
25 lines
774 B

import L from "leaflet";
import bfly from '../../assets/Logo_SIB_electricindigo.svg';
export const icon = new L.icon({
/*path to icon graphic*/
iconUrl: bfly,
/*path to graphic used for high resolution monitors*/
iconRetinaUrl: bfly,
popupAnchor: [-0, -0],
/*size of the icon in width and hight*/
iconSize: [32,32],
/*determine how the popup is positions relative to the actual point on the map*/
/*determine how the image is positions relative to the actual point on the map*/
iconAnchor: null,
/*path to shadow graphic*/
shadowUrl: null,
/*size of the shadow in width and hight*/
shadowSize: null,
/*determine how the mage is positions relative to the actual point on the map*/
shadowAnchor: null,
className: 'marker-msg'