Sean Engelhardt 4023ac82df Export statute amendments with diff
Exports motion statutes amendments with changes to PDF documents.
Fixes a small issue where navigating to statues amendments was throwing
2019-02-08 10:39:06 +01:00

595 lines
21 KiB

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { ChangeRecommendationRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/motions/change-recommendation-repository.service';
import { ConfigService } from 'app/core/ui-services/config.service';
import { HtmlToPdfService } from 'app/core/ui-services/html-to-pdf.service';
import { MotionPollService, CalculablePollKey } from './motion-poll.service';
import { MotionRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/motions/motion-repository.service';
import { StatuteParagraphRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/motions/statute-paragraph-repository.service';
import { ViewMotion, LineNumberingMode, ChangeRecoMode } from '../models/view-motion';
import { ViewUnifiedChange } from '../models/view-unified-change';
* Type declaring which strings are valid options for metainfos to be exported into a pdf
export type InfoToExport = 'submitters' | 'state' | 'recommendation' | 'category' | 'block' | 'origin' | 'polls';
* Converts a motion to pdf. Can be used from the motion detail view or executed on a list of motions
* Provides the public method `motionToDocDef(motion: Motion)` which should be convenient to use.
* `motionToDocDef(... )` accepts line numbering mode and change recommendation mode as optional parameter.
* If not present, the default parameters will be read from the config.
* @example
* ```ts
* const pdfMakeCompatibleDocDef = this.MotionPdfService.motionToDocDef(myMotion);
* ```
providedIn: 'root'
export class MotionPdfService {
* Constructor
* @param translate handle translations
* @param motionRepo get parent motions
* @param statureRepo To get formated stature paragraphs
* @param changeRecoRepo to get the change recommendations
* @param configService Read config variables
* @param htmlToPdfService To convert HTML text into pdfmake doc def
* @param pollService MotionPollService for rendering the polls
public constructor(
private translate: TranslateService,
private motionRepo: MotionRepositoryService,
private statureRepo: StatuteParagraphRepositoryService,
private changeRecoRepo: ChangeRecommendationRepositoryService,
private configService: ConfigService,
private htmlToPdfService: HtmlToPdfService,
private pollService: MotionPollService
) {}
* Converts a motion to PdfMake doc definition
* @param motion the motion to convert to pdf
* @param lnMode determine the used line mode
* @param crMode determine the used change Recommendation mode
* @param contentToExport determine which content is to export. If left out, everything will be exported
* @param infoToExport determine which metaInfo to export. If left out, everything will be exported.
* @returns doc def for the motion
public motionToDocDef(
motion: ViewMotion,
lnMode?: LineNumberingMode,
crMode?: ChangeRecoMode,
contentToExport?: string[],
infoToExport?: InfoToExport[]
): object {
let motionPdfContent = [];
// determine the default lnMode if not explicitly given
if (!lnMode) {
lnMode = this.configService.instant('motions_default_line_numbering');
// determine the default crMode if not explicitly given
if (!crMode) {
crMode = this.configService.instant('motions_recommendation_text_mode');
const title = this.createTitle(motion);
const subtitle = this.createSubtitle(motion);
motionPdfContent = [title, subtitle];
if ((infoToExport && infoToExport.length > 0) || !infoToExport) {
const metaInfo = this.createMetaInfoTable(motion, crMode, infoToExport);
if (!contentToExport || contentToExport.includes('text')) {
const preamble = this.createPreamble(motion);
const text = this.createText(motion, lnMode, crMode);
if (!contentToExport || contentToExport.includes('reason')) {
const reason = this.createReason(motion, lnMode);
return motionPdfContent;
* Create the motion title part of the doc definition
* @param motion the target motion
* @returns doc def for the document title
private createTitle(motion: ViewMotion): object {
const identifier = motion.identifier ? ' ' + motion.identifier : '';
const title = `${this.translate.instant('Motion')} ${identifier}: ${motion.title}`;
return {
text: title,
style: 'title'
* Create the motion subtitle and sequential number part of the doc definition
* @param motion the target motion
* @returns doc def for the subtitle
private createSubtitle(motion: ViewMotion): object {
const subtitleLines = [];
const exportSequentialNumber = this.configService.instant('motions_export_sequential_number');
if (exportSequentialNumber) {
subtitleLines.push(`${this.translate.instant('Sequential number')}: ${}`);
if (motion.parent_id) {
if (exportSequentialNumber) {
subtitleLines.push(' • ');
`${this.translate.instant('Amendment to')} ${motion.parent.identifier || motion.parent.title}`
return {
text: subtitleLines,
style: 'subtitle'
* Creates the MetaInfoTable
* @param motion the target motion
* @returns doc def for the meta infos
private createMetaInfoTable(motion: ViewMotion, crMode: ChangeRecoMode, infoToExport?: InfoToExport[]): object {
const metaTableBody = [];
// submitters
if (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('submitters')) {
