116 lines
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116 lines
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{% extends "participant/base_participant.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% load tags %}
{% block title %}{{ block.super }} – {% trans "Participants" %}{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
{% if perms.agenda.can_manage_agenda %}
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="{% static 'styles/participant.css' %}" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'javascript/participant.js' %}"></script>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{% trans "Participants" %}</h1>
<form action="" name="filter" method="get">
{% trans "Filter" %}:
<select class="default-input" name="gender" onchange="document.forms['filter'].submit()">
<option value="---">-- {% trans "Gender" %} --</option>
<option value="male"{% if 'male' in sortfilter.gender %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Male" %}</option>
<option value="female"{% if 'female' in sortfilter.gender %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Female" %}</option>
<option value=""{% if '' in sortfilter.gender %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Not specified" %}</option>
<select class="default-input" name="category" onchange="document.forms['filter'].submit()">
<option value="---">-- {% trans "Category" %} --</option>
{% for category in categories %}
<option value="{{ category }}"{% if category in sortfilter.category %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ category }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<select class="default-input" name="type" onchange="document.forms['filter'].submit()">
<option value="---">-- {% trans "Type" %} --</option>
<option value="delegate"{% if 'delegate' in sortfilter.type %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Delegate" %}</option>
<option value="observer"{% if 'observer' in sortfilter.type %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Observer" %}</option>
<option value="staff"{% if 'staff' in sortfilter.type %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Staff" %}</option>
<option value="guest"{% if 'guest' in sortfilter.type %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Guest" %}</option>
<option value=""{% if '' in sortfilter.type %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Not specified" %}</option>
<select class="default-input" name="committee" onchange="document.forms['filter'].submit()">
<option value="---">-- {% trans "Committee" %} --</option>
{% for committee in committees %}
<option value="{{ committee }}"{% if committee in sortfilter.committee %} selected{% endif %}>
{{ committee }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<select class="default-input" name="status" onchange="document.forms['filter'].submit()">
<option value="---">-- {% trans "Status" %} --</option>
<option value="1"{% if '1' in sortfilter.status %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Active" %}</option>
<option value="0"{% if '0' in sortfilter.status %} selected{% endif %}>{% trans "Inactive" %}</option>
{% if users.count == allusers %}
{{ users.count }}
{% blocktrans count counter=users.count %}participant{% plural %}participants{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
{{ users.count }} {% trans "of" %} {{ allusers }} {% trans "Participants" %} (= {{ percent }} %)
{% endif %}
<th><a href="?sort=first_name&reverse={% if 'first_name' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "First Name" %}</a></th>
<th><a href="?sort=last_name&reverse={% if 'last_name' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Last Name" %}</a></th>
<th><a href="?sort=group&reverse={% if 'category' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Category" %}</a></th>
<th><a href="?sort=type&reverse={% if 'type' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Type" %}</a></th>
<th><a href="?sort=committee&reverse={% if 'committee' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Committee" %}</a></th>
{% if perms.participant.can_manage_participant %}
<th><a href="?sort=comment&reverse={% if 'comment' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Comment" %}</a></th>
<th><a href="?sort=last_login&reverse={% if 'last_login' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{% trans "Last Login" %}</a></th>
<th>{% trans "Actions" %}</th>
{% endif %}
{% for user in users %}
<tr class="{% cycle '' 'odd' %}">
<td>{{ user.first_name }}</td>
<td>{{ user.last_name }}</td>
<td>{{ user.category }}</td>
<td>{{ user.get_type_display }}</td>
<td>{{ user.committee }}</td>
{% if perms.participant.can_manage_participant %}
<td>{{ user.comment|first_line }}</td>
{% if user.last_login > user.date_joined %}
{{ user.last_login }}
{% endif %}
<span style="width: 1px; white-space: nowrap;">
<a href="{% url user_edit user.id %}">
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/edit.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Edit participant' %}">
<a href="{% url user_delete user.id %}">
<img src="{% static 'images/icons/delete.png' %}" title="{% trans 'Delete participant' %}">
<a class="status_link deactivate" href="{% url user_status_deactivate user.id %}" title="{% trans 'Change status to inactive' %}"{% if not user.is_active %} style="display:none"{% endif %}>
<a class="status_link activate" href="{% url user_status_activate user.id %}" title="{% trans 'Change status to active' %}"{% if user.is_active %} style="display:none"{% endif %}>
{% endif %}
{% empty %}
<td colspan="9"><i>{% trans "No participants available." %}</i></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}