204 lines
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204 lines
11 KiB
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.mediafiles.image-plugin', [
.factory('ImageBrowserPlugin', [
function ($templateCache, Mediafile, gettextCatalog, Editor) {
return {
getPlugin: function () {
return {
init: function (editor) {
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser = {};
// Initialize this dialog, if it is opened.
editor.on('dialogShow', function (event) {
var dialog = event.data;
if (dialog.getName() === 'imagebrowser-dialog') {
// Load the main plugin template and paste it into the container
var template = $templateCache.get('static/templates/mediafiles/image-plugin.html');
if (!template) {
throw 'Template for image plugin not found!';
// Load all images.
var images = '';
_.forEach(Mediafile.getAllImages(), function (image) {
images += '<div class="image" onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.selectImage(\'' +
image.value + '\');" style="background-image:url(\'' +
image.value + '\');" data-image="' + image.value + '"></div>';
// Translate some strings. Angular tags are not available in CKEditor.
// If the dialog was opened via double click, check the selected element. It
// may be an image, so preselect it.
var selectedElement = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
if (selectedElement.is('img')) {
// Check for given scale of this image.
var styleAttr = $(selectedElement).attr('style');
var scale;
var scaleRegex = /width\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*%/g;
var scaleMatch = scaleRegex.exec(styleAttr);
if (scaleMatch) {
scale = parseInt(scaleMatch[1]);
selectedElement.getAttribute('src'), scale);
// Setup event listeners.
$('#image-scale').bind('keyup mouseup', function (event) {
var scale = parseInt($('#image-scale').val());
if (scale !== CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.scale) {
// React on double clicks in the textarea. If an image was selected, open this dialog.
editor.on('doubleclick', function (event) {
var element = event.data.element;
if (!element.isReadOnly()) {
if (element.is('img')) {
event.data.dialog = 'imagebrowser-dialog';
// Handler for selecting an image. It may be called by clicking on a thumbnail or by
// just giving the url. The scale is optional.
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.selectImage = function (url, scale) {
var browser = $('#imageBrowser');
_.forEach(browser.children(), function (child) { // check every available image
if (child.getAttribute('data-image') == url) { //match
var image = $('#imagePreview img');
// Setup an load event handler, so we can get the size of the image when loaded.
image.on('load', function (event) {
var w = event.target.naturalWidth;
var h = event.target.naturalHeight;
$('#originalSizeText').html(gettextCatalog.getString('Original size') +
': ' + w + ' × ' + h );
if (scale !== undefined) {
// Use custom scale.
} else {
// Set the url of the main preview image.
image.attr('src', url);
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.selected = url;
} else {
// Wrong image, deselect it in the preview window.
// Handler for updateing the image size.
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.updateImageSize = function (scale) {
if (isNaN(scale) || scale <= 0) {
} else {
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.scale = scale;
$('#imagePreview img').width(scale + '%');
// Insert the selected image into the textarea.
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.insertImage = function (url, scale) {
var editor = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;
var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
var html = '<img src="' + url + '" data-cke-saved-src="' + url +
'" alt="' + url + '" style="width: ' + scale + '%;" />';
editor.config.allowedContent = true;
editor.addCommand('imagebrowser-open', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('imagebrowser-dialog'));
// By naming the button 'image', it gets the same image as the original image button.
editor.ui.addButton('image', {
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Open image browser'),
command: 'imagebrowser-open',
toolbar: 'insert',
getDialog: function () {
return function (editor) {
return {
title: gettextCatalog.getString('Image browser'),
minWidth: 1000,
minHeight: 500,
contents: [
id: 'imagebrowser-tab1',
label: gettextCatalog.getString('Browse for images'),
elements: [
type: 'html',
align: 'left',
id: 'titleid',
style: 'font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;',
html: gettextCatalog.getString('Browse for images'),
}, {
type: 'html',
align: 'left',
id: 'msg',
style: '',
html: '<div id="imageBrowserContainer"></div>'
// insert image on OK.
onOk: function (event) {
var url = CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.selected;
if (url) {
var scale = CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.scale;
CKEDITOR.tools.imagebrowser.insertImage(url, scale);
function (Editor, ImageBrowserPlugin, gettext) {
Editor.registerDialog('imagebrowser-dialog', ImageBrowserPlugin.getDialog());
Editor.registerPlugin('imagebrowser', ImageBrowserPlugin.getPlugin());
// mark all plugin strings
gettext('Original size');
gettext('Image browser');
gettext('Browse for images');