Sean Engelhardt e4d3e119d3 Service Worker Updates
Introdcues a new update service.
Listens to service-worker updates and shows a snack-bar to inform about updates.
Provides a function to manually check for updates.

The service worker tries to be consistent in it's own version and
updates in the background.
Some manuall trigger will be required to update, which is either a
reload or the execution of the provded check function

with help from
2019-05-06 13:13:09 +02:00

193 lines
6.7 KiB

from typing import Any, Dict
from ..utils.auth import async_has_perm
from ..utils.constants import get_constants
from ..utils.projector import get_projector_data
from ..utils.websocket import (
class NotifyWebsocketClientMessage(BaseWebsocketClientMessage):
Websocket message from a client to send a message to other clients.
identifier = "notify"
schema = {
"$schema": "",
"title": "Notify element.",
"description": "Element that one client can send to one or many other clients.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"description": "The name of the notify message", "type": "string"},
"content": {"description": "The actual content of this message."},
"reply_channels": {
"description": "A list of channels to send this message to.",
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"users": {
"anyOf": [
"description": "A list of user ids to send this message to.",
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "integer"},
"description": "This flag indicates, that this message should be send to all users.",
"enum": [True],
"required": ["name", "content"],
# Define a required permission for a notify message here. If the emitting user does not
# have this permission, he will get an error message in response.
notify_permissions: Dict[str, str] = {"swCheckForUpdate": "users.can_manage"}
async def receive_content(
self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", content: Any, id: str
) -> None:
# Check if the user is allowed to send this notify message
perm = self.notify_permissions.get(content["name"])
if perm is not None and not await async_has_perm(
consumer.scope["user"]["id"], perm
await consumer.send_json(
content=f"You need '{perm}' to send this message.",
# Forward to all other active site consumers to handle the notify message.
await consumer.channel_layer.group_send(
"type": "send_notify",
"incomming": content,
"senderChannelName": consumer.channel_name,
"senderUserId": consumer.scope["user"]["id"],
class ConstantsWebsocketClientMessage(BaseWebsocketClientMessage):
The Client requests the constants.
identifier = "constants"
content_required = False
async def receive_content(
self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", content: Any, id: str
) -> None:
# Return all constants to the client.
await consumer.send_json(
type="constants", content=get_constants(), in_response=id
class GetElementsWebsocketClientMessage(BaseWebsocketClientMessage):
The Client request database elements.
identifier = "getElements"
schema = {
"$schema": "",
"titel": "getElement request",
"description": "Request from the client to server to get elements.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
# change_id is not required
"change_id": {"type": "integer"}
async def receive_content(
self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", content: Any, id: str
) -> None:
requested_change_id = content.get("change_id", 0)
element_data = await get_element_data(
consumer.scope["user"]["id"], requested_change_id
except ValueError as error:
await consumer.send_json(type="error", content=str(error), in_response=id)
await consumer.send_json(
type="autoupdate", content=element_data, in_response=id
class AutoupdateWebsocketClientMessage(BaseWebsocketClientMessage):
The Client turns autoupdate on or off.
identifier = "autoupdate"
async def receive_content(
self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", content: Any, id: str
) -> None:
# Turn on or off the autoupdate for the client
if content: # accept any value, that can be interpreted as bool
await consumer.channel_layer.group_add("autoupdate", consumer.channel_name)
await consumer.channel_layer.group_discard(
"autoupdate", consumer.channel_name
class ListenToProjectors(BaseWebsocketClientMessage):
The client tells, to which projector it listens.
Therefor it sends a list of projector ids. If it sends an empty list, it does
not want to get any projector information.
identifier = "listenToProjectors"
schema = {
"$schema": "",
"titel": "Listen to projectors",
"description": "Listen to zero, one or more projectors..",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"projector_ids": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "integer"},
"uniqueItems": True,
"required": ["projector_ids"],
async def receive_content(
self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", content: Any, id: str
) -> None:
consumer.listen_projector_ids = content["projector_ids"]
if consumer.listen_projector_ids:
# listen to projector group
await consumer.channel_layer.group_add("projector", consumer.channel_name)
# do not listen to projector group
await consumer.channel_layer.group_discard(
"projector", consumer.channel_name
# Send projector data
if consumer.listen_projector_ids:
projector_data = await get_projector_data(consumer.listen_projector_ids)
for projector_id, data in projector_data.items():
consumer.projector_hash[projector_id] = hash(str(data))
await consumer.send_json(
type="projector", content=projector_data, in_response=id