
274 lines
12 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Model
from ..core.config import config
from ..utils.rest_api import ValidationError
from .models import Category, Motion
__all__ = ["numbering"]
def numbering(main_category: Category) -> List[Model]:
Given the _main category_ by params the numbering of all motions in this or
any subcategory is done. The numbering behaves as defined by the the following rules:
- The set of the main category with all child categories are _affected categories_.
- All motions in the affected categories are _affected motions_.
- All affected motions are numbered with respect to 'category_weight' ordering.
- Checks, if parents of all affected amendments, are also affected.
So, all parents of every affected amendment must also be affected. If not,
an error will be returned.
- If a category does not have a prefix, the prefix of the first parent with
one will be taken. This is just checked until the main category is reached.
So, if the main category does not have a prefix, no prefix will be used.
- If a motions should get a new identifier, that already a non-affected motion has,
an error will be returned. It is ensured, that all identifiers generated with
call will be unique.
- Identifier of non-amendments: <A><B><C>
<A>: Categories calculated prefix (see above; note: can be blank)
<B>: '' if blanks are disabled or <A> is blank, else ' '
<C>: Motion counter (unique existing counter for all affected motions)
- Amendments: An amendment will get the following identifier: <A><B><C>
<A>: Parent's _new_ identifier
<B>: '', if blanks are disabled, else ' '
<C>: Amendment prefix
<D>: Amendment counter (counter for amendments of one parent)
- Both counters may be filled with leading zeros according to `Motion.extend_identifier_number`
- On errors, ValidationErrors with appropriate content will be raised.
# If MOTION_IDENTIFIER_WITHOUT_BLANKS is set, don't use blanks when building identifier.
without_blank = (
# Get child categories (to build affected categories) and precalculate all prefixes.
child_categories = get_child_categories(main_category)
category_prefix_mapping = get_category_prefix_mapping(
main_category, child_categories, without_blank
# put together to affected_categories
affected_categories = [main_category]
# Get all affected motions
affected_motions = get_affected_motions(affected_categories)
# The affected_motion_ids is used for a fast lookup later.
affected_motion_ids = set([ for motion in affected_motions])
# Assert, that we do have some motions.
if len(affected_motions) == 0:
raise ValidationError({"detail": "No motions were numbered"})
# To ensure, that amendments will get the _new_ identifier of the parent, the affected
# motions are split in disjoint lists (keep the ordering right) by their " amendment level"
# in the motion (amendment) tree. There are at most len(affected_motions) levels.
# In this step it is also ensures, that every parent of an amendment is an affected motion.
max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping = get_amendment_level_mapping(
affected_motions, affected_motion_ids, main_category
# Generate new identifiers.
new_identifier_mapping = generate_new_identifiers(
# Check, if all new identifiers are not used in all non-afected motions.
check_new_identifiers_for_conflicts(new_identifier_mapping, affected_motion_ids)
# Change all identifiers
return update_identifiers(affected_motions, new_identifier_mapping)
def get_child_categories(main_category: Category) -> List[Category]:
# -> generate a mapping from a category id to all it's children with respect to `weight`:
category_children_mapping: Dict[int, List[Category]] = defaultdict(list)
for category in Category.objects.exclude(parent=None).order_by("weight").all():
# - collect child categories
child_categories = [] # they are ordered like a flat tree would be.
queue = category_children_mapping[]
while len(queue) > 0:
category = queue.pop()
children = category_children_mapping[]
if children:
return child_categories
def get_category_prefix_mapping(
main_category: Category, child_categories: List[Category], without_blank: bool
) -> Dict[int, str]:
