2020-02-20 10:59:08 +01:00

657 lines
19 KiB

Nativ: null, string, number, JSON
Fqid: Strukturierter string
HTML: string mit HTML Inhalt
<T>[]: Array von Typ T
<modellname>: number (ID) zu dem Modell
float: string mit iso-gemäßer Formatierung eines floats
decimal(X): Decimal values represented as a string with X decimal places
datetime: Datetime as a unix timestamp
// Why a number? This enables queries in the DB. And we do not
// need more precision than 1 second.
Note to structured fields: Fields with `some_field_<some_variable>` do have
values for `<some_variable>` that fits into the format of a field. E.g.
`amendment_paragraph_3`. Note that it might be possible that no kind of
this field exists in a model.
Interface projector {
id: number;
scale: number;
scroll: number;
name: string;
width: number;
aspect_ratio_numerator: number;
aspect_ratio_denominator: number;
color: string;
background_color: string;
header_background_color: string;
header_font_color: string;
header_h1_color: string;
chyron_background_color: string;
chyron_font_color: string;
show_header_footer: boolean;
show_title: boolean;
show_logo: boolean
element: projection;
element_fqid: Fqid;
elements_preview: projection[];
elements_history: projection[];
reference_projector_id: projector;
projectiondefault_ids: projectiondefault[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface projection {
id: number;
projector_id: projector;
projector_history_ids: projector;
projector_preview_id: projector;
element: Fqid;
options: JSON;
Interface projectiondefault {
id: number;
name: string;
display_name: string;
projector_id: projector;
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface tag {
id: number;
name: string;
tagged_ids: Fqid[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface projector_message {
id: number;
message: HTML;
projection_id: projection[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface projector_countdown {
id: number;
title: string;
description: string;
default_time: number;
countdown_time: number; // float?
running: boolean;
projection_id: projection[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface agenda_item {
id: number;
item_number: string;
comment: string,
closed: boolean,
type: number,
is_internal: boolean;
is_hidden: boolean;
duration: number; // in seconds
weight: number;
level: number; //für client nicht unbedingt nötig.
content_object_id: Fqid;
parent_id: agenda_item;
children_ids: agenda_item[];
projection_id: projection[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface list_of_speakers {
closed: boolean;
content_object_id: Fqid;
speaker_ids: speaker[];
projection_id: projection[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface speaker {
id: number;
begin_time: datetime;
end_time: datetime;
weight: number;
marked: boolean;
list_of_speakers_id: list_of_speakers;
user_id: user;
Interface topic {
id: number;
title: string;
text: HTML;
attachments_id: mediafile[];
agenda_item_id: agenda_item;
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface user {
id: number;
username: string;
last_email_send: string;
is_active: boolean; // TODO @emanuel: Ist ein Nutzer systemweit (organisationsweit) aktiv/inaktiv?
default_password: string;
is_committee: boolean;
about_me: HTML;
gender: string,
// TODO: auth
//auth_type: string;
// auth-spezifische felder?
title: string;
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
comment: HTML;
number: string;
email: string;
structure_level: string;
role_id: role; // Attention: prevent impelenting a "default-role" or let a
// user create such a role! This would cause the user_ids-array for this
// role to explode in size. If a user has no role, it should be handles as
// the user has no permission in the organisation and is a "normal" delegate
// there. Just a few users (expected <100) should even get a role and all
// other don't.
