FinnStutzenstein 5aef823807 Major cache rewrite:
- Removed the restricted data cache (it wasn't used since OS 3.0)
- unify functions for restricted and full data: Just one function, which
  accteps an optional user_id: If it is None, full data is returned, and
  with a user id given, the restricted data
- More atomic access to redis, especially for:
- Check for data-existance in redis and do an auto-ensure-cache.
- Speedup through hashing of scripts and redis' script cache.
- Save schema version into the redis cache and rebuild, if the version

Client changes:
- Simplified the ConstantsService
- Fixed bug, when receiving an autoupdate with all_data=True from the
2019-08-08 08:35:02 +02:00

85 lines
2.8 KiB

import logging
from typing import Optional
from django.db.models import Max
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SchemaVersion = TypedDict("SchemaVersion", {"migration": int, "config": int, "db": str})
class SchemaVersionHandler:
Handler for the schema version of this running OpenSlides instance.
What is a schema version? This is an indictor of the current schema of the data
in the database, config variables, and the database itself. E.b. with a migration,
new/changed config variables or with a database change, the schema of the data changes.
To detect this is needed to reset the cache, so it does not hold any old data. This
affects the server cache, but also the client uses this technique to flush the cache.
Get the current schema with `get`. The schema version is built just once. After a change
in the schema, all workers needs a restart!
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._schema_version: Optional[SchemaVersion] = None
def get(self) -> SchemaVersion:
if self._schema_version is not None:
return self._schema_version
from django.db.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder
migration = MigrationRecorder.Migration.objects.aggregate(Max("id"))["id__max"]
from openslides.core.config import ConfigStore
config = ConfigStore.objects.get(key="config_version").value
except ConfigStore.DoesNotExist:
config = 0
db = ConfigStore.objects.get(key="db_id").value
except ConfigStore.DoesNotExist:
db = ""
self._schema_version = {"migration": migration, "config": config, "db": db}
return self._schema_version
def compare(self, other: Optional[SchemaVersion]) -> bool:
current = self.get()
if not other:"No old schema version")
return False
equal = True
if current["db"] != other["db"]:
other_db = other["db"] or "<empty>""DB changed from {other_db} to {current['db']}")
equal = False
if current["config"] != other["config"]:
other_config = other["config"] or "<empty>""Config changed from {other_config} to {current['config']}")
equal = False
if current["migration"] != other["migration"]:
f"Migration changed from {other['migration']} to {current['migration']}"
equal = False
return equal
def log_current(self) -> None:
current = self.get()
f"""Schema version:
DB: {current["db"]}
migration: {current["migration"]}
config: {current["config"]}"""
schema_version_handler = SchemaVersionHandler()