
72 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{% extends "header_slim_submenu.html" %}
{%- block title -%}{{ this.title }}{%- endblock -%}
{%- block meta_description -%}
{%- if this.meta_description is defined and this.meta_description != "" -%}
{{ this.meta_description }}
{%- else -%}
Werkkooperative der Technikfreundinnen eG
{%- endif -%}
{%- endblock -%}
{% block body %}
<section class="card_grid -no_pad">
{% set blog_posts = site.get('/blog').children.order_by('-pub_date').limit(3) %}
{% set episodes = site.get('/podcast').children.order_by('-pub_date').limit(3) %}
{% for post in blog_posts %}
<div class="card_grid__card">
<div class="card__header">
<h2 class="card__heading">{{ post.title }}</h2>
<div class="card__info">
<p class="card__credits"><img src="../images/pencil_square.svg" alt="geschrieben von">&ensp;{{ post.author }}</p>
<p class="card__date">{{ post.pub_date|dateformat('long') }}</p>
<div class="card__body">
<p>{{ post.meta_description }}</p>
<div class="card__link">
<p><a href="{{ post.path|url }}">Zum vollständigen Post …</a></a></p>
Ist ein wenige hässlich, aber ich habe keine Möglichkeit gefunden ohne Schleife
2023-05-21 11:28:21 +02:00
auf eine Episode zuzugreifen. Ziel war abwechselnd einen Blogpost und eine Episode
des Podcasts zu rendern.
{% set episodes = site.get('/podcast').children.order_by('-pub_date').offset(loop.index - 1).limit(1) %}
{% for episode in episodes %}
<div class="card_grid__card">
<div class="card__header card__header--podcast">
<h2 class="card__heading">{{ episode.title }}</h2>
<div class="card__info">
<p class="card__credits"><img src="../images/microphone.svg" alt="geschrieben von">&ensp;{{ episode.authors }}</p>
<p class="card__date">{{ episode.pub_date|dateformat('long') }}</p>
<div class="card__body">
2023-05-11 12:33:39 +02:00
<p>{{ episode.podcast_teaser }}</p>
<div class="pod_ctrl_box">
<audio controls class="pod_ctrl_box__audio_controls">
{% if episode.podcastogg -%}
<source src="{{ episode|url(alt='de')}}{{ episode.podcastogg }}" type="audio/ogg">
{%- endif %}
{% if episode.podcastmp3 -%}
<source src="{{ episode|url(alt='de') }}{{ episode.podcastmp3 }}" type="audio/mpeg">
{%- endif %}
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<div class="card__link">
<p><a href="{{ episode.path|url }}">Zur Episode mit Shownotes …</a></a></p>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}