Oskar Hahn dd4754d045 Disable the future-lock when updating the restircted data cache
Before this commit, there where two different locks when updating the restricted
data cache. A future lock, what is faster but only works in the same thread. The
other lock is in redis, it is not so fast, but also works in many threads.

The future lock was buggy, because on a second call of update_restricted_data
the same future was reused. So on the second run, the future was already done.

I don't see any way to delete. The last client would have to delete it, but there
is no way to find out which client the last one is.
2019-03-04 21:37:00 +01:00

540 lines
16 KiB

from typing import Dict, Optional
from django.db import transaction
from .models import (
from ..core.config import config
from ..poll.serializers import default_votes_validator
from ..utils.auth import get_group_model
from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data
from ..utils.rest_api import (
from ..utils.validate import validate_html
def validate_workflow_field(value):
Validator to ensure that the workflow with the given id exists.
if not Workflow.objects.filter(pk=value).exists():
raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Workflow {value} does not exist."})
class StatuteParagraphSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.StatuteParagraph objects.
class Meta:
model = StatuteParagraph
fields = ("id", "title", "text", "weight")
class CategorySerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.Category objects.
class Meta:
model = Category
fields = ("id", "name", "prefix")
class MotionBlockSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.Category objects.
agenda_type = IntegerField(
write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1, max_value=3
agenda_parent_id = IntegerField(write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1)
class Meta:
model = MotionBlock
fields = ("id", "title", "agenda_item_id", "agenda_type", "agenda_parent_id")
def create(self, validated_data):
Customized create method. Set information about related agenda item
into agenda_item_update_information container.
agenda_type = validated_data.pop("agenda_type", None)
agenda_parent_id = validated_data.pop("agenda_parent_id", None)
motion_block = MotionBlock(**validated_data)
motion_block.agenda_item_update_information["type"] = agenda_type
motion_block.agenda_item_update_information["parent_id"] = agenda_parent_id
return motion_block
class StateSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.State objects.
class Meta:
model = State
fields = (
class WorkflowSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.Workflow objects.
states = StateSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = Workflow
fields = ("id", "name", "states", "first_state")
read_only_fields = ("first_state",)
def create(self, validated_data):
Customized create method. Creating a new workflow does always create a
new state which is used as first state.
workflow = super().create(validated_data)
first_state = State.objects.create(
workflow.first_state = first_state
return workflow
class AmendmentParagraphsJSONSerializerField(Field):
Serializer for motions's amendment_paragraphs JSONField.
def to_representation(self, obj):
Returns the value of the field.
return obj
def to_internal_value(self, data):
Checks that data is a list of strings.
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be a list."})
for paragraph in data:
if not isinstance(paragraph, str) and paragraph is not None:
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": "Paragraph must be either a string or null/None."}
return data
class MotionLogSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.MotionLog objects.
message = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = MotionLog
fields = ("message_list", "person", "time", "message")
def get_message(self, obj):
Concats the message parts to one string. Useful for smart template code.
return str(obj)
class MotionPollSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.MotionPoll objects.
yes = SerializerMethodField()
no = SerializerMethodField()
abstain = SerializerMethodField()
votes = DictField(
max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2, allow_null=True
has_votes = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = MotionPoll
fields = (
validators = (default_votes_validator,)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# The following dictionary is just a cache for several votes.
self._votes_dicts: Dict[int, Dict[int, int]] = {}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_yes(self, obj):
result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["Yes"])
except KeyError:
result = None
return result
def get_no(self, obj):
result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["No"])
except KeyError:
result = None
return result
def get_abstain(self, obj):
result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["Abstain"])
except KeyError:
result = None
return result
def get_votes_dict(self, obj):
votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[]
except KeyError:
votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[] = {}
for vote in obj.get_votes():
votes_dict[vote.value] = vote.weight
return votes_dict
def get_has_votes(self, obj):
Returns True if this poll has some votes.
return obj.has_votes()
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
Customized update method for polls. To update votes use the write
only field 'votes'.
Example data:
"votes": {"Yes": 10, "No": 4, "Abstain": -2}
# Update votes.
votes = validated_data.get("votes")
if votes:
if len(votes) != len(instance.get_vote_values()):
raise ValidationError(
"detail": f"You have to submit data for {len(instance.get_vote_values())} vote values."
