diff --git a/content/contents+en.lr b/content/contents+en.lr index 04d7210..a0530d5 100644 --- a/content/contents+en.lr +++ b/content/contents+en.lr @@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ question: I am a freelancer, can I also work through you? ---- answer: Yes with pleasure! We are currently expanding our customer base, but you are also welcome to contact us if your customer wants an agency in between. Mostly this is the case with big players and that's where we come in. Our conditions are very fair and you make sure that internal projects can continue to run from the interest. #### flow_faq #### +question: I am a UG, GmbH, GmbH & Co. KG, etc. pp. Can I enter? +---- +answer: Yes, we now got Startup as a Service! Our office works very closely with our tax office (feel free to ask, the prices are public) and we can offer you everything from contract assistance to billing services and tax returns in one go at a reasonable price. +#### flow_faq #### question: I have a bright idea but no idea how/where to start. Can I implement the idea with you guys? ---- answer: Whether as a member or externally, you can pitch your idea to AG Business. Our experts there have decades of experience with all kinds of projects and plausibility checks and will also be able to give you tips if the project does not fit in with us in the end. diff --git a/content/mitglieder/contents+en.lr b/content/mitglieder/contents+en.lr index 9a601b7..651ce61 100644 --- a/content/mitglieder/contents+en.lr +++ b/content/mitglieder/contents+en.lr @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ title: Become a member --- body: +**ATTENTION: In 2024, the annual fee will increase once to 200 € instead of 100 €! This will come into force on 01.01.2024 with the resolution of the General Assembly on 09.12.2023.** + You can find a detailed step-by-step guide to the recording process here. If you follow it carefully, you will avoid unnecessary delays. Due to our geographical spread and the legal framework (the board of directors must personally sign the admissions), this process can take a few days or weeks. Please be patient with us. diff --git a/content/mitglieder/contents.lr b/content/mitglieder/contents.lr index 1dfbd1a..0d6b1fd 100644 --- a/content/mitglieder/contents.lr +++ b/content/mitglieder/contents.lr @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ title: Mitglied werden --- body: +**ACHTUNG! Im Jahr 2024 erhöht sich der Jahresbeitrag einmalig auf 200 € statt 100 €! Dies tritt mit dem Beschluss der Generalversammlung vom 09.12.2023 ab dem 01.01.2024 in Kraft.** + Eine genaue Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung über den Aufnahmeprozess findest Du hier. Wenn Du diese genau befolgst, vermeidest Du unnötige Verzögerungen. Durch unsere geografische Streuung und die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen (der Vorstand muss die Aufnahmen persönlich unterschreiben), kann sich dieser Prozess über ein paar Tage bzw. Wochen hinziehen. Bitte hab' etwas Geduld mit uns.