# OTP setup for GOEVB * Download GTFS [data](goevb.gtfs.zip) from VBN * Download osm map data for lower saxony from [geofabrik](lower-saxony.osm.pbf.ln) * Get bounding box for GOEVB from https://boundingbox.klokantech.com/ * csv: 9.800175,51.489895,10.050114,51.600227 * Extract GOEVB map data from lower saxony map data using the tool `osmconvert` creating the [file](goevb.pbf) * `cd ~/goevb/otp/` * `osmconvert lower-saxony.osm.pbf.ln -b=9.800175,51.489895,10.050114,51.600227 --complete-ways -o=goevb.pbf` * The output file is called `goevb.pbf` * Build a street graph with OSM and elevation data only (ignoring transit input files) * `java -Xmx1G -jar otp.jar --buildStreet .` * The output file is called `streetGraph.obj` * Build a graph layering transit data on top of the saved street graph (built using the previous command) * `java -Xmx1G -jar otp.jar --loadStreet --save .` * The output file is called `graph.obj` * Finally, the server can be started using the --load parameter * java -Xmx1G -jar otp.jar --load .