FinnStutzenstein 9323bdef20 Added config for more verbose errors on reset password
- Added docs
- Fixed left-overs from #4920
- Reworked all server messages to a new argument formet, so that the
client can translate server messages
2019-09-03 14:47:45 +02:00

276 lines
12 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Model
from ..core.config import config
from ..utils.rest_api import ValidationError
from .models import Category, Motion
__all__ = ["numbering"]
def numbering(main_category: Category) -> List[Model]:
Given the _main category_ by params the numbering of all motions in this or
any subcategory is done. The numbering behaves as defined by the the following rules:
- The set of the main category with all child categories are _affected categories_.
- All motions in the affected categories are _affected motions_.
- All affected motions are numbered with respect to 'category_weight' ordering.
- Checks, if parents of all affected amendments, are also affected.
So, all parents of every affected amendment must also be affected. If not,
an error will be returned.
- If a category does not have a prefix, the prefix of the first parent with
one will be taken. This is just checked until the main category is reached.
So, if the main category does not have a prefix, no prefix will be used.
- If a motions should get a new identifier, that already a non-affected motion has,
an error will be returned. It is ensured, that all identifiers generated with
call will be unique.
- Identifier of non-amendments: <A><B><C>
<A>: Categories calculated prefix (see above; note: can be blank)
<B>: '' if blanks are disabled or <A> is blank, else ' '
<C>: Motion counter (unique existing counter for all affected motions)
- Amendments: An amendment will get the following identifier: <A><B><C>
<A>: Parent's _new_ identifier
<B>: '', if blanks are disabled, else ' '
<C>: Amendment prefix
<D>: Amendment counter (counter for amendments of one parent)
- Both counters may be filled with leading zeros according to `Motion.extend_identifier_number`
- On errors, ValidationErrors with appropriate content will be raised.
# If the config is false, don't use blanks when building identifier.
without_blank = not config["motions_identifier_with_blank"]
# Get child categories (to build affected categories) and precalculate all prefixes.
child_categories = get_child_categories(main_category)
category_prefix_mapping = get_category_prefix_mapping(
main_category, child_categories, without_blank
# put together to affected_categories
affected_categories = [main_category]
# Get all affected motions
affected_motions = get_affected_motions(affected_categories)
# The affected_motion_ids is used for a fast lookup later.
affected_motion_ids = set([ for motion in affected_motions])
# Assert, that we do have some motions.
if len(affected_motions) == 0:
raise ValidationError({"detail": "No motions were numbered"})
# To ensure, that amendments will get the _new_ identifier of the parent, the affected
# motions are split in disjoint lists (keep the ordering right) by their " amendment level"
# in the motion (amendment) tree. There are at most len(affected_motions) levels.
# In this step it is also ensures, that every parent of an amendment is an affected motion.
max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping = get_amendment_level_mapping(
affected_motions, affected_motion_ids, main_category
# Generate new identifiers.
new_identifier_mapping = generate_new_identifiers(
# Check, if all new identifiers are not used in all non-afected motions.
check_new_identifiers_for_conflicts(new_identifier_mapping, affected_motion_ids)
# Change all identifiers
return update_identifiers(affected_motions, new_identifier_mapping)
def get_child_categories(main_category: Category) -> List[Category]:
# -> generate a mapping from a category id to all it's children with respect to `weight`:
category_children_mapping: Dict[int, List[Category]] = defaultdict(list)
for category in Category.objects.exclude(parent=None).order_by("weight").all():
# - collect child categories
child_categories = [] # they are ordered like a flat tree would be.
