# Create User with Postgres * create a database user called `user name` with password `key` ``` CREATE USER with encrypted password 'key'; ``` * create a `SUPERUSER` user called `user name` with password `key` ``` CREATE USER with SUPERUSER encrypted password 'key'; ``` * OPTION: gant user `user name` access to database `database name` ``` GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE TO ; ``` * OPTION: add all privileges for a `schema name` to a `user` ``` GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABALES ON SCHEMA TO ; ``` * OPTION: if `user name` already exist, pw can be changed this way ``` ALTER USER WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ''; ``` * OPTION: gant user `user name` access to database `postgres` so that this user is able to login without providing a database ``` sudo -u postgres psql -W GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE postgres to ; ``` * OPTION: gant user `user name` permission to create databases ``` sudo -u postgres psql -W ALTER USER CREATEDB; ``` * edit the pg_hba.conf file\ NOTE: Insert the postgresql database version that is running on the respective host ``` sudo cp /etc/postgresql//main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql//main/pg_hba.conf-backup sudo vi /etc/postgresql//main/pg_hba.conf ``` * in order to be able to run applications like e.g. Spring Boot with a local PostgreSQL installation, change the authentication method for the Unix domain socket and local connections to trust like this ``` # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all trust # IPv4 local connections: host all all trust ``` * restart PostgreSQL to enable the changes ``` systemctl status postgresql sudo systemctl restart postgresql systemctl status postgresql ```