const submitters = motion.submitters
.map(submitter => {
return submitter.full_name;
.join(', ');
text: `${this.translate.instant('Submitters')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: submitters
// state
if (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('state')) {
text: `${this.translate.instant('State')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: this.motionRepo.getExtendedStateLabel(motion)
// recommendation
if (motion.recommendation && (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('recommendation'))) {
let recommendationByText: string;
if (motion.isStatuteAmendment()) {
recommendationByText = this.configService.instant('motions_statute_recommendations_by');
} else {
recommendationByText = this.configService.instant('motions_recommendations_by');
text: `${recommendationByText}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: this.motionRepo.getExtendedRecommendationLabel(motion)
// category
if (motion.category && (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('category'))) {
text: `${this.translate.instant('Category')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: motion.category.prefix
? `${motion.category.prefix} - ${}`
: `${}`
// motion block
if (motion.motion_block && (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('block'))) {
text: `${this.translate.instant('Motion block')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: motion.motion_block.title
// origin
if (motion.origin && (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('origin'))) {
text: `${this.translate.instant('Origin')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
text: motion.origin
if (motion.motion.polls.length && (!infoToExport || infoToExport.includes('polls'))) {
const column1 = [];
const column2 = [];
const column3 = [];, index) => {
if (poll.has_votes) {
if (motion.motion.polls.length > 1) {
column1.push(index + 1 + '. ' + this.translate.instant('Vote'));
const values: CalculablePollKey[] = ['yes', 'no', 'abstain'];
if (poll.votesvalid) {
if (poll.votesinvalid) {
if (poll.votescast) {
} => {
this.pollService.isAbstractValue(poll, value)
? column3.push('')
: column3.push(`(${this.pollService.calculatePercentage(poll, value)} %)`);
text: `${this.translate.instant('Voting result')}:`,
style: 'boldText'
columns: [
text: column1.join('\n'),
width: 'auto'
text: column2.join('\n'),
width: 'auto',
alignment: 'right'
text: column3.join('\n'),
width: 'auto',
alignment: 'right'
columnGap: 7
// summary of change recommendations (for motion diff version only)
const changeRecos = this.changeRecoRepo.getChangeRecoOfMotion(;
if (crMode === ChangeRecoMode.Diff && changeRecos.length > 0) {
const columnLineNumbers = [];
const columnChangeType = [];
changeRecos.forEach(changeReco => {
// TODO: the function isTitleRecommendation() does not exist anymore.
// Not sure if required or not
// if (changeReco.isTitleRecommendation()) {
// columnLineNumbers.push(gettextCatalog.getString('Title') + ': ');
// } else { ... }
// line numbers column
let line;
if (changeReco.line_from >= changeReco.line_to - 1) {
line = changeReco.line_from;
} else {
line = changeReco.line_from + ' - ' + (changeReco.line_to - 1);
columnLineNumbers.push(`${this.translate.instant('Line')} ${line}: `);
// change type column
if (changeReco.type === 0) {
} else if (changeReco.type === 1) {
} else if (changeReco.type === 2) {
} else if (changeReco.type === 3) {
text: this.translate.instant('Summary of changes'),
style: 'boldText'
columns: [
text: columnLineNumbers.join('\n'),
width: 'auto'
text: columnChangeType.join('\n'),
width: 'auto'
columnGap: 7
if (metaTableBody.length > 0) {
return {
table: {
widths: ['35%', '65%'],
body: metaTableBody
margin: [0, 0, 0, 20],
// That did not work too well in the past. Perhaps substitution by a pdfWorker the worker will be necessary
layout: {
fillColor: () => {
return '#dddddd';
hLineWidth: (i, node) => {
return i === 0 || i === node.table.body.length ? 0 : 0.5;
vLineWidth: () => {
return 0;
hLineColor: () => {
return 'white';
* Creates the motion preamble
* @param motion the target motion
* @returns doc def for the motion text
private createPreamble(motion: ViewMotion): object {
return {
text: `${this.translate.instant(this.configService.instant('motions_preamble'))}`,
margin: [0, 10, 0, 10]
* Creates the motion text - uses HTML to PDF
* @param motion the motion to convert to pdf
* @param lnMode determine the used line mode
* @param crMode determine the used change Recommendation mode
* @returns doc def for the "the assembly may decide" preamble
private createText(motion: ViewMotion, lnMode: LineNumberingMode, crMode: ChangeRecoMode): object {
let motionText: string;
// get the line length from the config
const lineLength = this.configService.instant<number>('motions_line_length');
if (motion.isParagraphBasedAmendment()) {
// TODO: special docs for special amendment
} else if (motion.isStatuteAmendment()) {
// statute amendments
const statutes = this.statureRepo.getViewModelList();
motionText = this.motionRepo.formatStatuteAmendment(statutes, motion, lineLength);
} else {
// lead motion or normal amendments
// TODO: Consider tile change recommendation
const changes: ViewUnifiedChange[] = Object.assign(
// changes need to be sorted, by "line from".
