Do not do any travis checks, but append the commands, so that we can use isort to clean up the code
129 lines
3.9 KiB
129 lines
3.9 KiB
import re
from parser import command, argument, call
FAIL = '\033[91m'
SUCCESS = '\033[92m'
RESET = '\033[0m'
@argument('module', nargs='?', default='')
@command('test', help='runs the tests')
def test(args=None):
Runs the tests.
module = getattr(args, 'module', '')
return call("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='tests.settings' coverage run "
"./manage.py test tests.%s" % module)
@argument('--plain', action='store_true')
@command('coverage', help='Runs all tests and builds the coverage html files')
def coverage(args=None, plain=None):
Runs the tests and creates a coverage report.
By default it creates a html report. With the argument --plain, it creates
a plain report and fails under a certain amount of untested lines.
if plain is None:
plain = getattr(args, 'plain', False)
if plain:
return call('coverage report -m --fail-under=80')
return call('coverage html')
@command('check', help='Checks for pep8 errors in openslides and tests')
def check(args=None):
Checks for pep8 and other code styling conventions.
return call('flake8 --max-line-length=150 --statistics openslides tests')
@command('travis', help='Runs the code that travis does')
def travis(args=None):
Runs all commands that travis tests.
return_codes = []
with open('.travis.yml') as f:
script_lines = False
for line in (line.strip() for line in f.readlines()):
if line == 'script:':
script_lines = True
if not script_lines or not line:
match = re.search(r'"(.*)"', line)
print('Run: %s' % match.group(1))
return_code = call(match.group(1))
if return_code:
print(FAIL + 'fail!\n' + RESET)
print(SUCCESS + 'success!\n' + RESET)
# Retuns True if one command exited with a different statuscode then 1
return bool(list(filter(bool, return_codes)))
@argument('-r', '--requirements', nargs='?',
help='Prints a pip line to install the minimum supported versions of '
'the requirements.')
def min_requirements(args=None):
Prints a pip install command to install the minimal supported versions of a
requirement file.
Uses requirements_production.txt by default.
from pip.req import parse_requirements
def get_lowest_versions(requirements_file):
for line in parse_requirements(requirements_file):
yield '%s==%s' % (line.req.key, line.req.specs[0][1])
print('pip install %s' % ' '.join(get_lowest_versions(args.requirements)))
help='Deletes unneeded files and folders')
def clear(args=None):
Deletes all .pyc and .orig files and empty folders.
call('find -name "*.pyc" -delete')
call('find -name "*.orig" -delete')
call('find -type d -empty -delete')
help="Generates the po-file for javascript")
def po(args=None):
# TODO: in the value "" there has to be the entry:
# "plural_forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
call('find openslides/ -iname "*.js" -or -iname "*.html" | '
'xargs xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 --language=JavaScript '
@argument('-l', '--language')
help="Generates json for a translated po file")
def po2json(args=None):
lang = args.language
call('node_modules/.bin/po2json openslides/locale/%s/javascript.po openslides/static/i18n/%s.json' %
(lang, lang))
help='Sorts all imports in all python files.')
def isort(args=None):
return call('isort --recursive openslides tests')