for vote_value in votes.keys():
if vote_value not in instance.get_vote_values():
raise ValidationError(
{"detail": f"Vote value {vote_value} is invalid."}
instance.get_options().get(), votes, skip_autoupdate=True
# Update remaining writeable fields.
instance.votesvalid = validated_data.get("votesvalid", instance.votesvalid)
instance.votesinvalid = validated_data.get(
"votesinvalid", instance.votesinvalid
instance.votescast = validated_data.get("votescast", instance.votescast)
return instance
class MotionChangeRecommendationSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.MotionChangeRecommendation objects.
class Meta:
model = MotionChangeRecommendation
fields = (
def is_title_cr(self, data):
return int(data["line_from"]) == 0 and int(data["line_to"]) == 0
def validate(self, data):
# Change recommendations for titles are stored as plain-text, thus they don't need to be html-escaped
if "text" in data and not self.is_title_cr(data):
data["text"] = validate_html(data["text"])
return data
class MotionCommentSectionSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.MotionCommentSection objects.
read_groups = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(
many=True, required=False, queryset=get_group_model().objects.all()
write_groups = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(
many=True, required=False, queryset=get_group_model().objects.all()
class Meta:
model = MotionCommentSection
fields = ("id", "name", "read_groups", "write_groups")
def create(self, validated_data):
""" Call inform_changed_data on creation, so the cache includes the groups. """
section = super().create(validated_data)
return section
class MotionCommentSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.MotionComment objects.
read_groups_id = SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = MotionComment
fields = ("id", "comment", "section", "read_groups_id")
def get_read_groups_id(self, comment):
return [ for group in comment.section.read_groups.all()]
class SubmitterSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.Submitter objects.
class Meta:
model = Submitter
fields = ("id", "user", "motion", "weight")
class MotionSerializer(ModelSerializer):
Serializer for motion.models.Motion objects.
comments = MotionCommentSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
log_messages = MotionLogSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
polls = MotionPollSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
modified_final_version = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False)
reason = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False)
state_access_level = SerializerMethodField()
text = CharField(allow_blank=True)
title = CharField(max_length=255)
amendment_paragraphs = AmendmentParagraphsJSONSerializerField(required=False)
workflow_id = IntegerField(
min_value=1, required=False, validators=[validate_workflow_field]
agenda_type = IntegerField(
write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1, max_value=3
agenda_parent_id = IntegerField(write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1)
submitters = SubmitterSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
change_recommendations = MotionChangeRecommendationSerializer(
many=True, read_only=True
class Meta:
model = Motion
fields = (
read_only_fields = (
) # Some other fields are also read_only. See definitions above.
def validate(self, data):
if "text" in data:
data["text"] = validate_html(data["text"])
if "modified_final_version" in data:
data["modified_final_version"] = validate_html(
if "reason" in data:
data["reason"] = validate_html(data["reason"])
if "amendment_paragraphs" in data:
data["amendment_paragraphs"] = list(
lambda entry: validate_html(entry)
if isinstance(entry, str)
else None,
data["text"] = ""
if "text" in data and not data["text"]:
raise ValidationError({"detail": "The text field may not be blank."})
if (
"reason" in data
and not data["reason"]
and config["motions_reason_required"]
raise ValidationError({"detail": "The reason field may not be blank."})
return data
def create(self, validated_data):
Customized method to create a new motion from some data.
Set also information about related agenda item into
agenda_item_update_information container.
motion = Motion()
motion.title = validated_data["title"]
motion.text = validated_data["text"]
motion.amendment_paragraphs = validated_data.get("amendment_paragraphs")
motion.modified_final_version = validated_data.get("modified_final_version", "")
motion.reason = validated_data.get("reason", "")
motion.identifier = validated_data.get("identifier")
motion.category = validated_data.get("category")
motion.motion_block = validated_data.get("motion_block")
motion.origin = validated_data.get("origin", "")
motion.parent = validated_data.get("parent")
motion.statute_paragraph = validated_data.get("statute_paragraph")
motion.agenda_item_update_information["type"] = validated_data.get(
motion.agenda_item_update_information["parent_id"] = validated_data.get(
motion.supporters.add(*validated_data.get("supporters", []))
motion.attachments.add(*validated_data.get("attachments", []))
motion.tags.add(*validated_data.get("tags", []))
return motion
def update(self, motion, validated_data):
Customized method to update a motion.
workflow_id = None
if "workflow_id" in validated_data:
workflow_id = validated_data.pop("workflow_id")
result = super().update(motion, validated_data)
if workflow_id is not None and workflow_id != motion.workflow_id:
return result
def get_state_access_level(self, motion):
Returns the access level of this state. The default is 0 so everybody
with permission to see motions can see this motion.
return motion.state.access_level