FinnStutzenstein c186a575f6
Fixed incomplete autoupdates
A conceptional issue in `get_data_since` leads to incomplete
autoupdates. The behaviour was long time in the code, but only with a
lot of autoupdates (high concurrency) and the autoupdate delay I noticed
the bug during testing. I'm sure, that this issue might have caused
incomplete autoupdates (which the user may experience as "lost
autoupdates") in previous productive instances. Instead of quering a
range (from_change_id to to_change_id) one now can only get data from a
change id up to the max change id in the element cache. The max change
id gets now returned by `get_data_since`.

I also added a get_all_data with the capability of returning the
max_change_id at this point of time.

As a usability-"fix" (more like a fix the result of a bug, not the bug
itself) a refresh button for a poll was added, that issues an autoupdate
for the poll and all options.
2020-06-04 15:16:05 +02:00

115 lines
3.7 KiB

import random
import string
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.test import TestCase as _TestCase
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from openslides.core.config import config
from openslides.utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data
from openslides.utils.cache import element_cache
from openslides.utils.utils import get_element_id
from tests.common_groups import GROUP_ADMIN_PK, GROUP_DELEGATE_PK
from tests.count_queries import AssertNumQueriesContext
class TestCase(_TestCase):
maxDiff = None
def setUp(self):
self.admin = get_user_model().objects.get(username="admin")
self.client = APIClient()
self.client.login(username="admin", password="admin")
def advancedSetUp(self):
def create_guest_client(self):
config["general_system_enable_anonymous"] = True
return APIClient()
Adds testing for autoupdates after requests.
def get_last_autoupdate(self, user=None):
Get the last autoupdate as (changed_data, deleted_element_ids) for the given user.
changed_elements is a dict with element_ids as keys and the actual element as value
user_id=None if for full data, 0 for the anonymous and regular ids for users.
user_id = None if user is None else
current_change_id = async_to_sync(element_cache.get_current_change_id)()
_, _changed_elements, deleted_element_ids = async_to_sync(
)(user_id=user_id, change_id=current_change_id)
changed_elements = {}
for collection, elements in _changed_elements.items():
for element in elements:
changed_elements[get_element_id(collection, element["id"])] = element
return (changed_elements, deleted_element_ids)
def assertAutoupdate(self, model, user=None):
model.get_element_id() in self.get_last_autoupdate(user=user)[0]
def assertDeletedAutoupdate(self, model, user=None):
model.get_element_id() in self.get_last_autoupdate(user=user)[1]
def assertNoAutoupdate(self, model, user=None):
model.get_element_id() in self.get_last_autoupdate(user=user)[0]
def assertNoDeletedAutoupdate(self, model, user=None):
model.get_element_id() in self.get_last_autoupdate(user=user)[1]
def assertNumQueries(self, num, func=None, *args, verbose=False, **kwargs):
context = AssertNumQueriesContext(self, num, verbose)
if func is None:
return context
with context:
func(*args, **kwargs)
def assertHttpStatusVerbose(self, response, status):
if response.status_code != status:
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status)
Create Helper functions
def create_user(self):
password = "test_password_" + self._get_random_string()
return (
username="test_user_" + self._get_random_string(), password=password
def make_admin_delegate(self):
admin = get_user_model().objects.get(username="admin")
def _get_random_string(self, length=20):
return "".join(
string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits,