- Move Languages services from site.js to base.js Now the detected browser language is used as projector language. - Use verboseName instead of agendaSupplement. - Show submitters on projector (load Users on Controller). - Improve list of speakers (slide and item detail).
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193 lines
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(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.agenda', ['OpenSlidesApp.users'])
.factory('Speaker', [
function(DS) {
return DS.defineResource({
name: 'agenda/speaker',
relations: {
belongsTo: {
'users/user': {
localField: 'user',
localKey: 'user_id',
.factory('Agenda', [
function($http, DS, Speaker, jsDataModel, Projector, gettextCatalog) {
var name = 'agenda/item';
return DS.defineResource({
name: name,
useClass: jsDataModel,
methods: {
getResourceName: function () {
return name;
getContentObject: function () {
return DS.get(this.content_object.collection, this.content_object.id);
getContentResource: function () {
return DS.definitions[this.content_object.collection];
getTitle: function () {
var title;
try {
title = this.getContentObject().getAgendaTitle();
} catch (e) {
// Only use this.title when the content object is not
// in the DS store.
title = this.title;
if (this.getContentResource().verboseName) {
title = gettextCatalog.getString(this.getContentResource().verboseName) + ' ' + title;
if (this.item_number) {
title = this.item_number + ' ' + title;
return title;
// override project function of jsDataModel factory
project: function() {
return $http.post(
[{name: this.content_object.collection, id: this.content_object.id}]
// override isProjected function of jsDataModel factory
isProjected: function () {
var projector = Projector.get(1);
if (typeof projector === 'undefined') return false;
var self = this;
var predicate = function (element) {
return element.name == self.content_object.collection &&
typeof element.id !== 'undefined' &&
element.id == self.content_object.id;
return typeof _.findKey(projector.elements, predicate) === 'string';
// project list of speakers
projectListOfSpeakers: function() {
return $http.post(
[{name: 'agenda/list-of-speakers', id: this.id}]
// check if list of speakers is projected
isListOfSpeakersProjected: function () {
// Returns true if there is a projector element with the
// name 'agenda/list-of-speakers' and the same id.
var projector = Projector.get(1);
if (typeof projector === 'undefined') return false;
var self = this;
var predicate = function (element) {
return element.name == 'agenda/list-of-speakers' &&
typeof element.id !== 'undefined' &&
element.id == self.id;
return typeof _.findKey(projector.elements, predicate) === 'string';
relations: {
hasMany: {
'core/tag': {
localField: 'tags',
localKeys: 'tags_id',
'agenda/speaker': {
localField: 'speakers',
foreignKey: 'item_id',
beforeInject: function (resource, instance) {
Speaker.ejectAll({where: {item_id: {'==': instance.id}}});
.factory('AgendaTree', [
function () {
return {
getTree: function (items) {
// Sort items after there weight
items.sort(function(itemA, itemB) {
return itemA.weight - itemB.weight;
// Build a dict with all children (dict-value) to a specific
// item id (dict-key).
var itemChildren = {};
_.each(items, function (item) {
if (item.parent_id) {
// Add item to his parent. If it is the first child, then
// create a new list.
try {
} catch (error) {
itemChildren[item.parent_id] = [item];
// Recursive function that generates a nested list with all
// items with there children
function getChildren(items) {
var returnItems = [];
_.each(items, function (item) {
item: item,
children: getChildren(itemChildren[item.id]),
id: item.id,
return returnItems;
// Generates the list of root items (with no parents)
var parentItems = items.filter(function (item) {
return !item.parent_id;
return getChildren(parentItems);
// Returns a list of all items as a flat tree the attribute parentCount
getFlatTree: function(items) {
var tree = this.getTree(items);
var flatItems = [];
function generateFatTree(tree, parentCount) {
_.each(tree, function (item) {
item.item.parentCount = parentCount;
generateFatTree(item.children, parentCount + 1);
generateFatTree(tree, 0);
return flatItems;
// Make sure that the Agenda resource is loaded.
.run(['Agenda', function(Agenda) {}]);