# Setup Cups Printing Service * get the latest version of installed packages and refresh the repo cache ``` sudo apt update ``` * install driver and cups from the official repository ``` sudo apt install printer-driver-all --no-install-recommends sudo apt install cups --no-install-recommends ``` * install firewall and update with cups web interface port ```631``` like [this](firewall.md) * enable cups access from network clients by editing ```/etc/cups/cupsd.conf``` ``` sudo vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf ``` * change the following values in ```sudo vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf``` ``` Listen :631 # Show shared printers on the local network. BrowseAddress All # Default authentication type, when authentication is required... DefaultAuthType Basic # Restrict access to the server... Allow All # Restrict access to the admin pages... Allow All # Restrict access to configuration files... Allow All ``` * add user to group ```ldamin``` ``` sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin ``` * restart cups service ``` sudo systemctl restart cups ``` * open in web browser on any client in the network * follow cups web interface to add network printer and share it with clients