# Precalculates all prefixes, e.g. traversing the category tree up, if a category
# does not have a prefix to search for a parent's one. Also the without_blank is
# respected, so the prefixes may will have blanks.
# Add main category as a lookup anchor.
category_prefix_mapping: Dict[int, str] = {}
if not main_category.prefix:
main_category_prefix = ""
elif without_blank:
main_category_prefix = main_category.prefix
main_category_prefix = f"{main_category.prefix} "
category_prefix_mapping[] = main_category_prefix
for category in child_categories:
# Update prefix map. It is ensured, that the parent does have a calculated prefix, because
# the child_categories is an ordered flat tree.
if category.prefix:
if without_blank:
prefix = category.prefix
prefix = f"{category.prefix} "
category_prefix_mapping[] = prefix
category_prefix_mapping[] = category_prefix_mapping[
return category_prefix_mapping
def get_affected_motions(affected_categories) -> List[Motion]:
# Affected motions: A list of motions from all categories in the right category order
# and sorted with `category_weight` per category.
affected_motions = []
for category in affected_categories:
motions = (
"agenda_items", "lists_of_speakers", "parent"
.order_by("category_weight", "id")
return affected_motions
def get_amendment_level_mapping(
affected_motions, affected_motion_ids, main_category
) -> Tuple[int, Dict[int, List[Motion]]]:
amendment_level_mapping: Dict[int, List[Motion]] = defaultdict(list)
max_amendment_level = 0
for motion in affected_motions:
level = motion.amendment_level
if level > max_amendment_level:
max_amendment_level = level
if motion.parent_id is not None and motion.parent_id not in affected_motion_ids:
raise ValidationError(
"detail": f'Amendment "{motion}" cannot be numbered, because '
f"it's lead motion ({motion.parent}) is not in category "
f"{main_category} or any subcategory."
return max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping
def generate_new_identifiers(
max_amendment_level, amendment_level_mapping, category_prefix_mapping, without_blank
) -> Dict[int, Any]:
# Generate identifiers for all lead motions.
new_identifier_mapping = {}
for i, main_motion in enumerate(amendment_level_mapping[0]):
prefix = category_prefix_mapping[
] # without_blank is precalculated.
number = i + 1
identifier = f"{prefix}{Motion.extend_identifier_number(number)}"
new_identifier_mapping[] = {
"identifier": identifier,
"number": number,
# - Generate new identifiers for all amendments. For this, they are travesed by level,
# so the parent's identifier is already set.
amendment_counter: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(
lambda: 1
) # maps amendment parent ids to their counter values.
for level in range(1, max_amendment_level + 1):
for amendment in amendment_level_mapping[level]:
number = amendment_counter[amendment.parent_id]
amendment_counter[amendment.parent_id] += 1
parent_identifier = new_identifier_mapping[amendment.parent_id][
if without_blank:
prefix = f"{parent_identifier}{config['motions_amendments_prefix']}"
prefix = f"{parent_identifier} {config['motions_amendments_prefix']} "
identifier = f"{prefix}{Motion.extend_identifier_number(number)}"
new_identifier_mapping[] = {
"identifier": identifier,
"number": number,
return new_identifier_mapping
def check_new_identifiers_for_conflicts(
new_identifier_mapping, affected_motion_ids
) -> None:
all_new_identifiers = [
entry["identifier"] for entry in new_identifier_mapping.values()
# Check, if any new identifier exists in any non-affected motion
conflicting_motions = Motion.objects.exclude(id__in=affected_motion_ids).filter(
if conflicting_motions.exists():
# We do have a conflict. Build a nice error message.
conflicting_motion = conflicting_motions.first()
if conflicting_motion.category:
error_message = (
"Numbering aborted because the motion identifier "
f'"{conflicting_motion.identifier}" already exists in '
f"category {conflicting_motion.category}."
error_message = (
"Numbering aborted because the motion identifier "
f'"{conflicting_motion.identifier}" already exists.'
raise ValidationError({"detail": error_message})
def update_identifiers(affected_motions, new_identifier_mapping) -> List[Model]:
# Acutally update the identifiers now.
with transaction.atomic():
changed_instances = []
# Remove old identifiers, to avoid conflicts within the affected motions
for motion in affected_motions:
motion.identifier = None
# This line is to skip agenda item and list of speakers autoupdate.
# See agenda/
# Set the indetifier
for motion in affected_motions:
motion.identifier = new_identifier_mapping[]["identifier"]
motion.identifier_number = new_identifier_mapping[]["number"]
if motion.agenda_item:
return changed_instances