{% extends "header_slim.html" %} {% from "macros/services_cards.html" import render_services_card %} {%- block title -%}{{ this.title }}{%- endblock -%} {%- block meta_description -%} {%- if this.meta_description is defined and this.meta_description != "" -%} {{ this.meta_description }} {%- else -%} Werkkooperative der Technikfreundinnen eG {%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {% block body %}

{{ this.title }}

{% for card in this.section.blocks %} {{ render_services_card(card, loop.index) }} {% endfor %}


Logo of the Python programming language
Logo of the C++ programming language
Tux the penguin mascott of Linux
Logo of the JavaScript programming language
Logo of the PHP programming language
Logo of the C programming language
Logo of the Ansible project
Logo of the Postgres database
Logo of the Java programming language
Logo of the Rust programming language
Logo of CSS3
Logo of the Debian operating system
Logo of the MySQL database
Logo of the Vue.js framework
Logo of the LaTeX typesetting language
  • Agiles Projektmanagement
  • Barrierefreiheit
  • Operations
  • Software-Audits
  • Softwareentwicklung
  • Projektmanagement
  • User Experience
  • Übersetzung & Internationalisierung (i18n/l10n)
{% endblock %}