot(self):
return self.motion.motionpoll_set.filter(id__lte=self.id).count()
@receiver(default_config_value, dispatch_uid="motion_default_config")
def default_config(sender, key, **kwargs):
return {
'motion_min_supporters': 0,
'motion_preamble': _('The assembly may decide,'),
'motion_pdf_ballot_papers_selection': 'CUSTOM_NUMBER',
'motion_pdf_ballot_papers_number': '8',
'motion_pdf_title': _('Motions'),
'motion_pdf_preamble': '',
'motion_allow_trivial_change': False,