is_present_in_meeting_ids: meeting[];
meeting_id: meeting; // Temporary users
guest_meeting_ids: meeting[]; // Links to meeting/guest_ids
// All foreign keys are meeting-specific:
// - Keys are smaller (Space is in O(n^2) for n keys
// in the relation), so this saves storagespace
// - This makes quering things like this possible:
// "Give me all groups for User X in Meeting Y" without
// the need to get all groups and filter them for the meeting
group_<meeting_id>_ids: group[];
personal_note_<meeting_id>_ids: personal_note[];
projection_<meeting_id>_ids: projection[];
supported_motion_<meeting_id>_ids: motion[];
submitted_motion_<meeting_id>_ids: motion_submitter[];
assignment_related_user_<meeting_id>_ids: assignment_related_user[];
motion_vote_<meeting_id>_ids: motion_vote[];
assignment_vote_<meeting_id>_ids: assignment_vote[];
motion_voted_poll_<meeting_id>_ids: motion_poll[];
assignment_voted_poll_<meeting_id>_ids: assignment_poll[];
Interface group {
id: number;
name: string;
is_superadmin_group: boolean;
is_default_group: boolean;
permissions: string[];
user_ids: user[];
mediafile_access_group_ids: mediafile[];
read_comment_section_ids: motion_comment_section[];
write_comment_section_ids: motion_comment_section[];
motion_poll_ids: motion_poll[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface personal_note {
id: number;
note: HTML;
star: boolean;
user_id: user;
element: Fqid;
meeting_id: meeting;
// Mediafiles are delivered by the mediafile server with the URL
// `<media-prefix>/media/<meeting_id>/path`
Interface mediafile {
id: number;
title: string;
is_directory: boolean;
filesize: number; // Note: in bytes, not the human readable format anymore
filename: string; // Note: The uploaded filename. Filename and parent_id
// must be unique as well as title and parent_id must be unique.
mimetype: string;
create_timestamp: datetime;
path: string; // Note: calcuated
inherited_access_group_ids: boolean | number[]; // Note: calculated and no
// reverse-relation for the gorup ids.
access_group_ids: group[];
parent_id: mediafile;
children_ids: mediafile[];
list_of_speakers_id: list_of_speakers;
projection_ids: projection[];
attachement_ids: Fqid[];
meeting_id: meeting;
// Backreferences for meetings, if a mediafile is used as a special resource
// TODO: The id here is not necessary. This would also work:
// used_as: string[];
// with a list of tokens with `logo_` and `font_` prefix. E.g.:
// used_as: ["logo_web_header", "font_italic", "logo_projector_footer"]
logo_<token>: meeting;
font_<token>: meeting;
// New: Resource
// Resources are organsation wide mediafiles. There should not be a file-manager
// on this layer, but a way to customize fonts, logos and other organisation-wide
// resources. There are no permission checks (so the user must not be logged in to
// access the resources). A resource has a token, e.g. `web_header` or
// `pdf_font_italic`, so the client knowns, where to put the resource. They are
// delivered by the media service with the URL `<media-prefix>/resource/<id>`.
Interface Resource {
id: number;
token: string;
filesize: number;
mimetype: string;
organisation_id: organisation;
Interface motion {
id: number;
identifier: string;
title: string;
text: HTML;
amendment_paragraph_<paragraph_number>: HTML;
modified_final_version: HTML;
reason: HTML;
category_weight: number;
state_extension: string;
recommendation_extension: string;
sort_parent_id: motion;
sort_weight: number;
created: string;
last_modified: string;
parent_id: motion;
children_ids: motion[];
origin_id: motion; // Note: The related motions may not be in the same meeting
derived_motion_ids: motion[]; // Note: The related motions may not be in the same meeting
state_id: motion_state;
workflow_id: motion_workflow;
recommendation_id: motion_state;
category_id: category;
motion_block_id: motion_block;
submitter_ids: motion_submitter[];
supporter_ids: user[];
poll_ids: motion_poll[];
change_recommendation_ids: motion_change_recommendation[];
statute_paragraph_id: motion_statute_paragraph;
comment_ids: motion_comment[];
agenda_item_id: agenda_item;
list_of_speakers_id: list_of_speakers;
tag_ids: tag[];
attachment_ids: mediafile[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_poll {
id: number;
pollmethod: string;
state: number;
type: string;
title: string;
onehundred_percent_base: string;
majority_method: string;
