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(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.motions.docx', ['OpenSlidesApp.core.docx'])
.factory('MotionDocxExport', [
function ($http, $q, operator, Config, Category, gettextCatalog, FileSaver, lineNumberingService,
Html2DocxConverter, MotionComment) {
var PAGEBREAK = '<w:p><w:r><w:br w:type="page" /></w:r></w:p>';
var converter;
var getData = function (motions, params) {
var data = {};
// header
var headerline1 = [
].filter(Boolean).join(' ');
var headerline2 = [
].filter(Boolean).join(', ');
data.header = [headerline1, headerline2].join('\n');
// motion catalog title/preamble
data.title = Config.translate(Config.get('motions_export_title').value);
data.preamble = Config.get('motions_export_preamble').value;
// categories
var categories = getCategoriesData(motions);
data.has_categories = categories.length === 0 ? false : true;
data.categories_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Categories');
data.categories = categories;
data.no_categories = gettextCatalog.getString('No categories available.');
data.pagebreak_main = categories.length === 0 ? '' : PAGEBREAK;
// motions
data.tableofcontents_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Table of contents');
data.motions_list = getMotionShortData(motions, params);
data.no_motions = gettextCatalog.getString('No motions available.');
return $q(function (resolve) {
getMotionFullData(motions, params).then(function (motionData) {
data.motions = motionData;
var getCategoriesData = function (motions) {
var categories =, function (motion) {
if (motion.category) {
return {
prefix: motion.category.prefix,
// clear out 'undefined' and make the categories unique.
categories = _.uniqBy(_.filter(categories, function(category) {
return category;
}), 'prefix');
var sortKey = Config.get('motions_export_category_sorting').value;
return _.orderBy(categories, [sortKey]);
var getMotionShortData = function (motions, params) {
return, function (motion) {
return {
identifier: motion.identifier || '',
title: motion.getTitleWithChanges(params.changeRecommendationMode),
var getMotionFullData = function (motions, params) {
// All translations
var translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Motion'),
sequential_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Sequential number'),
submitters_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Submitters'),
status_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Status'),
reason_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Reason'),
comment_translation = gettextCatalog.getString('Comments');
var sequential_enabled = Config.get('motions_export_sequential_number').value;
// promises for create the actual motion data
var promises =, function (motion) {
var title = motion.getTitleWithChanges(params.changeRecommendationMode);
var text = params.include.text ? motion.getTextByMode(params.changeRecommendationMode, null, null, false) : '';
var reason = params.include.reason ? motion.getReason() : '';
var comments = getMotionComments(motion, params.includeComments);
// Data for one motions. Must include translations, ...
var motionData = {
// Translations
motion_translation: translation,
sequential_translation: sequential_translation,
submitters_translation: submitters_translation,
reason_translation: reason.length === 0 ? '' : reason_translation,
status_translation: status_translation,
comment_translation: comments.length === 0 ? '' : comment_translation,
sequential_enabled: sequential_enabled,
// Actual data
identifier: motion.identifier || '',
title: title,
submitters: params.include.submitters ?, function (submitter) {
return submitter.get_full_name();
}).join(', ') : '',
status: motion.getStateName(),
// Miscellaneous stuff
preamble: gettextCatalog.getString(Config.get('motions_preamble').value),
pagebreak: PAGEBREAK,
// converting html to docx is async, so text, reason and comments are inserted here.
return $q(function (resolve) {
var convertPromises =, function (comment) {
return converter.html2docx(comment.comment).then(function (commentAsDocx) {
comment.comment = commentAsDocx;
convertPromises.push(converter.html2docx(text).then(function (textAsDocx) {
motionData.text = textAsDocx;
convertPromises.push(converter.html2docx(reason).then(function (reasonAsDocx) {
motionData.reason = reasonAsDocx;
$q.all(convertPromises).then(function () {
motionData.comments = comments;
// resolve, if all motion data is fetched.
return $q(function (resolve) {
$q.all(promises).then(function (data) {
if (data.length) {
// clear pagebreak on last element
data[data.length - 1].pagebreak = '';
var getMotionComments = function (motion, fieldsIncluded) {
var fields = MotionComment.getNoSpecialCommentsFields();
var comments = [];
_.forEach(fieldsIncluded, function (ok, id) {
if (ok && motion.comments[id]) {
var title = fields[id].name;
if (!fields[id].public) {
title += ' (' + gettextCatalog.getString('internal') + ')';
var comment = motion.comments[id];
if (comment.indexOf('<p>') !== 0) {
comment = '<p>' + comment + '</p>';
title: title,
comment: comment,
return comments;
return {
export: function (motions, params) {
converter = Html2DocxConverter.createInstance();
params = _.clone(params || {}); // Clone this to avoid sideeffects.
_.defaults(params, {
filename: gettextCatalog.getString('motions') + '.docx',
changeRecommendationMode: Config.get('motions_recommendation_text_mode').value,
include: {
text: true,
reason: true,
submitters: true,
includeComments: {},
if (!_.includes(['original', 'changed', 'agreed'], params.changeRecommendationMode)) {
params.changeRecommendationMode = 'original';
$http.get('/motions/docxtemplate/').then(function (success) {
var content = window.atob(;
var doc = new Docxgen(content);
getData(motions, params).then(function (data) {
var zip = doc.getZip();
zip = converter.updateZipFile(zip);
var out = zip.generate({type: 'blob'});
FileSaver.saveAs(out, params.filename);