{% extends "header_slim.html" %}
{% from "macros/podcast.html" import render_blog_post %}
{% from "macros/pagination.html" import render_pagination %}

{%- block title -%}{{ this.title }}{%- endblock -%}
{%- block meta_description -%}
    {%- if this.meta_description is defined and this.meta_description != "" -%}
        {{ this.meta_description }}
    {%- else -%}
        Werkkooperative der Technikfreundinnen eG
    {%- endif -%}
{%- endblock -%}

{% block body %}
     Main body part for the podcast
        <div class="content__box">
            <div class="content__inner_box">
                <h1>{{ this.title }}</h1>
                <p>{{ this.description }}</p>

        <section class="content -odd -columns">
            <div class="content__box">
                <div class="content__inner_box">
                    {{ this.body }}
                    {% if this.enable or this.enable2 -%}
                        {% if this.enable -%}
                            <a href="{{ this.link|url }}">
                                {{ this.spruch }} <img class="content__rss_logo" src="{{ '/images/rss_logo.svg'|asseturl }}" alt="RSS Logo"></a>
                        {%- endif %}
                        {% if this.enable2 -%}
                            , &nbsp;
                            <a href="{{ this.link2|url }}">
                                {{ this.spruch2 }} <img class="content__rss_logo" src="{{ '/images/rss_logo.svg'|asseturl }}" alt="RSS Logo">
                        {%- endif %}
                    {% endif -%}

        {#-  Die Podcast Folgen werden aus dem blog template importiert :P -#}

        {% for blog_post in this.pagination.items %}
                {{ render_blog_post(blog_post, from_index=true) }}
        {% endfor %}
            {{ render_pagination(this.pagination, true) }}
{% endblock %}