FinnStutzenstein 9f12763f8b Split AgendaItem and ListOfSpeakers
- ListOfSpeakers (LOS) is now a speprate model, containing of an id,
speakers, closed and a content_object.
- Moved all speaker related views from ItemViewSet to the new
- Make Mixins for content objects of items and lists of speakers.
- Migrations: Move the lists of speakers from items to the LOS model.

- Removed the speaker repo and moved functionality to the new
- Splitted base classes for agenda item content objects to items and
- CurrentAgendaItemService -> CurrentListOfSpeakersSerivce
- Cleaned up the list of speakers component.
2019-05-24 08:21:59 +02:00

115 lines
4.5 KiB

from typing import Iterable, Tuple
from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models
from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data
from .models import Item, ListOfSpeakers
def listen_to_related_object_post_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
Receiver function to create agenda items. It is connected to the signal
django.db.models.signals.post_save during app loading.
The agenda_item_update_information container may have fields like type,
parent_id, comment, duration, weight or skip_autoupdate.
Do not run caching and autoupdate if the instance has a key
skip_autoupdate in the agenda_item_update_information container.
instance_inform_changed_data = (
) # evaluates, if the related_object has to be send again.
# This is the case, if it was newly created and the autoupdate is not skipped with
# agenda_item_skip_autoupdate or List_of_speakers_skip_autoupdate. If the related_object is
# related to agenda items and list of speakers, the autoupdate is skipped, if one of the given
# values is True.
is_agenda_item_content_object = hasattr(instance, "get_agenda_title_information")
is_list_of_speakers_content_object = hasattr(
instance, "get_list_of_speakers_title_information"
if is_agenda_item_content_object:
if created:
attrs = {}
for attr in ("type", "parent_id", "comment", "duration", "weight"):
if instance.agenda_item_update_information.get(attr):
attrs[attr] = instance.agenda_item_update_information.get(attr)
Item.objects.create(content_object=instance, **attrs)
if not instance.agenda_item_skip_autoupdate:
instance_inform_changed_data = True
elif not instance.agenda_item_skip_autoupdate:
# If the object has changed, then also the agenda item has to be sent.
if is_list_of_speakers_content_object:
if created:
if not instance.list_of_speakers_skip_autoupdate:
instance_inform_changed_data = True
elif not instance.list_of_speakers_skip_autoupdate:
# If the object has changed, then also the list of speakers has to be sent.
# If the related_object is related to the angenda and list of speakers, check, if skip_autoupdate
# is False for both,
if created and is_agenda_item_content_object and is_list_of_speakers_content_object:
instance_inform_changed_data = not (
or instance.list_of_speakers_skip_autoupdate
if instance_inform_changed_data:
def listen_to_related_object_post_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Receiver function to delete agenda items. It is connected to the signal
django.db.models.signals.post_delete during app loading.
has_content_object_mapping: Iterable[Tuple[str, models.Model]] = (
("get_agenda_title_information", Item),
("get_list_of_speakers_title_information", ListOfSpeakers),
for (attr, Model) in has_content_object_mapping:
if hasattr(instance, attr):
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance)
Model.objects.get(, content_type=content_type
except Model.DoesNotExist:
# Model does not exist so we do not have to delete it.
def get_permission_change_data(sender, permissions, **kwargs):
Yields all necessary collections if 'agenda.can_see',
'agenda.can_see_list_of_speakers', 'agenda.can_see_internal_items'
or 'agenda.can_manage' permissions changes.
agenda_app = apps.get_app_config(app_label="agenda")
for permission in permissions:
# There could be only one 'agenda.can_see' and then we want to return data.
if (
permission.content_type.app_label == agenda_app.label
and permission.codename
in (
yield from agenda_app.get_startup_elements()