// otherwise, formatMotion will make unexpected results by messing up the
// order of changes applied to the motion
changes.sort((a, b) => a.getLineFrom() - b.getLineFrom());
motionText = this.motionRepo.formatMotion(, crMode, changes, lineLength);
return this.htmlToPdfService.convertHtml(motionText, lnMode);
* Creates the motion reason - uses HTML to PDF
* @param motion the target motion
* @returns doc def for the reason as array
private createReason(motion: ViewMotion, lnMode: LineNumberingMode): object {
if (motion.reason) {
const reason = [];
// add the reason "head line"
text: this.translate.instant('Reason'),
style: 'heading3',
margin: [0, 25, 0, 10]
// determine the width of the reason depending on line numbering
// currently not used
// let columnWidth: string;
// if (lnMode === LineNumberingMode.Outside) {
// columnWidth = '80%';
// } else {
// columnWidth = '100%';
// }
columns: [
// width: columnWidth,
stack: this.htmlToPdfService.convertHtml(motion.reason)
return reason;
} else {
return {};
* Creates pdfMake definitions for the call list of given motions
* @param motions A list of motions
* @returns definitions ready to be opened or exported via {@link PdfDocumentService}
public callListToDoc(motions: ViewMotion[]): object {
motions.sort((a, b) => a.callListWeight - b.callListWeight);
const title = {
text: this.translate.instant('Call list'),
style: 'title'
const callListTableBody: object[] = [
text: this.translate.instant('Called'),
style: 'tableHeader'
text: this.translate.instant('Called with'),
style: 'tableHeader'
text: this.translate.instant('Submitters'),
style: 'tableHeader'
text: this.translate.instant('Title'),
style: 'tableHeader'
text: this.translate.instant('Recommendation'),
style: 'tableHeader'
text: this.translate.instant('Motion block'),
style: 'tableHeader'
const callListRows = => this.createCallListRow(motion));
const table: object = {
table: {
widths: ['auto', 'auto', 'auto', '*', 'auto', 'auto'],
headerRows: 1,
body: callListTableBody.concat(callListRows)
layout: {
hLineWidth: rowIndex => {
return rowIndex === 1;
vLineWidth: () => {
return 0;
fillColor: rowIndex => {
return rowIndex % 2 === 0 ? '#EEEEEE' : null;
return [title, table];
* Creates the pdfMake definitions for a row of the call List table
* @param motion
* @returns pdfmakre definitions
private createCallListRow(motion: ViewMotion): object {
return [
text: motion.sort_parent_id ? '' : motion.identifierOrTitle
{ text: motion.sort_parent_id ? motion.identifierOrTitle : '' },
{ text: motion.submitters.length ? => s.short_name).join(', ') : '' },
{ text: motion.title },
text: motion.recommendation ? this.translate.instant(motion.recommendation.recommendation_label) : ''
{ text: motion.motion_block ? motion.motion_block.title : '' }
* Creates pdfmake definitions for basic information about the motion and
* comments or notes
* @param note string optionally containing html layout
* @param motion the ViewMotion this note refers to
* @param noteTitle additional heading to be used (will be translated)
* @returns pdfMake definitions
public textToDocDef(note: string, motion: ViewMotion, noteTitle: string): object {
const title = this.createTitle(motion);
const subtitle = this.createSubtitle(motion);
const metaInfo = this.createMetaInfoTable(
['submitters', 'state', 'category']
const noteContent = this.htmlToPdfService.convertHtml(note);
const subHeading = {
text: this.translate.instant(noteTitle),
style: 'heading2'
return [title, subtitle, metaInfo, subHeading, noteContent];