queue = category_children_mapping[]
while len(queue) > 0:
category = queue.pop()
children = category_children_mapping[]
if children:
return child_categories
def get_category_prefix_mapping(
main_category: Category, child_categories: List[Category], without_blank: bool
) -> Dict[int, str]:
# Precalculates all prefixes, e.g. traversing the category tree up, if a category
# does not have a prefix to search for a parent's one. Also the without_blank is
# respected, so the prefixes may will have blanks.
# Add main category as a lookup anchor.
category_prefix_mapping: Dict[int, str] = {}
if not main_category.prefix:
main_category_prefix = ""
elif without_blank:
main_category_prefix = main_category.prefix
main_category_prefix = f"{main_category.prefix} "
category_prefix_mapping[] = main_category_prefix
for category in child_categories:
# Update prefix map. It is ensured, that the parent does have a calculated prefix, because
# the child_categories is an ordered flat tree.
if category.prefix:
if without_blank:
prefix = category.prefix
prefix = f"{category.prefix} "
category_prefix_mapping[] = prefix
category_prefix_mapping[] = category_prefix_mapping[
return category_prefix_mapping
def get_affected_motions(affected_categories) -> List[Motion]:
# Affected motions: A list of motions from all categories in the right category order
# and sorted with `category_weight` per category.
affected_motions = []
for category in affected_categories:
motions = (
"agenda_items", "lists_of_speakers", "parent"
.order_by("category_weight", "id")
return affected_motions
def get_amendment_level_mapping(
affected_motions, affected_motion_ids, main_category
) -> Tuple[int, Dict[int, List[Motion]]]:
amendment_level_mapping: Dict[int, List[Motion]] = defaultdict(list)
max_amendment_level = 0
for motion in affected_motions:
level = motion.amendment_level
if level > max_amendment_level:
max_amendment_level = level
if motion.parent_id is not None and motion.parent_id not in affected_motion_ids:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": 'Amendment "{0}" cannot be numbered, because '
"it's lead motion ({1}) is not in category "
"{2} or any subcategory.",
"args": [str(motion), str(motion.parent), str(main_category)],
return max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping
def generate_new_identifiers(
max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping, category_prefix_mapping, without_blank
) -> Dict[int, Any]:
# Generate identifiers for all lead motions.
new_identifier_mapping = {}
for i, main_motion in enumerate(amendment_level_mapping[0]):
prefix = category_prefix_mapping[
] # without_blank is precalculated.
number = i + 1
identifier = f"{prefix}{Motion.extend_identifier_number(number)}"
new_identifier_mapping[] = {
"identifier": identifier,
"number": number,
# - Generate new identifiers for all amendments. For this, they are travesed by level,
# so the parent's identifier is already set.
amendment_counter: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(
lambda: 1
) # maps amendment parent ids to their counter values.
for level in range(1, max_amendment_level + 1):
for amendment in amendment_level_mapping[level]:
number = amendment_counter[amendment.parent_id]
amendment_counter[amendment.parent_id] += 1
parent_identifier = new_identifier_mapping[amendment.parent_id][
if without_blank:
prefix = f"{parent_identifier}{config['motions_amendments_prefix']}"
prefix = f"{parent_identifier} {config['motions_amendments_prefix']} "
identifier = f"{prefix}{Motion.extend_identifier_number(number)}"
new_identifier_mapping[] = {
"identifier": identifier,
"number": number,
return new_identifier_mapping
def check_new_identifiers_for_conflicts(
new_identifier_mapping, affected_motion_ids
) -> None:
all_new_identifiers = [
entry["identifier"] for entry in new_identifier_mapping.values()
# Check, if any new identifier exists in any non-affected motion
conflicting_motions = Motion.objects.exclude(id__in=affected_motion_ids).filter(
if conflicting_motions.exists():
# We do have a conflict. Build a nice error message.
conflicting_motion = conflicting_motions.first()
if conflicting_motion.category:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": 'Numbering aborted because the motion identifier "{0}" already exists in category {1}.',
"args": [
raise ValidationError(
"detail": 'Numbering aborted because the motion identifier "{0}" already exists.',
"args": [conflicting_motion.identifier],
def update_identifiers(affected_motions, new_identifier_mapping) -> List[Model]:
# Acutally update the identifiers now.
with transaction.atomic():
changed_instances = []
# Remove old identifiers, to avoid conflicts within the affected motions
for motion in affected_motions:
motion.identifier = None
# This line is to skip agenda item and list of speakers autoupdate.
# See agenda/
# Set the indetifier
for motion in affected_motions:
motion.identifier = new_identifier_mapping[]["identifier"]
motion.identifier_number = new_identifier_mapping[]["number"]
if motion.agenda_item:
return changed_instances