votesvalid: decimal(6);
votesinvalid: decimal(6);
votescast: decimal(6);
option_ids: motion_option[];
motion_id: motion;
voted_ids: user[];
group_ids: group[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_option {
id: number;
yes: decimal(6);
no: decimal(6);
abstain: decimal(6);
vote_ids: motion_vote[];
Interface motion_vote {
id: number;
weight: decimal(6);
value: string;
option_id: motion_option;
user_id: user;
Interface motion_submitter {
id: number;
weight: number;
user_id: user;
motion_id: motion;
Interface motion_comment {
id: number;
comment: HTML;
motion_id: motion;
section_id: motion_comment_section;
Inteface motion_comment_section {
id: number;
name: string;
weight: number;
read_group_ids: group[];
write_group_ids: group[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_category {
id: number;
name: string;
prefix: string;
weight: number;
level: number;
parent_id: motion_category;
children_ids: motion_category[];
motion_ids: motion[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_block {
id: number;
title: string;
internal: boolean;
motion_ids: motion[];
agenda_item_id: agenda_item;
list_of_speakers_id: list_of_speakers;
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_change_recommendation {
id: number;
rejected: boolean;
internal: boolean;
type: number;
other_description: string;
line_from: number;
line_to: number;
text: HTML;
creation_time: datetime;
motion_id: motion;
Interface motion_state {
id: number;
name: string;
recommendation_label: string;
css_class: string;
restrictions: string[],
allow_support: boolean;
allow_create_poll: boolean;
allow_submitter_edit: boolean;
set_identifier: boolean;
show_state_extension_field: boolean;
merge_amendment_into_final: number;
show_recommendation_extension_field: boolean;
next_state_ids: motion_state[];
previous_state_ids: motion_state[];
motion_ids: motion[];
motion_recommendation_ids: motion[];
workflow_id: motion_workflow;
first_state_of_workflow_id: motion_workflow;
Interface motion_workflow {
id: number;
name: string;
state_ids: motion_state[];
first_state_id: motion_state;
motion_ids: motion[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface motion_statute_paragraph {
id: number;
title: string;
text: HTML;
weight: number;
motion_ids: motion[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface assignment {
id: number;
title: string;
description: HTML;
open_posts: number;
phase: number;
poll_description_default: string;
assignment_related_user_ids: assignment_related_user[];
poll_ids: assignment_poll[];
agenda_item_id: agenda_item;
list_of_speakers_id: list_of_speakers;
tag_ids: tag[];
attachment_ids: mediafile[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Inteface assignment_related_user {
id: number;
elected: boolean;
weight: number;
assignment_id: assignment;
user_id: user;
Interface assignment_poll {
id: number;
allow_multiple_votes_per_candidate: boolean;
global_abstain: boolean;
global_no: boolean;
amount_global_abstain: decimal(6);
amount_global_no: decimal(6);
pollmethod: string;
state: number;
title: string;
description: string;
type: string;
onehundred_percent_base: string;
majority_method: string;
votes_amount: number;
votescast: decimal(6);
votesinvalid: decimal(6);
votesvalid: decimal(6);
assignment_id: assignment;
voted_ids: user[];
group_ids: group[];
option_ids: assignment_option[];
meeting_id: meeting;
Interface assignment_option {
id: number;
yes: decimal(6);
no: decimal(6);
abstain: decimal(6);
weight: number;
poll_id: assignment_poll;
user_id: user;
Interface assignment_vote {
id: number;
value: string;
weight: decimal(6);
option_id: assignment_option;
user_id: user;
// New models
Interface meeting {
id: number;
identifier: string; // For unique urls.
is_template: boolean; // Unique within a committee
enable_anonymous: boolean;
// Old "general_*" configs
name: string;
description: string;
location: string;
start_time: datetime;
end_time: datetime;
welcome_title: string;
welcome_text: HTML;
// Export section still needed?
// Or should this be moved into committee-scope or organisation-scope?
export_csv_encoding: string;
export_csv_separator: string;
export_pdf_pagenumber_alignment: string;
export pdf_fontsize: number;
export_pdf_pagesize: string;
// TODO: custom translations
// TODO: @emanuel: Are they meeting-specific, organsation-wide or should
// both have custom translation?
