Oskar Hahn ecf5248962 Rework of the projector with websocket
* Set a static projector title
* absolute_urls for the activate links
* update the projector when a slide changes (in save())
* insert the absolute_url template filter
* Preview to slides
* renamed is_active to is_active_slide
* The SlideMixin has to come before the PersonMixin
* Update list of speakers
* Render Countdown via JS
* Reconnect projector after connection lost
* Overlays can allways be active and do not appear in the widget
* Rewrote the clock as overlay
2013-09-24 23:35:05 +02:00

185 lines
5.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Useful functions for the projector app.
:copyright: 2011, 2012 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS.
:license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details.
import json
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from openslides.config.api import config
from openslides.utils.tornado_webserver import ProjectorSocketHandler
from .signals import projector_overlays
slide_callback = {}
A dictonary where the key is the name of a slide, and the value is a
callable object which returns the html code for a slide.
def update_projector():
Sends the data to the clients, who listen to the projector.
# TODO: only send necessary html
ProjectorSocketHandler.send_updates({'content': get_projector_content()})
def update_projector_overlay(overlay):
Update one overlay on the projector.
Checks if the overlay is activated and updates it in this case.
'overlay' has to be an overlay object, the name of a ovleray or None.
If 'overlay' is None, then all overlays are updated.
if isinstance(overlay, basestring):
overlay = get_overlays()[overlay]
if overlay is None:
overlays = [overlay for overlay in get_overlays().values()]
overlays = [overlay]
overlay_dict = {}
for overlay in overlays:
if overlay.is_active():
overlay_dict[] = {
'html': overlay.get_projector_html(),
'javascript': overlay.get_javascript()}
overlay_dict[] = None
ProjectorSocketHandler.send_updates({'overlays': overlay_dict})
def get_projector_content(slide_dict=None):
Returns the HTML-Content block of the projector.
if slide_dict is None:
slide_dict = config['projector_active_slide'].copy()
callback = slide_dict.pop('callback', None)
return slide_callback[callback](**slide_dict)
except KeyError:
return default_slide()
def default_slide():
Returns the HTML Code for the default slide.
return render_to_string('projector/default_slide.html')
def get_overlays():
Returns all overlay objects.
The returned value is a dictonary with the name of the overlay as key, and
the overlay object as value.
overlays = {}
for receiver, overlay in projector_overlays.send(sender='get_overlays'):
overlays[] = overlay
return overlays
def get_projector_overlays():
Returns the HTML code for all active overlays.
overlays = [{'name': key, 'html': overlay.get_projector_html()}
for key, overlay in get_overlays().items()
if overlay.is_active()]
return render_to_string('projector/all_overlays.html', {'overlays': overlays})
def get_projector_overlays_js():
Returns JS-Code for the overlays.
The retuned value is a list of json objects.
js = []
for key, overlay in get_overlays().items():
if overlay.is_active():
overlay_js = overlay.get_javascript()
if overlay_js:
return js
def register_slide(name, callback):
Register a function as slide callback.
slide_callback[name] = callback
def set_active_slide(callback, kwargs={}):
Set the active Slide.
callback: The name of the slide callback.
kwargs: Keyword arguments for the slide callback.
config['projector_active_slide'] = kwargs
def get_active_slide():
Returns the dictonary, witch defindes the active slide.
return config['projector_active_slide']
def get_all_widgets(request, session=False):
Collects the widgets from all apps and returns the Widget objects as sorted
The session flag decides whether to return only the widgets which are
active, that means that they are mentioned in the session.
all_module_widgets = []
for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
mod = import_module(app + '.views')
except ImportError:
mod_get_widgets = mod.get_widgets
except AttributeError:
module_widgets = mod_get_widgets(request)
all_module_widgets.sort(key=lambda widget: widget.default_weight)
session_widgets = request.session.get('widgets', {})
widgets = SortedDict()
for widget in all_module_widgets:
if (widget.permission_required is None or
if not session or session_widgets.get(widget.get_name(), True):
widgets[widget.get_name()] = widget
return widgets