{% extends "header_slim.html" %} {% from "macros/podcast.html" import render_blog_post %} {% from "macros/pagination.html" import render_pagination %} {%- block title -%}{{ this.title }}{%- endblock -%} {%- block meta_description -%} {%- if this.meta_description is defined and this.meta_description != "" -%} {{ this.meta_description }} {%- else -%} Werkkooperative der Technikfreundinnen eG {%- endif -%} {%- endblock -%} {% block body %} {# Main body part for the podcast #}

{{ this.title }}

{{ this.description }}
{{ this.body }} {% if this.enable or this.enable2 -%} {% if this.enable -%} {{ this.spruch }} {%- endif %} {% if this.enable2 -%} {{ this.spruch2 }} {%- endif %} {% endif -%}
{#- Die Podcast Folgen werden aus dem blog template importiert :P -#} {% for blog_post in this.pagination.items %} {{ render_blog_post(blog_post, from_index=true) }} {% endfor %}
{{ render_pagination(this.pagination, true) }}
{% endblock %}