# [Unit] # describe the service Description=rgncycle libulfius api # After=syslog.target # define details that the os requires to be able to start the service [Service] # specify the security details for the app to run User=rgncycle Group=rgncycle # simple: the app will run immediately without forking any other processes Type=simple # specify the entire command line to be used to execute the app ExecStart=/home/rgncycle/git/rgncycle-libulfius/http-get/main 65535 cfg-sib00_rgncycle.txt # define that the app has closed cleanly with exit status 143 when killed via SIGTERM SuccessExitStatus=143 # define the service home directory WorkingDirectory=/home/rgncycle/git/rgncycle-libulfius/http-get # restart the service after a failure Restart=on-failure RestartSec=10s # tell if the app is configured to start at boot time [Install] # WantedBy=multi-user.target