// TODO: @emanuel Is this right here in a meeting?
users_sort_by: string;
users_enable_presence_view: boolean;
// Motions
motions_default_workflow: workflow; // TODO: relation
motions_default_statute_amendments_workflow: workflow; // TODO: relation
motions_preamble: string;
motions_default_line_numbering: string;
motions_line_length: number;
motions_reason_required: boolean;
motions_enable_text_on_projector: boolean;
motions_enable_reason_on_projector: boolean;
motions_enable_sidebox_on_projector: boolean;
motions_enable_resommendation_on_projector: boolean;
motions_show_referring_motions: boolean;
motions_show_sequential_number: boolean;
motions_recommendations_by: string;
motions_statute_recommendations_by: string;
motions_recommendation_text_mode: string;
motions_default_sorting: string;
motions_identifier_type: string;
motions_identifier_min_digits: number;
motions_identifier_with_blank: boolean;
motions_statutes_enabled: boolean;
motions_amendments_enabled: boolean;
motions_amendments_in_main_list: boolean;
motions_amendments_prefix: string;
motions_amendments_text_mode: string;
motions_amendments_multiple_paragraphs: boolean;
motions_supporters_min_amount: number;
motions_supporters_enable_autoremove: boolean;
motions_export_title: string;
motions_export_preamble: string;
motions_export_submitter_recommendation: boolean;
motions_export follow_recommendation: boolean;
// Assignments
assignments_poll_add_candidates_to_list_of_spekaers: boolean;
assignemnts_export_pdf_title: string;
assignments_export_pdf_preamble: string;
projector_ids: projector[];
projectiondefault_ids: projectiondefault[];
projector_countdown_ids: projector_countdown[];
projector_message_ids: projector_message[];
tag_ids: tag[];
agenda_item_ids: agenda_item[];
list_of_speakers_ids: list_of_speakers[];
topic_ids: topic[];
group_ids: group[];
personal_note_ids: personal_note[];
mediafile_ids: mediafile[];
motion_ids: motion[];
motion_poll_ids: motion_poll[];
motion_comment_section_ids: motion_comment_section[];
motion_category_ids: motion_category[];
motion_block_ids: motion_block[];
motion_workflow_ids: motion_workflow[];
motion_statute_paragraph_ids: motion_statute_paragraph[];
assignment_ids: assignment[];
assignment_poll_ids: assignment_poll[];
// No relations to a meeting:
// user; OK, because not meeting-specific
// projection
// speaker
// motion_option
// motion_vote
// motion_comment
// motion_submitter
// motion_change_recommendation
// motion_state
// assignment_related_user
// assignment_option
// assignment_vote
// Why: These are mostly M2M models or ones, that will never have a list view.
// There would be no need to link them to the meeting, if they can be
// reached through a parent model. E.g. a motion_option can be reached through
// a motion_poll. There will never be the need to make something like "show all
// motion_options at once".
// TODO: Is this right for all above stated models?
// TODO: We might link user to a meeting. A member is defined by checking,
// if a user is assigned to at least one group. This "query" must be checked,
// if it can be performed.
// Logos and Fonts
logo_<token>: Mediafile;
font_<token>: Mediafile;
// Examples:
// logo_web_header: Mediafile;
// font_italic_pdf: Mediafile;
// The client can define these resources. There is no need
// to have whitelist/blacklist on the server. The tokens must
// be checked: They must match `[a-z]([a-z_]*[a-z])?` and must
// not be longer than 32 characters.
// Other relations
committee_id: committee; // Links to committee/meeting_ids
default_meeting_for_committee_id: committee; // Links to committee/default_meeting_id
present_user_ids: user[]; // Links to user/is_present_in_meeting_ids
guest_ids: user[]; // Links to users/guest_meeting_ids
temorary_user_ids: user[]; // Links to user/meeting_id
Interface committee {
id: number;
name: string;
description: string; // TODO: @emanuel Or HTML? Or not needed (-> UI decision)
meeting_ids: meeting[];
default_meting_id: meeting;
member_ids: user[];
manager_ids: user[];
forward_to_committee_ids: committee[];
received_forwardings_from_committee_ids: committee[];
organisation_id: organisation;
Interface organisation {
id: number;
name: string;
description: HTML; // TODO: @emanuel Needed??
// Configs:
legal_notice: string;
privacy_policy: string;
login_text: string;
theme: string;
// TODO: OS3 user configs (export, email, ...)
committee_ids: committee[];
role_ids: role[];
resource_ids: resource[];
Interface role {
id: number;
name: string;
permissions: string[]; // 'can_manage_committees', 'can_manage_users', TODO: more permissions
is_superadmin_role: boolean;
orginasation_id: number;
user_ids: user[];