Oskar Hahn eead4efe6a Remove CollectionElement
* Use user_id: int instead of Optional[CollectionElment] in utils
* Rewrote autoupdate system without CollectionElement
2018-11-04 01:06:01 +01:00

192 lines
6.5 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Union, cast
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.models import Model
from .cache import element_cache
GROUP_DEFAULT_PK = 1 # This is the hard coded pk for the default group.
GROUP_ADMIN_PK = 2 # This is the hard coded pk for the admin group.
# Hard coded collection string for users and groups
group_collection_string = 'users/group'
user_collection_string = 'users/user'
def get_group_model() -> Model:
Return the Group model that is active in this project.
return apps.get_model(settings.AUTH_GROUP_MODEL, require_ready=False)
except ValueError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured("AUTH_GROUP_MODEL must be of the form 'app_label.model_name'")
except LookupError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"AUTH_GROUP_MODEL refers to model '%s' that has not been installed" % settings.AUTH_GROUP_MODEL
def has_perm(user_id: int, perm: str) -> bool:
Checks that user has a specific permission.
user_id 0 means anonymous user.
# Convert user to right type
# TODO: Remove this and make use, that user has always the right type
user_id = user_to_user_id(user_id)
return async_to_sync(async_has_perm)(user_id, perm)
async def async_has_perm(user_id: int, perm: str) -> bool:
Checks that user has a specific permission.
user_id 0 means anonymous user.
if not user_id and not await async_anonymous_is_enabled():
has_perm = False
elif not user_id:
# Use the permissions from the default group.
default_group = await element_cache.get_element_full_data(group_collection_string, GROUP_DEFAULT_PK)
if default_group is None:
raise RuntimeError('Default Group does not exist.')
has_perm = perm in default_group['permissions']
user_data = await element_cache.get_element_full_data(user_collection_string, user_id)
if user_data is None:
raise RuntimeError('User with id {} does not exist.'.format(user_id))
if GROUP_ADMIN_PK in user_data['groups_id']:
# User in admin group (pk 2) grants all permissions.
has_perm = True
# Get all groups of the user and then see, if one group has the required
# permission. If the user has no groups, then use the default group.
group_ids = user_data['groups_id'] or [GROUP_DEFAULT_PK]
for group_id in group_ids:
group = await element_cache.get_element_full_data(group_collection_string, group_id)
if group is None:
raise RuntimeError('User is in non existing group with id {}.'.format(group_id))
if perm in group['permissions']:
has_perm = True
has_perm = False
return has_perm
def in_some_groups(user_id: int, groups: List[int]) -> bool:
Checks that user is in at least one given group. Groups can be given as a list
of ids or group instances. If the user is in the admin group (pk = 2) the result
is always true.
user_id 0 means anonymous user.
if len(groups) == 0:
return False # early end here, if no groups are given.
# Convert user to right type
# TODO: Remove this and make use, that user has always the right type
user_id = user_to_user_id(user_id)
return async_to_sync(async_in_some_groups)(user_id, groups)
async def async_in_some_groups(user_id: int, groups: List[int]) -> bool:
Checks that user is in at least one given group. Groups can be given as a list
of ids. If the user is in the admin group (pk = 2) the result
is always true.
user_id 0 means anonymous user.
if not len(groups):
return False # early end here, if no groups are given.
if not user_id and not await async_anonymous_is_enabled():
in_some_groups = False
elif not user_id:
# Use the permissions from the default group.
in_some_groups = GROUP_DEFAULT_PK in groups
user_data = await element_cache.get_element_full_data(user_collection_string, user_id)
if user_data is None:
raise RuntimeError('User with id {} does not exist.'.format(user_id))
if GROUP_ADMIN_PK in user_data['groups_id']:
# User in admin group (pk 2) grants all permissions.
in_some_groups = True
# Get all groups of the user and then see, if one group has the required
# permission. If the user has no groups, then use the default group.
group_ids = user_data['groups_id'] or [GROUP_DEFAULT_PK]
for group_id in group_ids:
if group_id in groups:
in_some_groups = True
in_some_groups = False
return in_some_groups
def anonymous_is_enabled() -> bool:
Returns True if the anonymous user is enabled in the settings.
from ..core.config import config
return config['general_system_enable_anonymous']
async def async_anonymous_is_enabled() -> bool:
Like anonymous_is_enabled but async.
from ..core.config import config
if config.key_to_id is None:
await config.build_key_to_id()
config.key_to_id = cast(Dict[str, int], config.key_to_id)
element = await element_cache.get_element_full_data(config.get_collection_string(), config.key_to_id['general_system_enable_anonymous'])
return False if element is None else element['value']
AnyUser = Union[Model, int, AnonymousUser, None]
def user_to_user_id(user: AnyUser) -> int:
Takes an object, that represents a user returns its user_id.
user_id 0 means anonymous user.
User can be
* an user object,
* an user id or
* an anonymous user.
Raises an TypeError, if the given user object can not be converted.
User = get_user_model()
if user is None:
user_id = 0
elif isinstance(user, int):
# Nothing to do
user_id = user
elif isinstance(user, AnonymousUser):
user_id = 0
elif isinstance(user, User):
user_id =
raise TypeError(
"Unsupported type for user. User {} has type {}.".format(user, type(user)))
return user_id