Sean Engelhardt 49ea32f495 Add usage hints to tinymce mobile
shows "dont forget to save" and "touch the book to edit" messages if the tinymce
mobile editor was called from motion comments and personal notes
2019-08-22 17:47:31 +02:00

109 lines
3.2 KiB

import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
* Provides functionalities that will be used by most components
* currently able to set the title with the suffix ' - OpenSlides'
* A BaseComponent is an OpenSlides Component.
* Components in the 'Side'- or 'projector' Folder are BaseComponents
export abstract class BaseComponent {
* To manipulate the browser title bar, adds the Suffix "OpenSlides"
* Might be a config variable later at some point
private titleSuffix = ' - OpenSlides';
* Holds the coordinates where a swipe gesture was used
protected swipeCoord?: [number, number];
* Holds the time when the user was swiping
protected swipeTime?: number;
* Determine to display a save hint
public saveHint: boolean;
* Settings for the TinyMCE editor selector
public tinyMceSettings = {
base_url: '/tinymce', // Root for resources
suffix: '.min', // Suffix to use when loading resources
theme: 'silver',
language: null,
language_url: null,
inline: false,
statusbar: false,
browser_spellcheck: true,
image_advtab: true,
image_description: false,
link_title: false,
height: 320,
plugins: `autolink charmap code fullscreen image imagetools
lists link paste searchreplace`,
menubar: false,
contextmenu: false,
toolbar: `styleselect | bold italic underline strikethrough |
forecolor backcolor removeformat | bullist numlist |
link image charmap | code fullscreen`,
mobile: {
theme: 'mobile',
plugins: ['autosave', 'lists', 'autolink']
public constructor(protected titleService: Title, protected translate: TranslateService) {
this.tinyMceSettings.language_url = '/assets/tinymce/langs/' + this.translate.currentLang + '.js';
this.tinyMceSettings.language = this.translate.currentLang;
* Set the title in web browser using angulars TitleService
* @param prefix The title prefix. Should be translated here.
public setTitle(prefix: string): void {
const translatedPrefix = this.translate.instant(prefix);
this.titleService.setTitle(translatedPrefix + this.titleSuffix);
* Helper for indexed *ngFor components
* @param index
public trackByIndex(index: number): number {
return index;
* TinyMCE Init callback. Used for certain mobile editors
* @param event
protected onInitTinyMce(event: any): void {
console.log('tinyMCE event: ', event);
if ( === 'mobile') {
console.log('is mobile editor');
this.saveHint = true;
} else {
console.log('is no mobile editor');
protected onLeaveTinyMce(event: any): void {
console.log('tinyevent:', event.event.type);
this.saveHint = false;
// console.log("event: ", event.event.type);