# Setup Chrome ## Update Debian * First, update your system to ensure all existing packages are up to date.\ ``` sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ``` ## Install Required Packages * To successfully install the browser, you will need to install the following packages; run this command if you are unsure; it will not harm your system.\ ``` sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget ca-certificates gnupg2 --no-install-recommends ``` * These are pretty generic dependencies that may be already installed. Run the command regardless if unsure, as many other installations will require these on your system. ## Install Google Chrome Browser ### Import Google Chrome GPG Key * The first step in installing Google Chrome is to import the GPG key for the digital signature; without this, your installation will not complete successfully.\ Import the GPG key, and use the following command. ``` sudo wget -O- https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/google-chrome.gpg ``` * Import Google Chrome Repository.\ Once the GPG import is complete, you will need to import the Google Chrome repository.\ ``` echo deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/google-chrome.gpg] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list ``` ### Install Google Chrome – Stable * The next step is to update the repository list using the apt update command to reflect the new additions to the apt sources list.\ ``` sudo apt update ``` * Next, install the Google Chrome stable edition, the recommended option for most users.\ ``` sudo apt install google-chrome-stable --no-install-recommends ``` ## How to Launch Google Chrome Browser * Now that you have installed Chrome, you can launch the application. You can type the following command in the terminal to launch Chrome:\ ``` google-chrome ``` ## How to Update/Upgrade Google Chrome Browser * Ideally, you should check for updates using the terminal often; sometimes, the GUI update notifications may update Google Chrome; run the APT update command in your terminal.\ ``` sudo apt update ``` * If one is available, use the upgrade option:\ ``` sudo apt upgrade ``` * Note this will update all packages (recommended), for example, to upgrade the Chrome package.\ ``` sudo apt upgrade google-chrome-stable ```